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File: 165 KB, 472x495, 1654212338052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52625625 No.52625625 [Reply] [Original]

this is the best chance you have to get rich. look at this mans face. he knew covid was a scam before you were forced to wear a mask and shut down your business. he knew google was a full of tranny jew faggots before you even thought to think that they were curating their search results and keeping a profile on you.

this man, pic related, is 300 steps ahead of anything you could ever even fucking dream of. if you do not have at least 10k BAT, you will not only be poor and destitute forever and never get any pussy besides fatties and disgusting SJW trannies, but you will suffer the fate of knowing that you could have made it but decided to invest in some fucking ICP scammer coin of dog with bat nigger scam that only a 20 iq moron would fall for.

buy bat, for the future of your blood line.

>> No.52625632

This isn't 2018 anymore

>> No.52625644

you will stay poor and be forced by your government to transition into a woman to become eligible for government assistance.

>> No.52625650

You're literally married to your bags

>> No.52625672

you WILL transition into a woman for $1200 a month. dont fight it.

>> No.52625682
File: 60 KB, 430x456, 1664377565103255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support a:
> FAT LAZY BOOMER FOUNDER who never made money despite being early on the Web didn't have the work ethic, ambition or ingenuity to make money so he decided scamming low IQ crypto fags was his ticket to get rich
I support LAZY DEVELOPERS who:
> Have not developed anything in 5 years
> (1) BRAVE is a fork of Chrome with adblock built in instead of a plugin
> (2) BAT is an ERC-20 token that every scammer creates with a few lines of copy pasta code
> (3) SEARCH was a company that was acquired after collecting free money from low IQ crypto investors
> Now instead of developing utility the lazy and idept team is fiddling with NFTs, Newsfeeds, Video Chat, Integrating Shitcoins into the Wallet, etc

>> No.52625690

The Brave team needs to ditch the ERC20 shit and offer BAT as a token on the Internet Computer Protocol. Unironically

>> No.52625693

your inverted cock pussy lips are showing parker. is the canadian government forcing you to say these things? blink twice if you are a tranny.

>> No.52625708

by the way, this is the same type of low IQ take that someone would have spouted to tell you why TSLA would never moon

>> No.52625709
File: 78 KB, 400x364, 1661764387301341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> $0.28 in June 2017
> $0.22 in November 2022
> The 5 1/2 trend is obvious, BAT is your best chance to get rich

>> No.52625729

parker you are literally just embarrassing yourself. we already made you quit your scamming role at brave. i will fly to canada and shit on your face just so i can call you a pussy and laugh at you. im going to enjoy watching you be a broke losing grifter scamming nigger for the rest of your fucking life once bat moons. i will laugh in your face and kick you in the post-op pussy balls.

>> No.52625794
File: 15 KB, 294x171, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> TSLA ~$1 in July 2010
> TSLA ~$18 in July 2015
> literally just embarrassing yourself
I am not the the one shilling a scam token on frog forum 24/7 because I got scammed and telling people that an ERC-20 token is like Tesla

>> No.52625951

Give me my money back I sent 70 BAT for the brave-tan scam you pulled. Don't make me come and get it.

>> No.52626066

Hey faggot don’t go after Icp unless you want a thorough undressing of this fucking shitcoin. Know your betters faggot and don’t step out of line

Icp has kinic, its own search engine that unlike your scam shitcoin is literally front and back end on a blockchain not hosted on Amazon web services like your literal 2019 scam.

>> No.52626090
File: 1.04 MB, 827x872, Vaccine research.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lead Brave virologist Brendan Eich leading meetings from the bathroom.

>> No.52626129

Why the fuck don’t they add more utility to BAT? It’s got all the potential to be a top 5 token, but Eich is terrified. It’s not like the he’s doing anything that would put him in jail and even if he did get locked up it’d be at some country club where he could just lift weights, read, and write code. What’s the big fucking deal.

>> No.52626415

This man is a scammer. BAT is a failure.

>> No.52626441

Ole Musky is going to release his own phone with brave as default browser. Get ready for launch niggas: