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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52616526 No.52616526 [Reply] [Original]

What is happening with your real estate market?

>> No.52616539

Let me guess a zerochudge article

>> No.52616571

>variable rate mortgage

>> No.52616581


You’re posting in a Jew thread.

>> No.52616821

>Let me guess a zerochudge article
you guessed wrong stupid

>> No.52616969

I still have no idea how these are legal financial products that people actually agree to.

>> No.52617031
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>that people actually agree to.
Well that is exactly it, anon. Do you consider these folks to be people? I don't - at least not in any practical sense. They are lobotomized cattle who live moment to moment, lead by the urge to consume and without any forethought whatsoever.

>> No.52617073

in australia we don't have anything other than variable rates and out markets are just as fucked as canadas if not worse
seriously we advertise 'fixed' but that means 2 years max here.

>> No.52617091

>war on the other side of the globe
The vast Canadian empire... I kneel...

>> No.52617094

I will buy a house off some stupid boomer that decided to be greedy. I will verbally abuse him because he's desperate for a sale. You'll all see, Canacucks..

>> No.52617113

Have a fat portfolio of desirable real estate

Just increased all my rents to match my variable rate increases

I’ll win either way

>> No.52617139
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Get out of CAD

>> No.52617198

do they really?
if the difference between more of dem programs and literally giving it to a foreign country. I choose dem programs.

>> No.52617213

how do you cope?

>> No.52617292
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I don't think there is a better picture for demonstrating the idea of manufactured consent. Canadian media agencies who are subsidized and owned by the government, issuing a poll which features only two retarded policies which the globohomo regime will inevitably do anyways

>Goyim, shall we give shekels to Ukraine or increase the size of the welfare state?
>Heh - sorry chud, according to polling, it looks like all Canadians want to prioritize spending on domestic welfare/Ukraine
I heckin' love democracy

>> No.52617310
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Just a reminder that you are all slaves, better luck in the next life goys

>> No.52617342

ctv isnt owned by the government schizo

>> No.52617468

Yea ok





>Most observers have noted that the government advertising has served as a form of bailout to mainstream media in the province.

>> No.52617569

Hey retard, when you are subsidized and regulated by an entity, that entity owns you.

>> No.52617604

>he took a variable rate mortage
How's surfdom?

>> No.52617736

It’s smart if you buy when rates are still high and home prices are lower since you can get a lower rate a year or two later. The best time to buy a home circa 2015-2025 will be either early 2021 or early 2024 I would guess.

>> No.52617760

pretty much the same thing was on bloomberg.ca recently as well

the price waterfall is starting to pour over, with prices down about 10% so far from highs and in another 6-12 months we'll probably see 25%+ unless banks pivot on interest rates or megacorps start eating up the inventory on impending foreclosures

>> No.52617782

>unless banks pivot on interest rates
The BoC don't set rates, they have to follow the Fed, and the USA can hold higher for longer.
Get out of CAD

>> No.52617785

Gnarly, dude

>> No.52617909

Yeah totally, just anticipate the trajectory of interest rates over the next several years! Super easy, it’s not like extreme volatility is produced from random events. This is about as insightful as the recommendation of inverse leveraging when at the top

>> No.52617972

The best time to buy between 2015 and 2025 was 2015.

>> No.52618227

There are no long term fixed rate mortgages in shithole Canada. So what are you going to do when the average home in the Toronto area is 2m?
Sure people are retarded for buying the top. But the mortgage stuff they don't have much of a choice on.
Similar in Canada but I think you can get 5 years fixed before the variable rate kicks in.

>> No.52618317

Well everyone thought going to the casino would be a lot of fun, so they just turned our housing market into a giant casino. At first it was fun. So more people joined in. And they had fun, so they invited their friends over to play as well. Soon everyone wanted to play the best game ever because they were guaranteed to win. Then one day, all of a sudden and for no discernable reason at all, the market for uninsulated shacks in the arctic fell apart. The average person will only make a milion or so pre-tax dollars in their lifetime. It turns out spending half of that on a 700sq-ft condo isn't a good idea.
>Our politicians knew this over a decade ago. So they brought in a replacement market demographic to keep the bubble inflating. The people who will lose the most in this crash are the 'new Canadians' tricked into our slave caste.

>> No.52618438
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Equal parts malicious and incompetent.
Truly, to be a Leaf is to suffer, but I suppose every western government is treading into these waters, too. We may just be the first domino to fall.

>> No.52618552

Which is why the establishment's political fantasy of loyal, obedient, immigrant slaves is such a pipe dream. They are in the process of rugging the last two generations of immigrants AND seriously believe those same people will give them dutiful sons and daughters as meatshields.
>The people buying houses in the aughts and teens, were typically using capital from their parent's homes which were paid off in the eighties and nineties. So when they go underwater they lose their entire family's portfolio. Luckily another 500,000 slaves are being sent over to start the cycle again.

>> No.52618658

>one bed or bachelor roach infested shithole is 1500CAD minimum
>two bedroom is 2500CAD
>landlords will try to charge anywhere from 200 to 500 per family member
>most apartments are rented as room shares, private rooms or students only
>families get pushed out of the cities
>if your business doesn't pay more than 20 an hour you'll only be able to hire students
>cost of food will be up 100% once it catches up with inflation
>your roastie roommate of 3 years can get alimony from you because you're considered married under leaf law

>> No.52619124

then move, cocksucker, if you’re just going to sit and complain like a little bitch
please tell me literally one country that’s better

>> No.52619178

There's no option for fixed full term mortgages in leafland. You get a set rate between 1 to 5 years with the longer fixed being exorbitantly more expensive in comparison to the shorter.

>> No.52620671

why is it like that?