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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52614399 No.52614399 [Reply] [Original]

>circulating supply - 1,500,000,000 BAT
>brave rewards wallet - 10,600,000 users
>even disbursement between wallets - 141.5 BAT

I earn about 20-25 BAT per month from rewards. the tokenomics on this coin is ridiculous. there will be a huge supply crunch soon with the increase in utility via search engine and other features.

another thing to consider is on-chain wallets

>total number of ETH wallets holding BAT - 457,734
>in the top 10 of most held coins on etherscan
>majority of OG whales have huge amounts of BAT and have diamond hands, having not sold for 5 years

the supply and demand factors and the tokenomics on it are quite literally perfect. this thing is a powder keg waiting to blow and there are many different catalysts, any one of which could light the fuse

>> No.52614569

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.52614778
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thank you

>> No.52614827

Thank you bro - 170k Holder here. Holding to 0 or 40. No in between

>> No.52614888

I’m holding past $40 and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me.

>> No.52614914
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>170k Holder here
lets pump those numbers up. start buying 10k bat every week

>> No.52615366

How many BAT tokens Brave still owns?
I'm not going all in until they dump all their holdings.

>> No.52615554

Top 400 wallet here. BAT is the only token I have in my stash I feel can muscle thru this disgusting Jewish catastrophe of a market

>> No.52615588

>currently $. 22


>> No.52615630

I looked at the chart, it's horrendous, I assumed this thread was some sort of weird ironic thread about how shit BAT is. XRP $2000 in two weeks, summer of rubic etc.

>> No.52615838

Oh no. We’re all true believers in BAT here. It took them 5 years to distribute the entire token supply. There’s almost nothing left. Maybe you’ve been away for a while, but they now have the fastest growing search engine in history that’ll be implementing BAT ads in Q1 of next year. /biz/ is gonna need a fuckton of step ladders and rope very soon

>> No.52616765
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$2000 is a meme, $40 is not a meme. BAT will hit it. Brave is a ducking search engine company now. Hit duckduckgos volume in 1 year that it took duckduckgo to hit in 7 or 8 year.

And the scandals with other competitors DDG and now metamask with their controversy of potentially leaking ip and wallet addresses. While Brave doesn't have any major controversy that causes it to hemorrhage users.... aside from ads dropping support of India but honestly that's a probably a good thing.

>> No.52616894

>the tokenomics on this coin is ridiculous

They are ridiculous, ridiculously BAD. Brave and BAT could be so much more but because Brendan and the rest of the team are a bunch of slow-working lazy pussies it'll never be more than a useless garbage token. Overpromising and underdelivering is their MO. Every feature they've ever implemented has done nothing for BAT and you cannot even use BAT to pay for any of their shit features like Brave talk, VPN, or anything at all. They refuse to add any utility for this piece of shit token at all.

Remember that DEX that they launched? Nobody ever used it because they implemented a greedy as fuck FEE that is not competitive with the rest of the market at all. Furthermore, the entire fee goes to Brave, none of it goes to BAT baggies. If they cared about BAT baggies they could at least implement some form of staking where you stake your BAT and get a piece of the DEX rewards or advertiser buys or anything. The Brave team has made it very clear that they do NOT CARE about BAT bagholders. We were simply a way for them to raise funds and now they'll only work on accruing value for Brave, not for BAT.

I'm glad I sold the vast majority of my BAT after they decided to partner with Solana, which was yet another 62 IQ decision from the Brave team, but I am frustrated that they made me miss a large part of the bull market.

>> No.52616926
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Here are the numbers BATTies:
> 57 Million Monthly Active Users on Brave
> 1 million in revenue in September
> Number of successful businesses that make 1.7 pennies per month per user = ZERO. ZERO!!!
> User growth stalled / in decline.
> Inability to monetize Brave through BAT after a half decade, earning 1.7 cents per Brave User
> Large Brands bought ad campaigns and never came back. Ford, Coke, Chipotle, Paypal, every major advertiser has abandoned Brave. No bluechip advertiser in months.
> Taking Digital Ads and stripping away what makes them valuable (data that helps advertisers sell products) essentially means BRAVE ADS = WORTHLESS

>> No.52616937
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Brave downloads and usage have no bearing on the token. Glorified Ad Blocker. Token used for money grab gimmick. A fraction of the users actually turn on ads - people will pay NOT to view ads.

BRAVE users != BAT shitcoin holders

Brave fans:
Love privacy
Hate big tech
Hate ad industry
Hate government
Probably use Linux, free software

BAT fans:
Don't care much about privacy (use public ledger crypto, rationalize KYC)
Love nu-big tech (web3)
Love ad industry (it'll cause BAT to moon)
Love government (regulation and institutional adoption will make BAT moon)
Probably less tendency to use Linux and free software

>> No.52616949
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BATTies invested in a:
> FAT LAZY BOOMER FOUNDER who never made money despite being early on the Web
> Have not developed anything in 5 years
> (1) BRAVE is a fork of Chrome with adblock built in instead of a plugin
> (2) BAT is an ERC-20 token that every scammer creates with a few lines of copy pasta code
> (3) SEARCH was a company that was acquired after collecting free money from low IQ crypto investors
> Now instead of developing utility the lazy and idept team is fiddling with NFTs, