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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 774 KB, 1024x780, project-blue-bonk-v0-g4xbwccg87w91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52632903 No.52632903 [Reply] [Original]

Buy dog bat

>> No.52632967
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>> No.52633092
File: 115 KB, 500x500, mastermeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D0b0 is dead. It lost 99% last year. Ppl will only invest in this as long as they dont know about pic related

>> No.52633128

i can understand peopel not selling. they lost everything holding. its not worth the effort. also sunken cost fallacy. and hope feels better than admiting getting rekt. but if you truly believe u will find new anons investing in that your beyond retarded. forget about your bags. see the light that is a new coin on the horizon. and we will taunt you till you exchange for B3

>> No.52633185

This. This. This. This. This. This. This

>> No.52633331

Hahaha look at that ugly ass meme op. Atleast your coin had that. Cool pictures. All smart guys have left the ship. Insanity Doge will be the last nail in your coffin. Pray they dont get to hire your old artists. Also where are you shills op? You remeber that d0b0 song. Its an old dead coin... in the garbagecan... topkek to all your bagies. You know why guys write d0b0 with 2 zeros now, dont you???

>> No.52633437
File: 54 KB, 220x185, toby-gif-dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that would have been quints id put everything in that new coin of yours. Even my rose and link. Sold my dogpissshit exactly a year ago though. Who would have thought youd be still holding my bags by now.... kekekekek
I have a meme for you op. Picrelated
You should be ashamed. But you still show face on 4chan everyday pisscoinshitters. Fuck off.

>> No.52633439

>24 Hour Trading Vol

no thanks....

I rather buy FLOKI, the #3 dog coin after Shib.

>24 Hour Trading Vol

>> No.52633444

And what, pray tell, is your first language my good sir?

>> No.52634094

Think German. Or french. Team is public and even posted hand in tg. Not jk

>> No.52634101

Already did, I'm waiting...500B

>> No.52634128

Dogbat will reach 1b at the minimum but more likely 30 to 50b

>> No.52634134

If you wait another year it will be down another 99% like last year. If thats even possible. There are ppl who wont sell. Its not worth the meager bnb fees even. Can you imagine that? 1000$ becomes 10. How much did you pay for 500b?? A year ago 8b was like 700$ i think
Sell as long as you can. B3 is the future for all of us bagies. We got fucked by this team. And they all left the project

>> No.52634145
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 1639095760405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin is so good. I could die for this coin. I love dog bat.

>> No.52634147

Buy the top. Stay poor. You never learn. BACK INTO THE CAGIE WAGIE. Try something better with your next salary

>> No.52634163

You will never be happy you demoralized losers.

>> No.52634168


In 2 months D0B0 will still be around and your coin will be dead. You know this. I know this. We all know this.

>> No.52634184

You tried with Zha0, then call of ch33ms, now this bs. Ghostberg and wen moon classic ruggers


>> No.52634199

pls old bat doggoo devs come back the community cant do jack shit...

>> No.52634248

Your money already died for it. Don't work, youl starve soon. I will eat some cavier in your memory living for my B3

>> No.52634262

*Don't worry

>> No.52634277

I'm tempted to look how much 500b is today. I would laugh myself full of piss

>> No.52634337

I bought this in October last year and still haven't sold
I'm actually surprised market cap is still that high even after the shitstorm that has been these last eleven months

>> No.52634584


His coin is already dead lmao

>> No.52634586

84 iq take

>> No.52634649
File: 152 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20221127-150635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post your chart

>> No.52634657


This. People say "D0B0 fell a ton since last year!", but so did most other "serious" coins like Solana, ICP and everything else.

D0B0 STILL has a multi million dollar marketcap after a year of bear market. Every single other /biz/ shitcoin is dead. Remember GOHO? Even this new Insanity Dog thing will die in a couple of weeks and we all know it.

>> No.52634659

You will never be rich you pissbatbagie

>> No.52634665


>marketcap: $6,000

>> No.52634915

Is insanity doge the next doggybat parasite to be forgotten about in a week, while doggybat immortally trudges forth in the bear market. You guys remember H1nu, you guys remember Ch33ms? You guys remember mithril, you guys remember call of duty faggot copycat? How about fucking V1nu or whatever it was called. fucking gooseb0nk or whatever the fuck. Fucking cat b0nk?? Lmfaoo how about that fucking polish wojakb0nk or whatever the flying fuck, lmfaooo.. that's your coin in like one week.

