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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 618x441, blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52634219 No.52634219 [Reply] [Original]

From the creator of the Internet.

>> No.52634301

why did you fuck it up so bad? MiTM attacks, BGB misconfigurations easily allow attacks to route the entire internet through one point and be collected. 0 encryption. Easy to spoof DNS and phish/log data. Amplification attacks. zone transfer misconfigurations, DoS fuck ups single packets take down everything. holy shit the whole tcp/ip stack is completely fucked. Have you seen the world today? There isn't a layer that isn't vulnerable and being exploited. Trillions of dollars in damages from hacks. The largest theft in human history being transfered over seas. We lost all our privacy because of you as well. Spying big govs and corportations. what a fucking mess. Of course you don't think we need block chain.

>> No.52634328


>> No.52634339

p2p exists without the needing of a useless token :)

>> No.52634355

A retard like you doesn't know that p2p built on dns and most main p2p services like torrent clients were al vuln to rebinding attacks =)

>> No.52634369

two passive aggressive smiles for the retard who doesn't know shit about how the internet works =) =) the nsa/all major gov have even better tools to hijack your nice p2p but i wont tell you them

>> No.52634370

what did you say about me you little bitch?

>> No.52634406

Wtf retarded format is this?

Do I disagree?

Is it like an alt form of ()?

Do I need a blockchain? (no)

>> No.52634415

Blockchain fixes none of that.

>> No.52634451

oh okay go ahead and mitm the bitcoin network retard. Go ahead and do dns rebind that changes the ledger. lets see it. Every fucking pajeet 3rd worlder that can run kali linux can mitm your laptop if your on the same wifi network by running a python tool but i'm sure the same pajeet can mitm the bitcoin network.
Do you even fucking understand what bitcoin is or why it's the only p2p that is even useful. How the fuck do you stupid zoomers even use 4chan? You all on the mobile app? Should fucking be banned from posting

>> No.52634463

do I need the internet?

>> No.52634508
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>> No.52634509

Are you trying to say bitcoin is an alternative to the internet? lmao not even other blockchains are, and never will be

>> No.52634546

no stupid zoomer. Bitcoin was patch built on top of the tcp/ip to finally make it fucking work in a semi sane way. It just so happen that the first use case is for banking. You know the thing where banks have to spend billions of dollars on cyber and physical security because of all the fucking problems? You know how many fucking sql injections are in FiServ software still to this day? I do because i've done code reviews for them. Do you know how many fucking people get phished every day because of fucking dns issues and the way web browsers interpret homoglpyhs? I do! Do you know how many billions banks have spend on blue fags watching their network logs form some third worlder who got access to a end users box to make sure they aren't MiTM the network traffic or looking for relay attacks from missing SMB signing? I could go on and on and. I just gave you issues from several layers of the OSI model from the application layer down.
bitcoin fixed those issues idiot. Pick up a book before you waste peoples time.

>> No.52634758

>retards and baggies believe that a "technology" (developed by pajeets) running on the internet will fix the internet
>many such cases are recorded in the archives of Business and Finance
The whole TCP/IP stack is what the entire modern world runs on. Meanwhile, your shitcoins are only used to fleece retards out of their shekels. Cope all you want with your smart contracterino oraclerino - none of your crypto snake-oil tech was ever needed. 13 years and still no use besides casino. Seethe and keep HODLing those bags, faggot.

>> No.52634780


>> No.52634807
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You need to take your meds.

>> No.52634853

>. It just so happen that the first use case is for banking.

its useless for banking, we need transactions to complete in seconds, not hours.

>> No.52634858

jesus christ you didn't even read my fucking post.
There is no sql injections in bitcoin protocol or clients. There is no owasp bullshit unlike your online banking app. You cannot mitm the bitcoin network in any real way unlike any banks internal computers. You cannot phish a bitcoin client or trick a user into sending money to the wrong address unlike when users login to their online banking website. You don't need billions of dollars of IT staff monitoring the networking for breaches unlike every bank has to have. You don't have thousands of IT staff trying to maintain the internal networks, secure it, tellers to interface with clients, etc FOR FUCK SAKE THEY STILL HAVE COBOL MAINFRAMES at banks.
GFTO my internets. Shoves your phones up your asses. Your to stupid for the internet. go back to sucking bitboy cryptos dick, collecting funko pops, and watching girls get blacked on tik tok.

>> No.52634863

>Cope all you want with your smart contracterino oraclerino

smart contracts are a concept invented by retards who have no idea that real business contracts are hundreds of pages long.

>> No.52634876

absolutely destroyed

>> No.52634888
File: 88 KB, 823x375, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man you seem too smart to be posting on this indoor shrimp farming frogposting mongolian yak milking forum

do you know how to make money from fuck prostitute?

>> No.52634900

Send money to Russia without a blockchain

>> No.52634909


>> No.52634922

Bruh you are probably arguing with a bit. I mean literally. I noticed a ton of these low quality bait posts and being more and more convinced by the frustrating and kind of nonsensical replies that it isn't human

>> No.52634924
File: 45 KB, 512x481, 20025AE6-20D9-4047-9067-C2AAC9C5272E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helo you seem smart, what coin should I buy?

>> No.52634932

yup fuck zoomer girls (or their big titty mommies) on only fans. Look up ewhoring on hack forums net

>> No.52634950
File: 591 KB, 600x906, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By god...

he's cracked the code...

>> No.52634966

or if you want less risk just buy the top five nonstable coins by marketcap percentage.
You might have to bag hold until the federal reserve starts stealing from everyone again though. Bitcoin was mostly meant to keep the central banks from misbehaving (satoshi didn't realize the bitcoin network will replace username and passwords soon though look up project ion lighting network Microsoft in google ) so while the banks raise rates and do quantitive tightening number go down. Until they start stealing from everyone again we are accumulating.

>> No.52635061

fpbp and /thread

>> No.52635395

Tell me, I'm curious.

>> No.52635473


Al Gore ?

>> No.52635568
File: 8 KB, 159x207, 55dx30n_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell us niggie

>> No.52635622

>useless for banking, we need transactions to complete in seconds

literally only credit (debt) does that even in (((modern banking)))

transferring an actual amount of money (millions of USD) from one bank to another actually takes days in (((modern online banking)))

>> No.52636000

not reading all these retarded posts
BTC is king and all of you can tongue my anus

>> No.52636032

Sir, this is a Wendy's dive thru

>> No.52636263

The World Wide Web Consortium are essentially the keepers of the internet. You can go on the W3C site and search blockchain and get a million results. You boomers deserve to get priced out.
Bonus: Ripple donated the base layer DLT patents to W3C back when it was still OpenCoin. This initiative was funded by Google, Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation, Accenture and MIT

>> No.52638324

>He's never even heard of ACH because he's a poor who's probably never moved around more than a thousand bucks before

>> No.52638353

OP btfo
Embarrassly stupid, peak midwit

>> No.52638360

Rare oldfag in the wild. Get your cameras zoom zooms.

>> No.52638363

OP got owned so hard he spontaneously combusted

>> No.52638395

Blockchain is good for forming a decentralized online ledger and solving the double spending problem
And basically nothing else

>> No.52638445


>> No.52639818

>decentralized internet on centralized infrastructure

you are the dumbest gorilla in the jungle

>> No.52640111

How does a blockchain help with any of that?

>> No.52640135

How come so many cryptocurrencies get hacked?

>> No.52640199

This fucked op so hard he died.

>> No.52640211

It doesn’t nigger.