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File: 60 KB, 1280x720, bitboy-crypto-ben-armstrong-1616678188469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52627262 No.52627262 [Reply] [Original]

>Bitboy flies to bahamas
>On the ground with a security team
>Finds SBFs car
>Posts up outside SBF's penthouse
>Security called on them, tells Bitboy to leave
>Currently being escorted away from area

From Bitboy:
>Yeah, well, someone filed a complaint on us for coming to try to expose an $8 billion scam. And it's funny, they were looking down at the windows at us and they start looking out the windows. So Sam is a pussy is what it boils down to, Sam. Sam is an absolute pussy. He won't come talk, he won't come tell his story. And we're not done here, guys. We're, we're, we're going to get our car, we're going to leave the Albany right now. But you need to understand, this is not done. This is not done.

>> No.52627271

Still live on twitter spaces
respect to bitboy only nigga to step up

>> No.52627275

ngmi schlomo

>> No.52627288
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>> No.52627295

>The security guard, for all intents and purposes, I know y'all got to hear him. He was actually pretty nice. He didn't, he didn't get super forceful. He was trying to as be up probably from Barbara. You can see Barbara up there. I get these whippersnappers out of here, you know, there you see her saying that they they knew we were live too. So they got a call in and said we were live. So they were literally watching our live stream when they called in the complaint. So what happened is is we lef
You know, obviously he obviously he wants me to write his story instead of him writing his story. And I can guarantee the way I write it is going to be much different than the way that he would like it to be written. I can promise that because I've got so much evidence.

>> No.52627299

Based bitboy- linking up with dom williams and them Dfinity boys.

>> No.52627360

“We weren scared of being confronted by the police but we wanted to protect our sources in the inside. My head if security decided to end it and told us to leave. Now we’re going back to the hotel and formulating what to do tommorow.”
Now he’s ranting about Andrew sorkin (another jew) and FTX

>> No.52627369

what's with the lisp
sounds like he just put his retainer in

>> No.52627373
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lmao this is not going to end well.

>> No.52627374

>Until Twitter gets removed from the App Store, we are more powerful than the mainstream media. And, and this is a message to the New York Times, this is a message to to the the Washington Post. We're not putting up this message to Fox News, CNN. We're not putting up with it anymore. We're taking our country back.

>> No.52627404

still live

>> No.52627449

It's kind of poetic this fat scammer pig is the only one trying to confront the other fat jewish scammer.
Btw a janny is one of (((them))) right now.
t. Knower

>> No.52627476

Bitboy just called on everyone to retweet the space and tag elon musk.

>> No.52627491


>> No.52627507
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>> No.52627519


>> No.52627525

Wendy.O requests any attorneys present to DM her.

>> No.52627541

Anonymous employee report read on the twitter space:

>Around september of last year i was a new hire FTX US for their NFT program i started off being excuse me it started off being very enjoyable i worked with a few other people and they truly made me feel welcome there
Around September of last year I was a new hire, FTX US for their NFT program. I started off being excuse me. It started off being very enjoyable. I worked with a few other people and they truly made me feel welcome there. However when Sam would call for a quote all hands regarding performance, something he didn't really seem to understand. You could always tell he was very angry.

>To me at the time, but Carolyn was working directly with the FX team or excuse me, the NFT team, making sure that we were completely or excuse me, completing these crazy Excel sheets with all the new listings on the platform per day. >She was very amicable to all of us and truly made it feel like an enjoyable experience. But one day Sam came around the table and joined us for a quote chat as he called it.
>During this chat, he made it very clear that quote flirtatious behavior is disallowed.
>Worst scope of employment, which felt oddly directed at me. This meeting took place one week before I was terminated. One week I was the only employee that was basically fired, and it was because I was accused of flirting with Carolyn.
>No. I didn't even know Carolyn was Sam's girl at the time, and I also wasn't flirting with her. I'm also happily married with kids. wasn't flirting with anyone let alone carolyn after i was fired i had all of my NFT's on his platform and they completely drained my FTX NT account i also had a few blue chips on there because they would advertise to all employees who held on the platform they would be award bonuses for holding on NFT's with them

>> No.52627550


>Sam faces no serious legal trouble in the US due to bribes
>Bahamas opens a case likely in cooperation with Sam
>Sam or a close associate uses their back door to secure remaining funds
>Deals are likely being made between the handlers of forthcoming bankruptcy proceedings and FTX + Alameda staff
>Sam will buy as much credibility as he can salivate from all this
>Customers will never see their funds

Did I miss anything?
Wish more people would be upset. I’m racist so I didn’t lose any money

>> No.52627557

Jason Roberge who works in civil defense litigation is now speaking in the twitter space.