>> No.52634939

Did somebody check the contact?
Or does anybody have the address for that matter?

>> No.52634967

If digits dog bat reaches 50bil.

>> No.52634977
File: 50 KB, 798x960, 1652363458214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They just never learn, dogbat is the one true coin. All copycats will seethe and cope before their painful demise.

>> No.52634976

Your mcap is just demoralised folks who forgott about their dogshit ages ago. They cant stomach open their wallets and see them beautiful dolarinos gone. Youve got hit on the head to many times with that stupid bat.
Insanity Doge is brand new. They didnt even start marketing yet. They will show you how its done:P

>> No.52634987

is this the retard devs newest shitcoin?
zhaog is probably still sub 30k mcap KEK

>> No.52634993

Yes. Its legit. Adress is on their webpage

>> No.52634994


But you've already begun your "marketing" and it's not going well. Give up and accept dogbonk into your heart and soul.

>> No.52635000

>Buy dog bat

I did, 100B reporting in. Ready for the next bull run, fren. Wagmi.

>> No.52635009

Call insanity-doge.com a copycat of d0b0 one more time bagie... i dare you

>> No.52635025

D0B0 already broke my heart so long ago its not even a rostie anymore. Its a grannie. I just wait for her to die so i can forgett her 4ever

>> No.52635039


>> No.52635045
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>> No.52635050

Your trips show the amount of zeros added till the bullrun. 99.9% percent next year instead of just 99. Dubs will show

>> No.52635070
File: 116 KB, 575x404, 5343543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Insanity Doge is brand new. They didnt even start marketing yet.

You did start your marketing already. And look how well you're doing!

>> No.52635078
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>> No.52635103
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>insanity doge is brand new

>> No.52635114
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wuff wuff <3

>> No.52635115
File: 114 KB, 500x500, insertxcoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gona see this image many times before you finally drop your dead coin. Your devs left. With your money. Your coin is dea. Get over it baggie. Your just an old joke now

>> No.52635141


Hows the weather in Mumbai this time of year my friend?

>> No.52635167
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>> No.52635177
File: 367 KB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20221127_172828_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52635282


And D0B0 still has a marketcap 750 times larger than your shitcoin. Sorry.

>> No.52635441

Soon to be flipped around - screencap this

>> No.52635457

Ask your devs. All the money they stole from you still wasnt enough to retire in the bahamas. They charge a 100 bucks not to list tokens on their dead website. Thats how desperate they are. Bet they have a cooke habit or something. Maybe they like to fuck boys and are to ugly not to pay a fortune for that

>> No.52635472

Much better indeed

>> No.52635504

Floki is so bad it got crypto advertising banned in multiple cities

>> No.52635526

dude its like almost nothing for it to go up. going up 4x could be done in half a day if people just let it grow naturally.

>> No.52635541

the worst were the goose coins

>> No.52635553

someone trashing shit coins is going off to create another shitcoin, abeit a clone of a legit shit coin. whats your white paper foo

>> No.52635554

oh wow! increasingly blatant jeet scams shilling in d0b0 threads! some things really do never change kek.

>> No.52635555

But i see it going down. It rugged, forgot that maybe? The king is dead, long live Insanity Doge

>> No.52635557

Don't forget sh*bonk or 'the coin that died'

>> No.52635590

there's fucktons more like stonks or all the chad something clones kek boomercoin too kek.

>> No.52635611

Checked HARD! 53 54 AND THEN BOOM!!! Fate is no longer on D0B0s side. Topkek you baggies. Time for the funeral. Send your shitdogbags to 0x00000000000000000dead

>> No.52635619

Checked. Muahahahahaha

>> No.52635636

To retarded to read? Go on the fucking website, baggiiieee

>> No.52635637
File: 32 KB, 682x538, floki-inu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FLOKI outperforming your dead jeet coin once again.
FLOKI is the true next Shib, accept it you dirty jeets

>> No.52635647

It'll go the same way as the HarryPotter0bama5onicWhatever token. I'd also add Unv4xxedSp3rm, Ch4ng Zha0, Call of Ch33ms, CatB0nk, etc. Insanity Doge will end the same way they all do. Any BSC token holding a 1 milly marketcap or more in a bear market isn't going anywhere though I'd bet.

