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52620869 No.52620869 [Reply] [Original]

“A man without debts is a man without anything to live for. Debt is collateral for life. It provides you with obligations to others, gives you duty, gives you purpose: the purpose to protect those possessions which you would not otherwise have without your debt. Debt is the most responsible way to elevate your social position.”

>> No.52620883

Debt and devotion are two totally different things, anon. The proverbial debt has already been paid. Get yourself right with Jesus.

>> No.52621141
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>A man without debts is a man without anything to live for. Debt is collateral for life. It provides you with obligations to others, gives you duty, gives you purpose: the purpose to protect those possessions which you would not otherwise have without your debt. Debt is the most responsible way to elevate your social position.

>> No.52621150

Based perspective keeper

>> No.52622524

debt makes you a slave. if you think being a slave is purpose then go for it.

>> No.52622558

youre only a slave to debt if you pay it back

>> No.52622570
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>> No.52622587

That's the most retarded thing I think I've ever heard, kek.

>> No.52622588

if you dont pay it back its not a debt its theft, different rules apply

>> No.52622602

>It provides you with obligations to others
Why would I want obligations to a bunch of globalist jews?

>> No.52622763 [DELETED] 

Debt gives you stress, anxiety, baldness and erectile dysfunction. Man-made chains. We're supposed to live in the wild gathering food, fertile cunnies, and fighting other tribes and getting more cunnies as spoils of war...no living enslaved like cucks glorifying concept such as money, debt, private property or multiculturalism. Nice try, long nose.

>> No.52622829
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Da, yarost.

>> No.52622854 [DELETED] 

>everything is about raping and fucking infants
>guys the elite are fucking evil
Pick one moron.

>> No.52622874
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>> No.52622905 [DELETED] 
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>raping and fucking infants
Protip, pussy..women like warriors not little cowards.
Learn what rape means.

>> No.52622914

>women like warriors
Post your face you absolute virgin.
Children don't want to be raped moron literally all the worlds problems we currently have are from systemic child rape.

>> No.52623002 [DELETED] 


>> No.52623025

I've been debt free for my entire working life

my friends may have nicer shit than I do but I don't have the stress, which means I'm not going to die sooner just so some banker jew gets a few extra bps on his RSUs

never go into personal debt, use companies as a sacrificial entity if you need to take on leverage (all loans and debt are leverage btw)

>> No.52623040

>he didn't take on generationally-cheap 30-yr fixed rate mortgage debt on the precipice of the highest inflationary environment in 50 years

lol, lmao even

>> No.52623059

>hes tied down to a piece of land and cant roam around the earth as he pleases


>> No.52623078

I took a 15 year note with options to pay off early at a locked 5% interest in 2016
Now grinding to pay it off sooner it will be paid off at this rate by the time I'm 43 and I'm mid 30's now.

I lost my first house 7 years left into a 30 year note won't make that mistake again.

>> No.52623141
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>“A man without debts is a man without anything to live for"

>> No.52623143

take the you will own nothing and be happy pill. If you think about it, it actually makes sense. You get all the money in your account and you rent everything. You cant take anything with you when you die anon

>> No.52623165

Na everything was stolen from me once, I'll be charging 4-10k a month per side to my renties and if they don't like it then get fucked and go rent from Blackrock at 20k a month.
Also I'll make my renties sign an agreement where I'm constantly checking on them on cameras and if they do anything illegal or change anything they forfeit their ability to stay on my property.

>> No.52623171

good luck m8

>> No.52623364
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>“A man without debts is a man without anything to live for. Debt is collateral for life. It provides you with obligations to others, gives you duty, gives you purpose: the purpose to protect those possessions which you would not otherwise have without your debt. Debt is the most responsible way to elevate your social position.”

>> No.52624199

enjoy the government bailing them out and losing those homes to blackrock when you can't pay the mortgages, fuckhead

>> No.52624214

It's one home and I own it fully in less than 6 years if I don't pay it off early fool.
Zoomers need to go back.

>> No.52624282

yeah and then the government jacks the taxes up and you can't pay and they repossess the house anyway

>> No.52624296

>he has no roots

cringe as fuck

>> No.52624304

Is this a quote from the Old Testament?

>> No.52624347

daily reminder that if you have debt you are buying into the jewish system of debt slavery and reifying the failed crony capitalist system just so that you can afford some additional trinkets to signal to other people how much of a sellout you are

>> No.52624349

my rentoids will pay my taxes kek zoomie

>> No.52624364

You can only install cameras in common areas, they will file a claim and you will more than likely lose depending on the state. Ex. Own 30 properties between Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas.

>> No.52624382

not once they leave and find cheaper housing because your OER is too high

you have no idea what you're doing or what you're in for

>> No.52624399

>You have no idea what you're doing
No I do actually I have a quadplex that I paid 80k for before the market ripped upward.

You're too young to understand anything, what's funny is you probably have more money than I do but I have assets you'll never touch.

>> No.52624444

Lol, people talking about basic personal debt as stressful must have the most frail nervous systems imaginable.

Literally unable to cope with a mortgage, never able to start a business or make any meaningful investment (hint: they all use borrowed money)


I got rich by using borrowed money. I tell you what's stressful: being a poor piece of shit.

>> No.52624447

Not if you make them sign a contract and anyway I wouldn't put them inside the actual house but outside surrounding it like I have currently so I could watch from a distance.

>> No.52624459

That's cheap even before prices went up, even in the south. How did you put into it?

Certain states it will matter, and the outside is a common area so that is fine.

>> No.52624469

Fucks sake, How much did you put into it.*

>> No.52624477

I haven't put much into it, I got a deal because I knew the landlord and he's about 82 now and can't maintain properties anymore although he constantly reminds me now how much of a good deal I got.
I'm working to put money into it needs probably 20k to get it into perfect condition it's mostly just cosmetic and I can do most of it.

>> No.52624502

you will be forced to sell, you just don't know it yet

checked for faggotry
did you not read my post? I literally say to take on leverage if you are starting a business, there's zero reason to take on debt personally, ever. not even the house I live in is in my name- that doesn't mean I don't have total control of the asset.

>> No.52624508

The borrower is a slave to the lender.

>> No.52624518

You're just bitter
I also own legacy mineral rights even the government can't buy and because of forced depreciation on them I basically never owe taxes.

>> No.52624776 [DELETED] 
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>It provides you with obligations to others, gives you duty, gives you purpose: the purpose to protect those possessions which you would not otherwise have without your debt.
why do repo men exist then?

>> No.52624814

that's pretty onions desu and a way for Pokimane simps to say they're contributing to society. Debt is gay

>> No.52624943

> “A man without family is a man without anything to live for. Family is collateral for life. It provides you with obligations to others, gives you duty, gives you purpose: the purpose to protect those possessions which you would not otherwise have without your family. Family is the most responsible way to elevate your social position.”

Family is everything, anon

>> No.52624977

a man without debts is a man.

a man with debts is not a man.

>> No.52624982
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>“A goy without debts is a goy without anything to live for. Debt is collateral for life. It provides you with obligations to others, gives you duty, gives you purpose: the purpose to protect those possessions which you would not otherwise have without your debt. Debt is the most responsible way to elevate your social position.”

>> No.52625002

>I tell you what's stressful: being a poor piece of shit.

i suppose it must be. i find it hard to imagine not having enough money to buy things.