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52628076 No.52628076 [Reply] [Original]

BTC integration is a scam isn't it, ICP will never go to 2000$ and moonman is a scammer right?

>> No.52628184
File: 181 KB, 1888x1068, 2062EABF-F008-4692-9EB5-9579D780D115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btc is not a scam, icl already has meta mask, ICOracle will help provide the feeds

>> No.52628240

BTC integration is a meme. its not possible. it was never possible or everyone would do it and BTC would be dead.

>> No.52628324

Yes, the final redpill is that ICP was a scam the entire time and the only people who fell for it are low IQ /pol/ tourists.

>> No.52628336
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No, it’s the literal future of crypto and releasing next week. Cope faggot

>> No.52628353

ICP is what happens when you let the world’s best cryptographers design the protocols from the ground up, including data center architecture. BTC integration is not a meme, and the reason nobody else has done it is that nobody else is even close to being capable. If everyone could, they would.

>> No.52628356

ic oracle is a jeet scam
articulate your claim faggot

>> No.52628409

you guys are fucking amateurs
buy, set a goal, hold, sell, rinse/ repeat
fuckin el, it's not any more difficult than this

>> No.52628731

>Fit ID
explain to me how they will integrate bitcoin like im 12

>> No.52628966

>like im 12
You will be able to store bitcoin on an internet computer smart contract.
>What's a smart contract, I'm 12
I'll explain it to you when you're older.

>> No.52628989

Ic oracle is open source software how is it a scam u can litteraly download the git and run the canister

>> No.52629308

Check the price.

>> No.52630823

Yeah, I get that. But buy WHAT and WHEN are the questions.

>> No.52630836

wtf? Why didn't you guys tell me Dom is a manlet?
brb going to sell all of my ICP.

>> No.52630875
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it will. 2 more week plz. buy more plz

>> No.52631142


>> No.52631563

> explain to me how they will integrate bitcoin like im 12
I’ll try.
ICP works by letting people create data centers, that you can run smart contracts on.
First question, how can your smart contracts talk to the BTC network? Simply put, the data centers have enough capacity to run a node in the Bitcoin network, so they do and then the smart contracts can call that.
Second question, how can the smart contracts do so safely? If I want a smart contract to be able to send my btc around, it will need access to my private keys, but I don’t want to hand over my keys to a smart contract - or, as these types of contracts grow in popularity, to fifty different contracts. So instead, you hand your keys to the data centers, that split them up such that no data center has more than a part of your key, and several data center operators would have to collude to steal your money.
Then, when you want a particular smart contract to be able to send some Bitcoin around, you can authorize such that it asks the data center infrastructure to each use their part of your key to sign your transaction. The transaction gets signed, the Bitcoin gets sent, the smart contract never even saw a part of your key.
The same technique can then be used to send BTC to a smart contract that issues “wrapped” BTC. The key to the account where the locked away BTC resides is spread out with data center operators so there’s nobody that can run away with the BTC, meaning that the wrapped BTC on ICP can be trusted.
So, with ICP you’ll both be able to transact directly on the BTC chain (slower, more expensive) as well as with wrapped BTC (fast, cheap) that unlike existing bridges don’t rely on trusting some “company” to really hold on to all their wrapped BTC. Together, it allows for a decentralized financial system that operates on wrapped BTC that actually works, and that continuously settles big balances of wrapped BTC by sending real BTC transactions on the BTC network.

>> No.52631575

Yes you are right, the price is indeed very good now, it’s helpful of you to point that out. Can’t find better tech at better prices.

>> No.52632712

relax, it's enough $200-$300 per coin foe me to make it...

>> No.52632727


>> No.52633127

fair enough. i can see that working.
it sounds like the main issues surround the keys. i gotta say, don't like the idea of giving my keys to a defi set up, even if they are fractionalised like you say. i also don't see how this will generate revenue for ICP, bitcoin is not known for its super lucrative fee structure lol

>> No.52633203
File: 19 KB, 1083x450, stupidmonkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So instead, you hand your keys to the data centers, that split them up such that no data center has more than a part of your key, and several data center operators would have to collude to steal your money.

It's over

>> No.52633235

>I’ll try.
>ICP works by letting people create data centers, that you can run smart contracts on.
>First question, how can your smart contracts talk to the BTC network?

my question is why would you do any of this

>> No.52633275

shitcoin detected

>> No.52633704

Based nigger

>> No.52633722

AVAX, SBF and FTX was a scam. You're never getting your money back.

>> No.52633740

>ICP works by letting people create data centers

>> No.52633813
File: 90 KB, 645x1045, 91727D4B-329A-4742-8A70-EA0AB890AD3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it does

>> No.52634201

useless shitcoin pushed by grifters and peddlers. dump that shit nigga

>> No.52634216

shit coin, metamask will log you ip and bob bodily will kyc you
it's ogre

>> No.52634603

It’s literally just another form of Wrapped Bitcoin
Nothing special

>> No.52635545

That absolutely incorrect