>> No.52635653

If shitposting on 4chan is marketing then why are you doing so badly? Your down.ALL OFF YOU. up to 99%. Get over that stupid dead pisscoin FINALLY. YOUR LOSING MORE MONEY EVERY DAY

>> No.52635694

Shitcoinbaggies like you cant understand. Insanity Doge isnt going anywhere. Look how it is made. It will never go down. Thats the cool part. No d0b0 0.000000000001 worthles trashtoken. You got rekt. And know you think all coins are like that dirt you lost you money on. But it isnt. B3

>> No.52635712
File: 86 KB, 938x1024, ph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great, I'm gay now

>> No.52635743

Alright m8. Lets check back in the New Year and Ctrl+F 'Insanity Doge' on the board catalog. I bet if I repeat that for five days on the trot I'll be getting a damning '0 results' each time. Or you can post your hand before then and we'll settle the score the old-fashioned way.

>> No.52635827

>Or you can post your hand before then and we'll settle the score the old-fashioned way.
Devs posted hand on telegram. Plus they are on LinkedIn. You failed on this one. And on new years eve you'll seeth, HARD

>> No.52635937

This is a D0bO thread. Dumbfucks.

>> No.52636013

Id rather send my bnb to zero adress. No jk. Would not want those damn scammerdevs getting money. Such fck assholes. Cant believe anons stil walk into that trap. Insanity Doge is cool, btw, buy this

>> No.52636016

i think that was aussie devs, always used "mate" and "cunt" to shill the token
i didnt mind it initially, but them shilling throughout the summer was really cringe

>> No.52636051


>> No.52636512

thanks to whoever is shilling this one so hard
i threw another $1k at this a few days ago and i think im done accumulating (hold ~ 0.1% of the total supply including burned)
No need to be more than 1/1000th of a coin after that move on to diversify to the others.
oh and selling 10% at $1 billion MC not a single dog bat before
after that I will ladder out

>> No.52636526


Brown id, go away pajeet. Dogbat is forever.

>> No.52636570
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I buy

>> No.52636710
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Reflections and burns makes this a very high IQ move.

Insanity doge is so try hard and scamy it might just be a signal that crypto bottom is almost in

>> No.52636779
File: 1.57 MB, 2782x1716, Screen Shot 2022-11-24 at 4.09.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The contract is scammy as hell, it's beyond obvious rugpull. devs can change pretty much anything and the only reason it got 3bnb in its LP is because they shuffled it in and out without the taxes.

I mean, I haven't seen a more scammy coin in a while. even CINU i'd trust more and that means something.

>> No.52636879

I only called your mum a cunt, mate. Buy B3 now-》insanity-doge.com

>> No.52636883

i cant buy even with 20% slippage lol

nice coin you got there

>> No.52636930

>devs can change pretty much anything
They cant change zero bc ownership is anounced. Also you could put as many bnbs into the lp right from the beginning. Just shup up if you have no clue. Since your a retard holding d0b0 it doenst suprise me though how damn stupid you are. Your coin is a scam. Your devs run off. And you cant even realize that this coin is dead. It lost more then 99% of its value. Its dead. And that value is no in the hands of the devs. GET OVER IT!!!

>> No.52636949
File: 98 KB, 742x696, Screen Shot 2022-11-24 at 4.07.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol their liquidity is fucked up beyond repair.

>> No.52636950

It has a 30% tax that is payed out 100% to the holders. Supplywallets dont get dividends. Set slipage on 49%. Enable expertmode. You can read about all of this on insanity-doge dot com

>> No.52636974

That pic is from developmentphase. Check the page now.. you guys... i realy dont wonder how they rekt you so hard those asshole d0b0devs

>> No.52636979

just bought more d0bo thanks guys

>> No.52636989
File: 317 KB, 888x499, batrtd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao he mad ppl see through their obvious bs

I know you, you got into doebnk main and tried to use something our community member made for thye coin AS FUD for d0bo. The desperation is lovely, keep it up.

>> No.52637004

Damn this jeet is going nuclear lmao


You're gonna make it, friend

>> No.52637008

This thing will pump so hard in the next bullrun.

>> No.52637024

>30% tax

holy fuck.

