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File: 94 KB, 336x568, kings2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5261576 No.5261576 [Reply] [Original]

Best cryptos to hodl to get at least 10x gains. Discuss.

>> No.5261580

req, xlm, xvg, fun, trx

>> No.5261587

VERGE - nothing to add anymore

>> No.5261597

LINK, COSS, Gen 0 CryptoKitties, Etheremon (any)

>> No.5261600


>> No.5261605


>> No.5261609

What about RaiBlocks? It's a good idea to have 10% portfolio on it?

>> No.5261616

Where the FUCK is the etheremon thread
Fucking mods

>> No.5261642

since every etheremon thread is deleted:

>> No.5261675


>> No.5261916

Binance listing will make it fly
The only question i have is WHEN, REEEE

>> No.5261941
File: 29 KB, 200x232, 1513679013608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mark my fucking words

1 NLG = 3€ in Q3 2018

>> No.5262072

How can anyone buy a coin named CryptoKitties without Feeling scammed?

>> No.5262160

By breeding them and selling the offspring for more than you paid.
But that's not as viable now, you need the newest rarest traits to even break even with that strategy. So now the best strat is to get as many cheap Gen 0s as you can and NOT breed them, keeping them "Fast" cooldown so they'll go up in value when they stop being produced next year.

Or just buy kitties and try to sell them and lose money and feel scammed. Either works.

>> No.5262203

LTC obviously
5k eoy 2018

>> No.5262226

u r late

>> No.5262262

you cant be serious...
You seriously Need a Job and or a gf...

>> No.5262340
File: 31 KB, 625x276, tattoine-625x276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to put $10k into 5 or 6 shitcoins in order to hodl for 8-10 months minimum.

I already had success with this in NEO, but I wan't to diversify this time around.

What is going to be hot in '18?

>> No.5262384

I guess, but I made more in two weeks of CryptoKitties than most middle-class Americans make in a year of wagecucking. A job doesn't sound that appealing right now. Already made half as much in a day on Etheremon as well.

Crypto games are pretty great! Look out for HashPuppies coming to NEO soon.

>> No.5262399
File: 139 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171219-211319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy 10x brah

>> No.5262432


>> No.5262664

WABI - going to 100+ stores with their product.
REQ - hold until 2018 q2
VEN - legit top 10 coin, 3-5x by the end of Jan

>> No.5262707

Definitely, it still has a low market cap, especially when compared to IOTA

>> No.5262762
File: 58 KB, 779x410, etheremon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my current earnings with Etheremon which I started last night. I'm cashing out frequently despite the high gas cost because I'm concerned about the dev's ability to kill the contract and withdraw funds at will.

The "Total Earnings" bit isn't quite my total earnings, though, as I've reinvested a good amount too. Just 25 ETH in the address itself I use for the game.

>> No.5262815

enjoy getting justed

>> No.5262868
File: 25 KB, 461x400, 1513746600521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually joined the ponzi

>> No.5262875

The most they can just me for is 0.3 ETH, because even considering the risk I'd rather not spend the gas. Profits are slowing down because nobody wants to buy Etheremons at their current price however, so I doubt it'll get much higher than this.

>> No.5262898


>> No.5262922

>see an obvious opportunity to make money
>don't take it because...
It already is too late anyway, it's drying up.

>> No.5262939

no one mentioned MODUM here? lol

>> No.5262989

not until japan wakes up

>> No.5263023

Faggots always say that but Crypto never sleeps. I'm USA east coast and I've been up all night with this shit.

>> No.5263026

Already made 10x with ark, but it will easily 10x again in 2018 and probably even 20x or more

>> No.5263063

BCH for guaranteed 3x

>> No.5263152

I'm personally chasing bigger returns, so I'm in Req, Link, Coss, and Ark. If I was just after 10x I'd probably hold Ethereum and Neo.

>> No.5263202


REQ crew!


>> No.5263198

Those 3 for sure.

Now more risky :
GTO, anybody who have been less than 3 feet from an asian girl know why this is gonna moon... They fuckin love sending shit by phone

ICX: This.. just because Corea

>> No.5263251

literally anything, 10x gains in a year is normie tier.

>> No.5263253


>> No.5263317

Why is no one mentioning VEN ? This shit could atleast go 100x...

>> No.5263350

I have a good feeling about req. Need to get more while it's down.

>> No.5263374


Indisputably the optimal holds. Guaranteed millions. Disagree and stay poor.

>> No.5263432


>> No.5263447

Lads, I see a lot of FUN not being shilled here. At least give OP a real alt to invest some in.

>> No.5263589


>> No.5263768

C'mon anon, stop trolling and be serious. OP is actually trying to make money

>> No.5264029

PotCoin ? Plzz I'm still holding bags after rodman shit on TV