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52616966 No.52616966 [Reply] [Original]

This is fine

>> No.52616975

Proof of word

>> No.52616976

I just hope Binance fails after the next bull and not before it

>> No.52617004
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>> No.52617019

well if he says it then it must be true

>> No.52617057

I unironically believe this nigga chink, seethe more semite.

>> No.52617081
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>> No.52617147

>a business without debt
dead giveaway nobody on biz is educated in commerce

>> No.52617350

Crypto is a different business. Still a wild, wild west.

>> No.52617364


5% USD
1488% BUSD
420% BNB
1929% GME


>> No.52617406

imagine being a user of ftx and losing everything because this chink started a false rumor

>> No.52617438


>> No.52617460

Ultimately, you're only as good as your word. And Ching-Zhong's word has a better track-record than almost anyone I'm aware of in crypto. I have no reason to not trust his word. He's given me no reason not to, even if he is a bugman.

>> No.52617467


>> No.52617475

this clown is actually hijacking the term proof of reserve and what it means intentionally to show other dumb shit retail traders he's trustworthy. he got out in front and kept throwing around the term to mislead everyone. masterfully done.

>> No.52617581

So you’re saying funds were safu with SBF too, as long as nobody rudely looked?

>> No.52617732

Which turned out to be true

>> No.52617903
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>> No.52617929

What part of fundus are safu don't you retards understand?

>> No.52618053

>copy/pastes your code
Thanks for playing Linkies

>> No.52618079

more like
>audits self
see! take my word for it.

>> No.52618097


>we don't owe anyone loans, etc.

He doesn't understand customer deposits are liabilities.

>> No.52618228
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No. I think you don't understand.
He doesn't owe anyone loans, etc.

>> No.52618527
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kek fucking seething amerishits, not CZ's fault your goverment likes to fuck your stupid ass raw on the daily, imagine not having a Binance account for on ramp lmao

>> No.52618542


>> No.52618603

fundsu aru safu

>> No.52618633

The Goyslop fears the China Man.

>> No.52618792

Stay poor Euro-fag

>> No.52618948

ftx didn't owe anyone loans either. the question is: can binance collect the loans they've given out, because ftx couldnt

>> No.52619046

Binance didn't give out loan, Sam

>> No.52619078

Told everyone that uniswap got hacked when it wasn’t btw. Told everyone that coinbase didn’t hold as much btc as they said and coinbase ceo immediately corrected him btw

>> No.52619114

Are you stupid?

>> No.52619214

hahaha yeah mate
hey guys I hold 10,000 BTC look I have proof

BTC = 10.000

you niggas are hilarious fucking paid fags or fucking seething amerishits, which are you?

>> No.52619245

Does bsc have a better future than eth unironcally bros?

>> No.52619252
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>> No.52619310

This chink is 100% behind the paid Link Fud campaign

>> No.52619358


>> No.52619433

its almost insane that just by being a normal 'honest' person instantly puts you about 99% of other people who are involved in crypto. really makes you think

>> No.52619635

it's not just crypto. people are shitty in general

>> No.52619726

everyone in the space works with imperfect information. he said he would shy away from calling things out because he didnt want to cause drama in the past. but his new strat is just call everything out, nothing wrong with being corrected and he'll delete the accusations/misperceptions

>> No.52619844

Just got all my money off of binance

After the ftx thing i dont trust this slimy chink for shit. He’s full of shit too. Another power hungry freak also most likely tied to ccp

>> No.52619878

Never trust an insect:

>> No.52619885

He LITERALLY caused a bankrun

>> No.52620233
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Remember him asking for a re-org?
I thank Binance for opening Chainlink for us but he did way too many shady shit.

My last straw was all those Binance maintenances in 2018 or 19, then all we got was teehee it was bad disks. I noped the fuck out of there and ledgered everything after that.

Having redundant storage with high availability on all level is an absolute minimum if you run any kind of infrastructure. I'm convinced he lied to this day, but Binance kept on trucking so who knows really.

>> No.52620279

this, and I'm convinced there are actual paid shills in this thread which makes the whole thing even more suspect

>> No.52620296

Anyone who's anyone in crypto is involved in the efforts to destroy CL. It's trying to eat everyone's lunch and it's doing it in an unregulated market where any form of attack is fair play.
CL will either win and make a lot of retarded autists unreasonably rich, or more likely die in the next 2 years. It's a high risk- high reward play.

>> No.52620380

In indonesia a few days ago, CZ said he wanted binance to be google of cryptos, ie that anything happening in the crypto world would involve binance directly or indirectly

>> No.52620587
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>> No.52621407

the bankrun would have never happened if the scamkike fagman wouldn't have fucked with user funds

>> No.52621436

FTX having 1 btc in hot wallet was comical

>> No.52621580

there is a huge number of suspicious posters lately suggesting to trust CZ blindly because of his "track record", which is absolutely not trustworthy to everyone doing his own research. but none of them seems to get banned, maybe jannies are complicit in this, wouldn't be the first time.

>> No.52622974

the top is in

>> No.52623012

Do you realize what that would mean for crypto
Not safe unless you are in self-custody of your keys

>> No.52623033
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I'm considering registering an ore ID and going all defi

>> No.52623086
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>we don't owe anyone loans
LMAO they allow leveraged trading WITHOUT 1:1 backing. even bitfinex only allows leverage by direct lending, users bid with interest rates to put up their funds and the margin traders can only sell what other users lent out. they have actual 1:1 backed reserves for margin.
binance has nothing, they literally just overwrite some numbers in the user credits and call that leverage. they can't even have a way to verify exactly how short they will be of assets in the next minue. yeah no shit the user equity adds up to a positive number, FTX had positive equity until FTT started dumping and they didn't. this is literally the exact same case in binance.

>> No.52623297
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Oh nonono cryptosisters

>> No.52623474

>just let a fraud keep growing
>just let more user funds get stolen

>> No.52625200