>> No.52637038


im curious to see how it goes

d0gbat shit had its run so i need a new bnb moon shot

hope this will work out

>> No.52637062

It's the feature. It's paid out in bnb. It will make the coin rise 4ever bc it is more profitable to hold than to sell. Imagine you would hold d0b0 from the top down to where it is now and you would have earned more than if you would have sold exactly at the top;)

>> No.52637080
File: 107 KB, 734x884, butthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the samefagging is so sad to see.

They cant even sell their coin in a positive light, the more you learn the worse it gets. Thats why the obvious leech narrative, to get attention elsewhere. You think this is our first time?

>> No.52637091

Fuck off, there is like 30 d0b0 killer coins at this point and they are all forgotten. You won't be different, this is just boring at this point.

>> No.52637097

holy shit its even more retarded than at first glance

>> No.52637103

Couldn't agree more. Very solid analysis. The fact< is everyone should start investing in cryptocurrency to make some decent steady income next bullrun. For me it's dog with bat and insanity dog and xrp and thanks to those investments I earn a steady $64.000 every 2 weeks!

>> No.52637114

I'm not mad, I explain what this is about since anons here are sceptical.
Explain how a doxed team in a first world country is allowed to scam ppl? You can call the cops as soon as they rug. They wont, you'll see. But then you missed out on lots of gains

>> No.52637121
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, b0nk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right? lmao. why do you think they ev8en try to aim their shots at do8o? plz continue

>> No.52637147

even the bitdao spammer is more tolerable than these literally retarded insanity doge shitters

and that's saying something

dogbat supremacy, all others will fade as always

>> No.52637157

legit first time hearing about the project lol

but dog with bat is kill

it faded already

now its just desperate jeets bagholding

nah the next dog coin for the bullrun in 5 years doesnt exist yet

>> No.52637187
File: 163 KB, 843x1280, 1653192497027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every copycat we kill only makes dogbat stronger and stronger.


You are so brown that it hurts.

>> No.52637206

Leech narative? Your the one defending guys who walked away with millions of your money. Why do you think d0b0 is worthless now? Why have all the devs disapired? Its not leeching if your coin is dying. Get out and it will save you money. This canot work out as it is. YOU are scamming anons when you promote d0b0. Thats a fact. Bc you are shilling a scamcoin that rugged on all of you. Keep the bnb if you dont trust insanity doge. Thats fine. But dont put shit on ppl who see value in it

>> No.52637233
File: 78 KB, 720x1280, d08011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wallet distribution is getting even better than last run, and we burned as much as the top 5 combined so far and reflected about the same.

Dobnk is in better position to moon next run than it was october 2021, and it will only get in better and better ones as we keep burning.

>> No.52637236

You must be very new if you think what you are doing is somehow new and hasn't already been tried with many coins lmao

>> No.52637244


Dogbat didn't rug, you don't even know what that term means.

>> No.52637245

lmao meme saved

>> No.52637252

your coin is called insanity doge

>> No.52637318

Insanity-doge dot com
I am a baggie, but I am excited to be on the ground floor of this. It will be cool if it pumps in an insane manner…possible.

>> No.52637325

Not bc we need to kill that dogshit. But bc its nearly dead. What do you think sinking prices mean? It means ppl walking away from d0b0. And these ppl need a better home for their bnb where the wont lose 99% of its value in a year. Your desperate. A tiny little swarm that is determined to die for the project. Lets see if insanity dog can reach your mcap before it is cut in half.. getting rugged is something no coin can survive. Sry to break it to you. It just dies slowly bc your holding strong and are loyal. Its still dying, im sry

>> No.52637339

you think im evenreading that obvious emotinal rant by now? you had your shot kiddo

>> No.52637350


>And these ppl need a better home for their bnb where the wont lose 99% of its value in a year.

With Insanity Dog, they can lose 100% of its value in a week!

>> No.52637353
File: 397 KB, 1440x900, Insanity_Doge_yellow_mirrored_highres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge is not D0b0s name. You stole that first. And insanity comes from the meme insanity wolf

>> No.52637357
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>dogbat thread gets over 100 replies in this state of the board

yup im buying back in

>> No.52637356

can you try to make it less obvious at least? trying to help here

>> No.52637392
File: 14 KB, 500x350, 1659701006285101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good on you, lad

>> No.52637402

Everyone just loves the coin. There is something about dogbat that makes people want it. When the bullrun happens, dogbats natural attractiviness will make it pump unbeliavibly.

