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52631199 No.52631199 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck is our athmosphere contained if there is a vacuum all around earth aka space? Can somebody explain?

>> No.52631206


>> No.52631208
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Because Caroline's pussy grips the earth's atmosphere into place

>> No.52631218

ftx is solvent

>> No.52631230

That is absolutely retarded. Think about it anon. How can an athmosphere exist in a vacuum without barrier between the vacuum and the athmosphere. Its not possible.

>> No.52631232

Earth is flat

>> No.52631241

>space is a vacuum
It’s just a theory and one that’s been proven wrong
That’s why physicists have come up with dark matter, something that holds the universe together
The vacuum theory doesn’t hold up

>> No.52631250

Based retard
A vacuum isn't like a vacuum cleaner. It just means there's nothing there. Since there's an atmospheric gradient from the surface upward, there's a smooth transition from the atmosphere into space. But retards hear the word "vacuum" and assume there should be sucking out the atmosphere. That would only happen if there was a large difference in pressure which would need to be equalized. Please read a book.

>> No.52631251

Gravity plus ozone layer

>> No.52631264

Air molecules are really slow. 0.5km/s do they can't achieve escape velocity of 11km/s. It's all gravity.

>> No.52631269

This is the most reasonable answer until now.

>> No.52631284

seeing how fucking retarded this board makes me confident that I will succeed. If you can't even mentally reason this out then you are fucked. How obvious does it have to be? Vacuums don't just "suck" everything up. The only reason it's hard to keep a vacuum on earth is because the vacuum is surrounded by "stuff" which wants to be closer to the earth, so the "stuff" tries to fill the void created by the vacuum. The atmosphere is contained because all the "stuff" in the atmosphere wants to go towards the earth while the Vacuum (which is: NOTHING) has no such inclinations.

>> No.52631289

This is such a retarded take i dont know what to say, its not possible to have a smooth transition from something (athmosphere) to nothing (vacuum)
This makes the most sense thanks fren
Reddit is down the hall to the left
Go check your brain out anon, you might be tarded

>> No.52631298

Youre the retard, it doesnt make sense. Zoom out, there is a vacuum all around our tiny earth, it wouldnt have any Problem at All sucking our athmosphere away.

>> No.52631301

A little thing called gravity, anon.

>> No.52631309

How can a lake exist without a barrier to the atmosphere?

>> No.52631325


The atmosphere has mass and is pulled close to the earth by gravity. You’re trying to equate a small scale delta p scenario to planetary physics, retard.

>> No.52631328

Lmao I know you're just trolling but for anyone who actually doesn't know, the "atmosphere" is not just one homogeneous thing. As the elevation increases, the air thins out. Essentially, there are less particles per whatever-unit-you-want^3. Magically, when that number hits 0 (or near as makes no difference), it is now a vacuum (since again, a vacuum is defined by a space containing nothing). Please don't mistake the lack of something (a vacuum) as a physical object.

>> No.52631330

Vacuum doesn't suck, anon, it just doesn't push back. Atoms in the atmosphere that take off towards the vacuum aren't stopped by bumping into anything in the vacuum, so if it were not for gravity all the atoms would eventually take off. But gravity pulls them back.

>> No.52631350

He’s right
The math behind it says we would be losing our atmosphere at a much higher rate
Scientists can’t explain why the computer simulations don’t add up
They’re introducing “dark matter” as a possibility which is an invisible substance the exists through the whole universe that holds everything together, including planets.
It’s all bullshit explanations at stuff mystics have known forever.
Before 100 years ago scientists called the ether a substance that held the universe together and was invisible. But last century scientists said ether didn’t exist
Now they call dark matter what they used to call ether

>> No.52631362

bcoz its spinning really fast like the gravitron when you stick to the wall

>> No.52631363


Ah okay,

So once again - it’s the Jews.

>> No.52631383
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do zoomers know about the gravitron?

>> No.52631409

One guy did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.They still use the same machine, but there's a duct tapped patch over one of those triangles

>> No.52631507

The ether was a hypothetical medium through which light could propagate as a wave. Now its just a shitcoin that propagates nothing.

>> No.52631519

So ether is not the same the as dark matter at all

>> No.52631527

They’re two separate attempts to describe the same thing
Don’t be dense

>> No.52631535

No. No they are not.

>> No.52631556

Dont be "dense"

I assume thats a dark matter pun?

>> No.52631560

Shut the fuck up nigger. So talk about your faggot nerd shit on /sci/

>> No.52631572

Again, vacuums don't suck. You are so fucking retarded that you hear the word "Vacuum" and think "oh it's like the thing I use for my floor, it'll suck everything up!". The only reason people think vacuums suck is because 1) In your case you see the word vacuum and stop thinking entirely or 2) they have seen how hard it is to maintain a vacuum on earth.

For case 2: It is difficult to maintain a vacuum on earth because the atoms surrounding the vacuum want to fill the empty space. They want to do this because they are being attracted towards the center of the earth.

There is nothing attracting them to the vacuum outside of space because vacuums have no mass.


>> No.52631593

>science says ether doesn’t exist
>computers models says there must be a substance like ether
>scientists invent dark matter
Go back you retarded bitch
You act like you know these are two separate things and they’re only theories
No one has actually seen either substance

>> No.52631631

Some of it does escape. Helium for example just floats on out, leading to helium shortage here on earth. You are holding helium balloons in your portfolio aren't you anon

>> No.52631634

People falsely assume that because there is a pressure gradient as we gain altitude, that it is reasonable to say it follows that this goes down to zero. Completely ridiculous and breaks gas laws of physics. See vid which shows what happens when we suck the air out of a railroad car.
Also, to say 'gravity' holds the atmosphere down is beyond retarded when it can't hold down a butterfly. The indoctrination with the spinning ball earth is very deep and it's not easy to wake people up if they're not ready to be.
Ever wonder how the atmosphere stays perfectly above this rotating ball? That would mean the upper atmosphere travels FASTER than the lower atmosphere. How? The whole model is fucking stupid yet here we are.
The truth is they don't want us venturing beyond our containment zone, hence Antartica is shut off and we're told we're on a ball. The idea is reinforced daily on every media outlet. Why? When you wake up you start to realise why.

