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52631466 No.52631466 [Reply] [Original]

Really, how hard would it be to convince Muslims to become Christians?
The populations in Muslims countries are so much more destitute than in Christian countries, and so it seems to me that well articulated points would make total mince meat out of Islam.

Take a Europe vs Middle East quality of life comparison chart & re-label it as a Christian nation vs Muslim nation one.
And then go "now which society would you want to live in?"
The muslim would go "I'm listening..."
Wherein you layout the points for why a Christian nation indeed makes for a better nation


>> No.52631489

You would have to appeal to the ancient Jewish bloodlines that own Islam
I think it’s black nobility families like palavincini or something
Santos Bonacci talks about this stuff
Religions are like businesses with clear owners for those at the the top of the pyramid

>> No.52631799

Muslim image of Christianity has been eternally poisoned by Bush-era zogbot necon cowboy protestantism. This is not to say it won't work, but you have to offer them green cards first otherwise they'll think your trying to bomb their families again.

>> No.52631815

Muhammad had red hair and white skin
The queen of England traced her lineage back to him and said they’re related

>> No.52631853

What does this have to do with converting them? Muslims see Christians as smug obnoxious smartasses and distance themselves when they get too comfy proselytizing.

>> No.52631868

I'd rather convert to Judaism than to your extreme degenerate paganist version of Christianity. Even the "bible" you're believing in is fake, it's just a collection of memoirs from literally whos.

>> No.52633140

Impossible. The Trinity is incoherent and irreconcilable with any approximation of true metaphysics.

Even from a mundane point of view, they won’t accept it.

>> No.52633154

>now which society would you want to live in
How about they live in YOUR society but still follow their rules. What are you gonna do about it? That's right, now your other cheek, and your wives other cheek

>> No.52633223

muzzie cope

>> No.52633248

>Take a Europe vs Middle East quality of life comparison chart & re-label it as a Christian nation vs Muslim nation one.
Most Christians live in Africa though

>> No.52633250
File: 73 KB, 1200x630, tumblr_28ebd03a73d793e81c5f23fae1fa8d20_4f1bd591_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off christshit

>> No.52633267

I'm pretty sure it's more about accepting gays, abortions and equality than semantics on what kind of ghost exactly your book refers to

>> No.52633276

>gays, abortions and equality
there's no non-religious arguments against those

>> No.52633773

>we just want rights, it’s not like we’re going to come to your kids’ schools or your churches pushing our beliefs
>10 years later

>> No.52635254
File: 230 KB, 321x407, Pope cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Christianity stand for nothing anymore.


>> No.52635292
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Lmao it is working in the other direction. Christians realize that their faith has been compromised from the start. Christians cannot stand their ground on Marriage, homosexuality, sodomy, usury, and other major sins. Most Christians will gladly have kids without marriage. Christians have jo spine. They allow people to just make fun of jesus abd mary, they even will laugh along with the "comedians". There's a reason Islam sticks out in the modern world, we are extremely against modern acceptance of corrupt views of family and money. And my final little point is Jews detest islam. As a Palestinian, they view Christians as docile servents. They view Muslims as violent enemies. Which is why they support and pushed the destabilization of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Yemen and Somalia. If there was no oil puppets in the gulf they'd have done same with those nations. Christians are the ultimate cucks. I am willing to die for my people and faith. You'd rather stay at home and fap to OF thots.

>> No.52635417

Well we could also argue about the irrational concept of worshipping and circling around a black cube with a vagina depiction in the desert.

>> No.52635459

You're right in many points, but worshipping a 7th century warlord as a role model and his moongod is clearly not the solution. You will never evolve, you have nearly everything you have got today because of us christians and deep down you know it