>> No.52637409
File: 56 KB, 1000x570, giantblankey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAH. All these shitcoins rugpulls trying to come at the king always end up just reinforcing it. But they never learn, because they're so sour.

If any of the buys we got today got into their coin they would have 20Xed at least by now.

But they didn't.

>> No.52637413

Rug means devs abandoning the project and going away with money that was in it. Happend. Fact
You are down 99%. Ninetynine percent! Cant you get that in your brain?

>> No.52637430

Thats what the defs though wenn they ran away with your cash

>> No.52637434

It's meme magic I tell you

Even our biggest fud was from do8o maxis memeing, our competition can't even come close to it. XD

>> No.52637444

Half of it is insanity doge)

>> No.52637447

Why is dog bat pumping so hard! I haven't bought yet I don't want to miss out!

>> No.52637460

look at the quality of your argument capabilities and ask yourself if that reflects well on your coin as a dev. Seriously, trying to help here.

>> No.52637472


That's not what a rug means. A rugpull is when a development team suddenly abandons a project and removes all its liquidity.

>> No.52637475

trying to fud do8o like they all tried before dying off because do8o is king

>> No.52637476
File: 138 KB, 1191x1536, 788f86a839029e3f-1191x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These trips are enough. Im leaving it for today

>> No.52637482

Are you being ironic?

>> No.52637493

Yeah of course) sry
Thx for helping out!

>> No.52637498

you forgot to change your IP bro.

>> No.52637526


No it didn't lol, Dog with bat's liquidity pool is millions of dollars, the devs didn't drain it.

>> No.52637532

Can't even generate interest in your own token without uttering the name of the slumbering giant that is d0b0. Insanity dog holders ngmi.

>> No.52637563


Insanity doge "holders?" I think you mean just holder lmao. This is the worst dogbat clone yet, so shameful.

>> No.52637580

Stonks was pretty bad back in the day.

>> No.52637654

I don't know anon, the only assets I see doing well are the ones with utility and long term potential. I have eyes on a few in web3 like Fil, Sylo and Ar for their focus on data decentralization.

>> No.52637679
File: 53 KB, 500x656, aquireb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"HeY GuYs I gOt An OrIgINaL aNd GeNiUS IdEa WhY dOnT wE tRy tO fuD D0b0 tO mArKeT oUR New cOIN"

At this point this should be a telltale redflag of any memecoin by the amount of devs who tried just that. It's not only devoid of creativity, it also doesnt work.

>> No.52637787

who the fuck asked you jeet? kys with ur dirty shill

>> No.52637793

couldn't drain it
dumping is a rug
where are all those millions if you fanboys never sell?

>> No.52637812

>doesnt work
coin loses 99 percent of it's value

>> No.52637811
File: 148 KB, 1052x739, 1650238562019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i buy dog and bat

>> No.52637859

>Can't even generate interest in your own token without uttering the name of the slumbering giant that is d0b0
cant even name its own token without insanity doge inventing a new name bc spamming scamms in /biz isnt allowed
writen with 2 0s bc it lost all its value
your welcome for that
keep the term if you like

>> No.52637891

>"HeY GuYs I gOt An OrIgINaL aNd GeNiUS IdEa WhY dOnT wE tRy tO fuD D0b0 tO mArKeT oUR New cOIN"
why not go for the easy prey
obvious choice. also it generates sympathy cause everybody hates you tarded bagholders
your super buthurt. funny to troll you btw

>> No.52637895
File: 205 KB, 1280x1024, amry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I will take the bait this time.

Its a lowcap memecoin in a bear in a reccession , you idiot. You're trying to shill a similar product but you either pry of people who don't know any better or you don't even understand the market you are in.

I guess by that same logic BTC got rugged as well, 75% off of a trillion dollar mc.

>> No.52637910

>11 posts by this id
Shouldn't you be scrubbing human shit off the taj mahal at this hour?

>> No.52637917

everybody knows FloorsMorrisson got mad he lost on a multimillion sell with his 30T wallet and is a mod here. Its exactly the timing when it started happening.

What has you coin even got as a badge of honor?

