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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52631042 No.52631042 [Reply] [Original]

is anyone else having issues with the network? i've been tracking my fish through the pacific ocean all year and last week the last update I had was that my fish entered an inlet just south of Mackay (a rural city in Queensland, Australia). I'm freaking out because my wallet is set up so my fish's secure element scale holds my private keys and I loved the idea of an underwater blockchain being the fastest network to date. Now I can't even see where the fuck my money is. I was going to sell after this but now I fucking can't. Does the network only cover major estuaries or is my fish just caught up in mangroves? I'm thinking of flying over to Australia and tracking my fish down myself because I spent nearly 50 grand to get 50k REQ tokens. 50 fucking grand and now some boong has probably put a spear right through my wallet

>> No.52631802

I lost all my tracking about 6 months ago
was told its a temporary bug but now its obvious they lost all my fish
I have no clue if they were stolen or not so I cant file a claim until 2023
dealing with these french bastards has been nothing short of frustrating

>> No.52632885


>> No.52633003

The request foundation informed me a few days ago, that some japanese guy ate my private keys. But mistakes happen. I still have trust in REQ

>> No.52633156

>bought 5k REQ and 1K LINK because I thought REQ would moon in short-mid term and LINK in long-term and I wanted to sell REQ at profit to buy LINK from but that never happened and I'm a retard and I request my fucking money back

>> No.52633426
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Request denied

Thanks for the Mozarella

>> No.52633696

"Hey Stacey, want anything from Starbucks?"
>"Yeah, I want a mocha roastie supreme! But can you go get it for both of us, I don't want to stop watching Netflix!"
"Sure, can you send me some money though? My credit card is almost empty, I spent everything on Chad!"
>"Yeah, I just got this new app "Request Network". Download it and send me a request!"
"Wow, I just got it too! I'll put in a request. Hmm, that's weird Stace, it's saying I need "REQ tokens". Wtf is that?"
>"Uh, this app is so fucking weird. WEIRD AND CREEPY. Why do I need a token to send money? How do I even get them?"
"Just delete it Stace and use venmo. That app was made by virgins and creepy ugly losers."