>> No.52627562

he never left the hotel but because he pretended to he'll be able to fleece a million more people

>> No.52627566

The jew fears the americamutt

>> No.52627579

Nigger, twitter is never getting removed.
truth social didn't get taken down.
The GOP controls the house, if Apple and Google removed twitter that would give conservatives endless ammunition for the next two years and justify every investigation they are planning to have after January 1st. They would literally use it as they want to protect Hunter Biden so we are going to investigate.
Liberals are retarded but not that retarded.

>> No.52627582

this is based

>> No.52627586

I'm quoting what i'm hearing you retard.

>> No.52627595

His bants are pretty good

>> No.52627607
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The only retard is you faggot quoting nonsense. Stop being a fucking moron and use your head.
or better yet kys tranny.

>> No.52627608

I cannot believe that SBF is not in jail or dead yet. Literally what the FUCK laws even for? This shit should be black and white.

>> No.52627614

cry more

>> No.52627624

I'm 90% sure those are Percocets. dude is on some heavy shit. he's probably gonna need em the way things are going. hope this kike gets it.

>> No.52627636

>Game of Scammers

New season exclusively on twitter

>> No.52627645

From Jason Roberge:
>So here, here's what I would say. So in order to get a class action certified in the United States, which there should be one, at some point there will be a lawyer that files one. They need to have plaintiffs. So there needs to be 102 hundred, 300, whatever the number is of people that did actually lose money in this FTX scam then, and the attorneys are going to be seeking them out. So if anyone is able to put together a form or whatever, use telegram, whatever it is to figure out, you know, 100
>That would be a huge help for the attorneys because they have to put this together when they do a filing. And it can be, I think they might be able to do it anonymously, but as long as there's contact information for those people to give to the attorneys, then that's what they need for the judge to sign off on it.

>> No.52627667

fuck off faggot he's transcribing shit for us basedchads that don't fuck with twitter

>> No.52627669

Jason Roberge:
>Yeah, I I could hear you. So. So. Yeah. Yep. So, so to answer your question, I mean, at a glance and you guys know this more than me, I'm not, I'm not a finance expert at all. I mean, I have an MBA, but I'm not a finance expert, right. There's definitely all the hallmarks of a Ponzi scheme, fraud, whatever, where money is getting shuffled around, mismanaged. And also you can't just sort of buy penthouses in the Bahamas, beautiful penthouses that no one can access with.
Investors money like it. You just you can't shift money around like that and that's where kind of the fraud and and embezzlement sort of aspect of it comes in. Now I don't know exactly what happened no one knows but you know no one knows yet all the details but through discovery through I hope there's a deposition I really do they'll be able to determine you know what exactly happened when once they do depositions of you know the 200 employees Ghost employees that that he had or whatever. So then they'll be able to make a determination there. So that's probably the criminal side of things.

>> No.52627682

class action lawsuits are a total scam. the lawyers get insanely rich off fees and money laundering, while the actual victims are robbed twice. class actions are just lawyers robbing people twice

>> No.52627684
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>Just as predicted in the Vuvuzela Scrolls...

>> No.52627688

Someone asked:
>It's like at least a year before anybody gets charged, right?

>It it exactly like and the problem is because this is such a wide scale, massive case, they won't want to do anything for. I mean, yeah, at least like a year.

>> No.52627690


It’s insane that this would even have to be done. FTX had a .com domain, uses clearing houses in the US and had US citizens as users. They violated their own TOS. No one will touch this because either or both of these scenarios
>Can’t pull apart the corpse of FTX without exposing Tether and destroying the entire market
>Can’t pull apart the corpse of FTX without exposing international money laundering and corruption

>> No.52627699

so are you new to the whole Jewish nepotism and corruption thing? this has been going on for centuries.

>> No.52627702

>I think they might be able to do it anonymously,
not really, no.

>> No.52627704

Someone asked
>So why isnt SBF in handcuffs right now?

>So basically, I mean they're gonna wanna, I mean the way I would do it is I would want to have the civil case kind of worked up first. It's a lower burden of proof to prove and they're going to obviously be able to prove it, but they can use the civil case, all the information they gather there for the criminal indictments and everything.
>So depending on depending on how it is and let's just keep in mind he could be charged civil civilly, criminally in both United States, the Bahamas or any othe Jurisdiction in the world that had investors basically, and that had people that were defrauded. So in theory every single country in the world could bring charges against him, right? Think about that.