>> No.52637937

>easy pray
your coin went down since I started talking with you, keep being delusional

>> No.52637963

The Floors thing is dumb because him selling his stack was the final obstacle to d0bo passing tokensniffer iirc so if he held it might not have soared in the first place

>> No.52637976
File: 502 KB, 1651x2048, 1669241390289839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he shouldn't have sold his ENTIRE stack
What a fuckin dribbling retard lmao

>> No.52638035

No. Bc satoshy didnt sell.
and btc would be 500-600$ if the same happend. also there is a huge diff between dexpool prices and open markets. you dont have a clue or want to shill just to shill and dont care about whats real

>> No.52638046
File: 48 KB, 648x1080, 6365b81cbc4f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super good show of your pathetic collapse
Any comments on that?

>> No.52638061

You should have sold your entire stack a year ago. Dont be jelly your still bagholding. Its your fault

>> No.52638069


I think it's funny that every whale that has sold their D0B0 to FOMO into other tokens has got absolutely rekt. No faith. They're probably going to rope when it reaches a new ATH. So many people waiting to buy in one dogcoin season and the BSC casino starts back up again. There have already been two mini pumps over the last few months at even the slightest hint that the bear market is over and altcoins are about to pump again.

>> No.52638104

even if this fairytale would bc true.. would still have been better to sell al and buy back now. 1000x times better to be precise. Keep dreaming. >New ATH

>> No.52638120

I know this too

>> No.52638127

Assmad over a doggycoin, seethe harder

>> No.52638264
File: 1.99 MB, 200x243, 1655981316847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy some Dog Bat Bags but I'm on coinbase. How do I get my bags going?

>> No.52638283

buy doge coin
transfer to trust wallet
go on changnelly
convert doge to bnb
convert bnb to doge-bonk

in 5 months normies will be buying on cuckbase

>> No.52638382

>And then, just like that, ppl all overvthe world hated us. Its pathological
Reminds me of something..

>> No.52638405

>What has you coin even got as a badge of honor?
Our CEO was in prison cause he threatend an antifafaggot on the open street with a gun
Hes legend. Not just bc of that story

>> No.52638441
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if you look at the daily for d0bo it's behaving like it did in august and october, which is fucking ridiculous considering the state of BTC and the market in general
people believe in this token
its magical

>> No.52638446
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pic rel

>> No.52638497

You need a wallet app, I suggest Trustwallet.
Put coins on it, change it for do8o on pancakeswap. You need to connect your wallet to it and You need to manually enter the contract. Seems alien at first, but you can do it. That hurddle will stop a lot of people at first, so use that to your advantage before it gets easier and people wise up.

>> No.52638514

Oh I forgot, you can easily buy with a credit card on changenow.io

>> No.52638526

That's actually what some smart people have been doing. Or they sold in novemebr and say that they are still monitoring the coin in case it starts pumping again.

>> No.52638593

Sold around christmas, got back in in august. There's nobody else I'd rather be, all the other communities feel fake and jeety.

And I know for a fact that other old whales got back in too, it was my buy signal

>> No.52638638

He meant those tribes who fck ppl over and then think it's others fault their hated. Know what I mean?

>> No.52638661
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Except we went parabolic after he sold, and that's why he hates us?

>> No.52638678

dude would have had about 20 millions at the top

>> No.52638709

Never heard this before but it's an interesting take.

>> No.52638768
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Yeah, its true.

The more we shed whales, the better it is. Turns out we shed about 25T worth of whales last 2 months. And we hold very well doing so, while market are rough. People are slurping and the do8o/bnb/btc is getting better.

>> No.52638967

Damn that's some nice distribution.

>> No.52640061
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>> No.52640507
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>> No.52640586

At some point you must realize that these projects entirely consist of retards trying to front run normies, even though not a single normie will ever even hear about this trash

>> No.52640588

Your mum did nimrod, while I was fisting her wrangly cunt

>> No.52641683

lol it changed my life and only 10k people bought at the time.

>> No.52642754

>over 100 replies
Its the insanity doge shitters, this thread is unreadable

>> No.52642793

I missed out on the chaos last year and bought a little over 100B stack last week what am I in for?

>> No.52642799

Back to bed, son. Me and you momma gonna pumpa

>> No.52642874

>not a single normie will ever even hear about this tras
D0B0 mcap peak coincided with most activity on its subreddit. FFS, just do your research.

