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File: 2.00 MB, 1295x4666, Screenshot_20221126-153631_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52626711 No.52626711 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the BAT thread get deleted? I could understand some comments but the whole thread? Is there a rogue jannie, or is this just jannie business as usual?

>> No.52626735

It is weird. Why dø the fear they lobes?

>> No.52626740

Because Parker is a fucking cunt, but it’s unironically bullish

>> No.52626949

Getting back to the conversation, BAT was the worst performing top 100 coin in the bull market and that pattern will hopefully be inverted during this bear market. If it doesn’t make a drastic move this time it’s likely over. All eyes are watching

>> No.52627137

it honestly would have jumped to top 20 if the FTX deal went through but Brendan once again fucked up the exit ramp

>> No.52627439

Yeah, maybe if the deal went through a year and a half ago, and themis was released, and rewards on chain. But he potentially saved BAT from being tainted in the long run.

>> No.52627631

BAT is a scam full of deluded bagholders, just like many other shitcoins.

>> No.52627649

>Phone poster

>> No.52628003

Are you retarded? That would’ve destroyed everything. Thank fuck Brendan dragged his feet. He got bad vibes from bank man. We’re lucky Eich is a prudent boomer with experience running a publicly traded company.

>> No.52629548
File: 191 KB, 841x750, J U S T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it true that an ex-BAT bagholding tranny is a janny now on 4chan and he seethes in every BAT thread and is now straight up deleting BAT threads?

if so that's fucking amazing, sounds like BAT literally ruined his life

>> No.52629911

>sounds like BAT literally ruined his life
It ruined my life too but I’m not bitching about it and making fud memes. I knew the risks and I took them anyway. Now I just gotta go on welfare until the market improves. Whatever, I’ll just put my stuff in storage and go to jail for a few years, lift weights, read books and meditate. The worst part is having access to price charts, media, porn, and having to pay bills. I could use a jail bid anyway.

>> No.52629928

at least you can thank God you're not a janitor, figuratively cleaning shit off the floor on a Japanese pornography website, and "working" for free. You have that going for you

>> No.52630064

I would never work for free or even for low pay. Id rather throw a brick thru a 7/11 window and wait for the police to show up. I might actually do that if my heating bill gets too high this winter, because I’d rather spend the last of my money on crypto than give it to the gas company. I also have a family that loves me and lives close to the jail. I’m just waiting for the for the final capitulation so I can buy it and stash my ledger. Then I’ll Mae a decision.

>> No.52630200

He spends an awful lot of time in these threads despite having zero BAT. Threads also get Jannied when he is around also. This guy has like 15 different personalities if not more. Hes the brave tan creator, the jannie, john faggot, himself, cosmos poster and likely several others. Get familiar with his writing style. Its like Uncle Ted recognizing his brothers manifesto. Dudes fingerprint is everywhere in the archives.

>> No.52630500

>there is no long run

>> No.52630523

I told you niggers it was the same person coming to shit up the threads but NOOOO

Anyway if anyone hates BAT that much then open up a short position with 125x leverage

>> No.52630527

>be retarded BATnigger
>make BAT thread
>also spam boards with all kinds of awful shit because youre retarded
>get banned and all your posts get deleted because theyre not gonna check all the shitposts he made to save 1 good one
>thread gets deleted

>> No.52630585

that's fucking insane

not sure if it's bullish or bearish having a real BAT schizo, and on top of it all he's a tranny janny

>> No.52631903

>if so that's fucking amazing, sounds like BAT literally ruined his life
No only his life. I would've been so fucking rich if I dropped my BAT bags for pretty much everything else in 2021.

>> No.52632511

Wheres the thread with Parker in it saying he was innocent? It was starting to heat up after another guy claiming to be him came in. Or maybe they were both him. Who knows with that mental illy fuck anymore.

>> No.52632536

Holy fuck. Hey Parker, if you’re reading this, get a real job. Preferably one that pays. Your poor wife and kids must hate you.