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52622576 No.52622576 [Reply] [Original]

How can I prepare for it and avoid failing horrendously? I am 23 years old and this will be my first job ever. I also have to stack shelves and help people find stuff.

>> No.52622604

you're a cashier. there's nothing to fail at

>> No.52622722

>being too slow
>scanning wrong/multiple times
>breaking products
>calculating change wrong
>crumbling under the stress of a big line and annoyed costumers
There is a lot.

>> No.52622770

Just don't do any of those things.

>> No.52622774

>being too slow
You're competing with literal grandmas. You'll be fast by just being consistent and steady, it's not a race
>scanning multiple times
It's one button press to undo a scan usually
>breaking products
Never in my time as a cashier did I break anything, don't have butterfingers and you'll be fine
>calculating change wrong
You'll have this down by halfway through the first day. Start with how many quarters you need to give and work your way down.

It's sad that you're getting your first job at 23 but you'll do fine

>> No.52622808
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They know it's your first job and hired you anyway, so don't worry fren. Literally nothing to worry about, life on easy mode.

>> No.52622814

>It's sad that you're getting your first job at 23
It's only part-time because I am actually in university for engineering but I guess better late than never, I have to start somewhere trying to integrate into society (was a NEET for 4 years).

>> No.52622819

You’ll be good bro we believe I you :)
Hardest thing in my opinion will be when you give out change and they want to round it to a whole number so they give you money. Make sure you get this right.

>> No.52622822
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You'll be fine, anon. You'll learn what to do and then it'll become routine pretty quickly, like with most jobs

>> No.52622824

What this anon said is correct. You’re going to be working alongside black people and women who hit the wall so hard they were never able to recover.

Just relax and do it to it.

>> No.52622835

>Hardest thing in my opinion will be when you give out change and they want to round it to a whole number so they give you money. Make sure you get this right.
Well he said he's studying engineering. If he doesn't get that right it's over for real this time.

>> No.52622853

What if I fuck it all up and they fire me after a week?

>> No.52622858

You're probably black and can cry racism

>> No.52622864

>wants to be an engineer
>worried about screwing up the most basic and menial of jobs


>> No.52622901

bro yea dont let anyones biased negativity get you down. also, if you dont like the job, dont feel bad if it doesn’t work out. it doesnt have to hold any more meaning than that. ive quit entry level jobs before and then i did all the negative self talk of “wow i cant even hold down a basic job” “imagine when im full time” etc, and its all useless.

>> No.52623035

Engineering is easy, studying, passing classes, it's more intellectual work which I am good at but working as a cashier requires a completely different skillset and has a lot more potential for fuck-up.

>> No.52623080

>and has a lot more potential for fuck-up
What do you think the worst thing that can happen to you as a cashier is? Dropping a glass item someone hasn't even paid for yet?

>> No.52623104

PFPPFFTT HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the retards are out in full force today

>> No.52623115

>crumbling under the stress of a big line and annoyed costumers
customers are fucking assholes, remember that. just go at the speed you're comfortable with

slow is smooth
smooth is fast

>> No.52623135

try to be friendly, happy, and laid back. ask customers how their day is going, etc. a cashier is a customer service job so treating customers nice would be first priority. I can tell you if the cashier has a good vibe but messes up I am more apt to give them the benefit of the doubt. if the cashier was an asshole and fucked up I would probably raise this issue with his manager. just relax and try to have fun to help time pass quicker. even if you make a mistake try to not let it get to you. admit your fault, fix it, and move on.