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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52623548 No.52623548 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start hustlegrinding.
What are some alternative income sources you can build up in your free time?

>> No.52623556


>> No.52623557

Grow weed for selling.
Make your own mead/wine to sell.
Work overtime.

>> No.52623588


There are endless things to do. What you need to understand is that most of them don't scale or lead to a boring business.

> Uber / trucking -> buy your own truck / rent out cars / trucks (Turo or direct) to complete poorfags.

> Build decks / clean roofs / clean gutters / fix HVAC / install garage doors / remove stumps --> crew

> Fix / flip cars --> shop

> Start a youtube on some topic and grind it until you become a middling "success"

Etc, etc, etc. Pleb "hustles" are endless.

>> No.52623605

We charge $200 to pressure wash houses where I live. It's easy as fuck and low cost to start up. Easy weekend side hustle.

>> No.52623634



>> No.52623658

Buy useful shit from Alibaba in bulk and sell it on ebay as a seller as a start to get some cash and invest the cash in more products .

>> No.52623691


Respect for doing something. OP is likely trying to troll in some way he doesn't even understand, but there are a 1000 things like this. The problem is that if you are in a "good" field, all these side hustles take a back seat to getting a 15% raise switching jobs.

Most of these hustle things run into a ton of issues once they try to scale. As an example, I know a girl who cleaned houses and then started hiring people to do it. The problem is that people who clean houses are either students that naturally move on quickly, complete gutter trash that shows up late, can't clean a toilet, etc, or competition. That, and traditional overhead - having a "good website", "having an app", "having someone on call" just doesn't help all that much because it's mostly word of mouth and looking for the lowest cost possible.

I do wish /biz/ discussed these thing in some serious way though. There are always niches that pay way, way overmarket that unemployed neets could do. For example, drone photography paid way over 100k for a while. Basically you got a quality drone, licenses, references and you got hired to photograph real estate, and eventually huge commercial objects, until this became a huge field. Then there was the "drone formation" performances for cities for fireworks and events.

I am sure there are at least 10 well-paying niches that I am missing at the moment.


Yea, like there was the drop shipping craze. Or "write a bot to find eBay / AliBaba items and list them on Amazon for markup, then essentially drop ship" thing.

>> No.52623842

Drop shipping is not really recommended these days and the whole bot stuff.

The best thing to do is have some knowledge about the product and test/ use it. Don't buy the low quality shit. order it to your house or warehouse and be able to send it on your own. I do this and never had problems like customers receiving low quality products or not receiving the goods at all. Because I send the packages myself and know the product. It's a small business but a nice side hustle and I hope to grow it into a bigger brand one day.

>> No.52623872

If you're a legit alpha you can easily be a pimp. Convince stupid whores to fuck guys for money, and give you a cut to protect them from the Johns.

The trick is dont beat them if they cheat you, just cut them loose. They'll figure it out quick that even if 10% of johns are assholes that they need protection.

Modern equivalent of that is buying a house and renting it out to OF sluts. I'd love to try that.

>> No.52623887

Learn how to climb trees and use a chainsaw, learn how to rig big pieces of wood. How to properly trim a tree etc... Scaling was a bad idea for me, whenever it was just me I made $500 a day mostly cash. Worked 3-4 days a week. Pisses me off that I let myself be talked out of buying Bitcoin at $500 because I had enough for 10 saved up. Some Jew on Facebook talked me into buying his "advertising" instead (word of mouth is best) and I'm still here climbing. But it's very profitable if you're athletic and have common sense. Injury is inevitable though. So make sure to invest 10% into SOMETHING ELSE. I'm buying ICP at the moment, basically gambling because o know it COULD go lower. But if it goes to $500 I'm set for life.

>> No.52624398

Just got hired to do tax returns remotely, $100 a pop, for this coming tax season. It will be my only job so hopefully I can bang out a few hundred and not have to work again til next tax season

>> No.52624458

Have any of you guys tried making clothing/merchandise for just a brand you create? I was thinking maybe an athletic-focused brand that just made comfy active wear and shill it outside my local Crunch fitnesses (they are huge and always crowded).

>> No.52624475

Kek have fun climbing ladders to get the roof and top of the house. One fall and you are fucked permanently. Pressure washing houses is one of the very worst jobs because its highly risky being on ladders all day and low pay

>> No.52624851

Study Judaism and study the occult. Learn who controls the world and where they get their power from. Become a Freemason. Join the OTO. Currency is worthless

>> No.52624902

Fuck that. The best thing you can do with your spare time is not another gig for quick cash, but rather increase your potential income. Get higher education, a certification, etc., something that is in demand. You’ll just burn yourself out waging after waging.

>> No.52625018
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Learn how to do small drywall repair. You can learn it in a few days and the equipment will cost you less than 1k. A hole the size of a fist costs $300 to repair and less than an hour of time. The supplies cost less than $10.

Alternatively, learn to rap. Can't be that hard when this retard can do it:

>> No.52625051

I dont know about that. Maybe if you have a physical job and a physical side gig. I sell insurance. I use the drywall repair side gig to find new clients.

>> No.52625886

get a writing job online. play your cards right, you can get 500 to 1,100 dollars a month with only a few extra hours of work a day.

>> No.52626727

>What are some alternative income sources you can build up in your free time?
Become a Gigilo. Fuck 10,000 women for $10, make $100K in a month. Do that for a year, Boom $1.2 million.

>> No.52627790

Are you in that kind of organization?

>> No.52628219

do you speak from experience? what sort of writing job should I check out?

>> No.52628431

>do tax returns remotely
How do I get in on this anon?

>> No.52628462

thats not even close to worth it

>> No.52628505

I need to $850 for rent by the 3rd. Job ain’t paying me till the 9th.

I got a broke down dodge neon and a 3ds and $400 from my mom. I need help on selling the dodge, any advice on where to post the ad to get it sold quickly?