>> No.52644705

Financial freedog

>> No.52645507

I get the same feeling thinking about d0bo that I did in the run up to the 2016 election
Just this mischievous excitement knowing that we are going to spend at least 4 years laughing in the faces of those who doubted us

>> No.52645546

>Bullrun starts
>Dog bat starts going up thanks to BNB alone
>Crypto sites report the number going up
>More and more people start aping in because of the green lines
>More and more outlets report on the number going even more up
>Normies hear about it

It's that simple. Not to mention things like subreddit that distribute it to normies even more.

>> No.52645575

i have some shitcoins in my metamask i'd like to swap. what do i have to set slippage at?

>> No.52645587

12% I think?
Or you could try lower and just replace all but the first 3 digits with 0's
I think I got away with 5%

>> No.52645822

Works with 0.5% just change the last digit for a 1

>> No.52646044

You can just tell that the Jannie who normally deletes these threads has bought back in. This never would have gotten past 50 replies a month or two ago.

>> No.52646072
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>Whales running away with our money as soon as it pumps is good

>> No.52646082
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>> No.52646093

A year of crabing and slow decline

>> No.52646169
File: 78 KB, 1080x1326, 97531277_2642353452751032_1144544750716583936_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way I do it:
LTC or some other low fee coin -> FixedFloat -> BNB to my MetaMask wallet setup with BNB support -> Doggyboinkies on P00coin (0->o) (confirm contract is 0xae2d...6ed8)

>> No.52646307

Don't kill yourself for this shit. Focus on better solid gaming project. I'm waiting till 2023 Q2 when good gaming projects like gstar will launch.

>> No.52646330

I already have Dogbat, but sure, I’ll buy more

>> No.52646490

Obvious jeet tier shilling d0bobaggies. I thought you guys were better than this.

>> No.52646525
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Yeah we should all go in insanity doge or whatever instead, am I right, fellow bonkyim?

>> No.52646699

>devs left
>greatest mememakers left
>all that's left are retards that steal memes and just plast bat dog into the image
Shib is trying to have utility every day
Dogbat is whales trying to pump and dump each other
Call me when this project has utility

>> No.52647239

Not buying this shit, will rather stack more prifi assets

>> No.52647924

Potential buyer here.
Can someone answer this.
Who owns the project and what work is being done on it currently?
I keep seeing people saying the devs abandoned it. If that’s the case why do you think it will pump?

>> No.52647953

buy an ad pajeets

>> No.52647958

read this >>52634168, think shortly and draw your conclusion.

>> No.52647997

>I thought you guys were better than this.
look at every post ITT, they are all 3rd worlders in a TG group.

>> No.52648021

>trying to make an argument
>uses intrarelative graph
m8... i cannot not even

>> No.52648171

They don't think, they hope. They are stuck with worthless coins they hope to dump on u

>> No.52648189

Nobody can help you. You have to see the cult for a scam yourself

>> No.52648204

good morning sirs...

>> No.52648213

does someone have the unedited version of this? I need it

>> No.52648214
File: 121 KB, 588x600, whatthefuckjannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some fucking reason the schizo spam system thinks my post is a spam so i just took a pic of my answer to your post

>> No.52648254
File: 468 KB, 1153x561, 22aa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gawd dang dog bat thread with 200+ bumps holy jebezuz dog bat is literally the only coin keeping biz alive

>> No.52648266
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>> No.52648283
File: 270 KB, 510x570, 1669640287760077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the most obvious pajeet scam I have seen on /biz/ this year.

>> No.52648300

Here's the post i'm referring to in my pic >>52645546

Also the coins liquity is really good thanks to it having been around for so long and experiencing both a bull and a bear market.

>> No.52648350

fucking kike jannies been pushing this stupid fucking scam for a year, but nobody else can shill anything... thanks for ruining /biz/ you disgusting hook nosed goblins.

>> No.52648371

>rugpull shillers are what made biz good

Kek your type should stay away.