>> No.52627722

>Yeah. And so also consider this aspect of it. I don't know if anyone brought this up yet, but uh, the SEC for all the political donations or the whoever the hell monitors the political donations, I forget whatever. Ohh, the federal Federal Elections Commission. There you go. They're going to be looking to see whether or not the transactions were also legitimate. Because I don't know. I saw, I saw some #7 million, 70 million, whatever. I don't know if all that money was legitimately transferred and donated so there's there's probably an issue there also just so you guys know transferred and donated, so there's there's probably an issue there also, just so you guys know

>> No.52627750

>How, how will they be able to have a civil case, possibly a criminal case, but also we're getting hearings in the House Oversight and Reform Committee next year on this.
>That's, that's going to be the big push from January through at least June is they're going to be looking at all these political donations that were made to all of these, you know, politicians. How does a larger kind of, you know, like a government level hearing factor into a criminal and the civil side of it?

>Yeah, that's a good question, actually. So, uh, if I was his attorney, which I'd never ever would be because I'd be Public Enemy #2 if that were the case, I would advise him to absolutely not speak during the the the hearing. So if he does actually show up, he's going to say absolutely nothing because he's going to just plead the fifth, most likely, and they're going to ask him, you know, civil questions, but he's going to plead the 5th or just, you know, not show up because.
you know they can use any of that information that he he spills spills the beans on in front of congress which is televised live in his future criminal and civil trials so he's
You know they can use any of that information that he he spills spills the beans on in front of Congress which is televised live in his future criminal and civil trials.

>> No.52627796

>Well, well, here's the problem. Here's the problem. The problem is nobody, nobody trusts the regulators in the space. Like, that's the problem. Like, like you really have to break down. If you were to go ask most people who is in charge of crypto right now, they're going to tell you it's Gary Gensler that's going to tell you. You literally have a guy who shouldn't be in charge of this space but somehow has weaseled through Goldman Sachs and his way into regulating crypto, who literally no one in this space trusts.

>> No.52627852

this is his most salient point. the whole system is thoroughly kiked.

>> No.52627869

Discussion currently focused around forming a community, sec, ways gary gensler could be exposed.

>> No.52627880

Bitboy says we either get a seat at the table or everyone has to move outside the US to other countries.

>> No.52627947

>People have to understand it's not about necessarily even the punishment for me.
and i'm getting punished even though we certainly want that. It's about how do we rectify the problem, like that's the issue. How do we prevent these people, these stock market 2.0 people from coming in? How do we put Kevin O'Leary out of crypto?
And it's clear that's what the problem is. But we have to fix it. If we don't fix it, like look, everybody knew who watches my channel knows that, you know, I I am a four year Bitcoin cycle fundamentalist. I believe that Bitcoin cycles are going to bear out this time as well.
>Bottom very soon we're going to go back up. We're gonna go through the same thing. Here's why that's important. Every single time we go through one of these cycles, we go three steps forward and we take 2 steps back. One of the reasons why is because we allow all of these predators in our space, and not everybody is being predatory. Some people are doing it naively. You know, some people are doing it because they're bad people.
>Your traditional finance people and your political people, they're coming in and they are predatory sharks and they just eat up all the new retail people that come in. They use them for eggs, liquidity, they dump on them. If we don't solve that problem, we're going to keep going three steps, one and two steps back. Imagine how much further we would be. And if this is not more clear to people than ever before, this is not just about money. This is not just about how much money is in our bank account. We’re fighting for our lives and our freedom here we are fighting to not get great reset. And if people can't get that through their heads at this point, I don't know how to show it to you more.
>He's not for us. He's against us. He's against crypto and he's telling the audience that the the average retail investor, you're an idiot, you can't make decisions. Only I know what's best and we got to get rid of that attitude out of Washington.

>> No.52627987

alright i'm done feel free to take over

>> No.52628052

i bet they pay him off

>> No.52628477

Thanks anon.

>> No.52628955

Thank you for your service.

>> No.52629651

nothing burger Trust Sam. FTX is solvent. buy FTT.

>> No.52630436

i hope they leak the video of her getting fucked by some oil baron’s dog

>> No.52630464

Fucking based. Most give up the chase. SBF is an ultimate retard and will tweet about this then give up MORE incriminating tweets. Either of these two will be murdered in no time

>> No.52630480
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Looks like Adderall 30mg IR

>> No.52630638
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Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.52630683


>> No.52630712

need it

>> No.52630805

>Wendy O
the absolute state of crypto

>> No.52630826

get ur eyes checked

>> No.52631467

This is going to end poorly. Dude doesn't realize SBF is protected by literal glowies and probably a few Ukrainian agents too.

>> No.52631721

Lockheed Martini refuses the call.

>> No.52631842

just fucking buy solana...
i can't stress this enough, fucking buy signals everywhere, shit is so adopted as fuck that is not even cool, stop being a contrarian dipshit and make it with me. your call

>> No.52631933

this. unless you get the best lawyers