>> No.52631646
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Does something have to exist? why can't there just be nothing?

>> No.52631647

who told you space was a vacuum cleaner? hahaha thats retarded!
Just because youve heard fag degraus tyson call space a vaccum, doesnt mean it acts like a vacuum cleaner LMAO.
mr scientist here thinks space acts like a vacuum what a faggot

>> No.52631651

>flat earther shows up
You guys really are a buzzkill

>> No.52631657

You are very dumb.
> we would be losing our atmosphere at a much higher rate
We're not losing it at any rate at all because the atoms in the atmosphere do not reach escape velocity.
> They’re introducing “dark matter” as a possibility
No, they don't need dark matter to explain why the atmosphere stays on the planet. It's gravity. Dumbass.

>> No.52631667

In this pic, Grippy looks a tidbit nippy.

>> No.52631681

No when you enter in all the accepted mainstream measurements the models fell apart
Planets are literally shredded by the vacuum of space
They have to introduce a material that actually makes up most of the material in the universe because space isn’t more devoid of it
Exactly like ether has been described
This is basic shit you can learn on discovery science you retarded faggot

>> No.52631687

The universe was hypothesized to have certain properties, and something called the ether was invented to explain those properties. Those same properties were later discovered not to exist in the universe, so the ether concept was abandoned.
Then, it was discovered that the universe had another, completely different set of properties that have nothing whatsoever to do with those first properties. To explain these properties, scientists made up the concept of dark matter.
The ether and dark matter have this in common: They were both models created by scientists to explain certain properties of the universe.
The difference is they are different models, explaining different properties.

>> No.52631697

They explain the same properties
There was no one definition of dark matter or ether
You idiots forget you’re talking about theories
Not facts

>> No.52631705

check em

>> No.52631706

Are you paid to draw attention from some development (like Doge mooning lol) or do you really believe what you're saying?

>> No.52631708
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most based thread for at least 3 weeks. thanks op

>> No.52631718

god works in mysterious ways :^)

>> No.52631734

Reminder that the double slit experiment is proof that we are living in a simulation. The engine doesn’t render particles unless there is an observer.

>> No.52631736

Ether was there to provide a medium for light to travel in. Dark matter is there to explain the effects of gravitational forces that we don't know where they emanate from. You do see how those are different things, right?
The ether was supposedly evenly spread everywhere, with no gravitational effects, whereas dark matter is lumped unevenly here and there (like regular matter).

>> No.52631749

Another thing you have completely misunderstood. The behavior of a photon is the same regardless of conscious observers, unlike what would be implied by the simulation argument you're making.

>> No.52631755
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Allow me with another tidbit.

Here's your (you).

>> No.52631768

It’s fucking science bro
All the famous quantum physicists on tv have said the exact same shit about dark matter
Many of them have even noticed the connection to ether
These ideas aren’t new or original to me
This anon gets it
Those are two different descriptions of the same substance
Light travels through the vacuum of space too
Ether’s gravitational effects is that it held everything together
Stop being a soi boy
Go post your bs on r/science

>> No.52631776


This is why everyone is shitting on physicists. They act like they know when nobody in the fucking world understands it at all. And I think you are wrong, I’m not saying consciousness is necessarily a factor.

Fuck you bastard bitch

>> No.52631793

shut the fuck up nigger, biztards are not ready for this and most def not deserving

learn to keep your mouth shut if you are early.

>> No.52631832

ayy force field tech... they dont want us out

>> No.52631906

>nothing to contribute but has to make a comment to feel included in the conversation
Nobody noticed you're thick, it's fine. Just sit quietly. Protip: don't say anything else

>> No.52631921

Ether was the idea that there existed a fixed coordinate system in the Universe. Einstein showed that no such privileged frame of reference can exist. Ether as a concept is incompatible with relativity.
Dark matter, on the other hand, is not incompatible with relativity. Does that convince you scientists would not agree with you that they are the same thing?

>> No.52631930
File: 225 KB, 900x900, 7A7CE97F-06F4-4C04-9707-40EBAAAB8495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing NASA sent to space was your imagination. Space is fake and dinosaurs existed alongside man, if at all.

>> No.52631962

Dark matter was invented to fit the concept of the ether into relativity
The theory of relativity is wrong anyway
The speed of light is broken through quantum entanglement
>does that convince you scientists would not agree with you that they are the same thing?
You sound like some mod on Reddit
All scientists don’t agree

>> No.52632110


Same way water stays in a cup sitting on your table, even though it's surrounded by comparatively low density air.

>> No.52632127

> All scientists don’t agree
But they do try to agree on definitions.
> The speed of light is broken through quantum entanglement
No. And I think you know that. If not, go check the no-communication theorem on wikipedia.

>> No.52632141

Information traveling faster then light is breaking the speed of light
It’s been proven many times
Even Einstein included wormholes in his theory of relativity

>> No.52632176

> Information traveling faster then light is breaking the speed of light
It would be, yes. Quantum entanglement does not involve information traveling faster than light. Again, google the no-communication theorem.
> Even Einstein included wormholes in his theory of relativity
Wormholes (so far theoretical objects) do not allow information to travel faster than light. If they did, wormholes would also allow travel back in time, which they don't.

>> No.52632220

Guess who looks like a asshole?