>> No.52648434
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that right, there is only one

>> No.52648502
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even pancakeswap has blessed our token

>> No.52648919

Nobody owns it, the contract is renounced. The supposed "dev team" are in reality just community members. You can step up too. People make stuff like MemeTools, meme generators, autistic stunt where we sent a high altitude balloon into space with a hardware wallet, etc.
That's a good thing BTW because it eliminates the means to rug or any such bullshit. For example the contract is the copy of SafeMoon (the original one before migration shit) but SafeMoon is not renounced and it later turned out devs had back doors to the contract and were stealing money and it crashed.
It will pump because it's just a funny adaptable meme already seeded in normie minds. The coin has resilient cult presence despite the brutal market. The coin gets pajeet copycat scam all the time. The discourse around it and its chart is extremely reminiscent of early SHIB. Except this coin has actual memes and an actual gimmick.
This coin has a gimmick that normies are not very familiar with and will find interesting. Each transfer incurs 10% tax, 5% of which goes to the liquidity pool (which is extremely large for our marketcap) and 5% of which is distributed to all wallets as reflections. The biggest wallet happens to be the null wallet which receives reflections like anyone else, so there is a pretty solid burning too.
Furthermore, this coin is on BSC which is new to normies too. Binance is only getting bigger and they're going to want their own SHIB. BSC's low fees means small buyers can get into it easier.

>> No.52648961

Thanks for answering.
So the official website is owned by a community member? Someone has to be paying for the hosting and domain. What about TG channel? Other socials?

>> No.52649037

hosting is 10$ a month, tg and twitter verified

>> No.52649117

What I meant is there’s still some authority figures in the coin.
Anyway I figured buying stupid shit like this is a better bet than buying “serious” projects. Last bullrun completely blackpilled me.

>> No.52649151

right? ppl say memecoins have no utility, meanwhile dog bat literally follow the same bear market loss but the bull market gains are x1000 compared to 'serious' projects

>> No.52649267
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>> No.52649398
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>> No.52649758

Dogbat is chosen. If you don’t understand I don’t have time to explain. You deserve poverty.

>> No.52650463

dogbat already did like a 500x in the last bull run and it just kept going higher and higher until btc started it's great bear market dump. Indeed memecoins pump like crazy in bear markets.

>> No.52650520

*bull markets

>> No.52650542

It kept going higher and higher until one turd worlder made more money than he had ever known of and sold. That quickly led to people selling. Only dumb baggies remain.

>> No.52650633
File: 1.73 MB, 900x1200, 166898602092133806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woof woof motherfucker

>> No.52650966

>the dev team is just community members
>you can step up too!
>just make memes!
jesus christ you’re either legitimately retarded or you’re one of those Indian scammers who deliberately uses low quality bait to capture people gullible enough to read this and go “wow what a steal better give this fine gentleman google play gift cards to settle my debt with NASA”

>> No.52651687
File: 261 KB, 640x480, 1669624966667709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah enjoy your "serious" "tech" "usecase" VC pump and dump "projects" with premines, airdrops, and ICOs, pushed by companies, foundations, "teams", and CEOs. All to be out-pumped 100x by a dog coin during the bull run. You're not an insider to these no matter how much you cope and simp for the "team". But bro, look at that whitepaper and roadmap full of buzzwords. They're promising the world (just like all the other "projects") (full of bullshit that won't work and nobody asked for it in the first place)! "Y-yes I definitely understand how it supposed to all work out, s-shut up!"

Do you feel confident here? Do you feel in charge?

>> No.52651755
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Those bagholders wont even learn from dubs. Its hopeless. They NGMI

>> No.52651805
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00 for a 0,0 coin
Loose more, stupid

>> No.52651861

checked fren, bye bye, not buy buy to this stupid community

>> No.52652002
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lmao 100% they are street shitters

>> No.52652060
File: 144 KB, 618x597, E1E3F392-F492-498F-B10D-AE12DBC99F65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe that some people still unironically buy this shit
these are coins that have zero utility and no backing whatsoever other than a retarded community

why the fuck buy this shit when there are coins like ETH with actual utility and projects like BitDAO that have billions of dollars worth in backing?

>> No.52653069

I'm slurping up ETH and a few cosmos gems like JUNO, LOOP, and KAVA. Only a retard will ignore this kind of gems for memes at this bear market.

>> No.52653118

If they were smart enough, they would have seen the exit pump. Smart money dumped at the top and moved their profits away from exchanges. I stashed my profits on Kraken and Loop DEX for passive income.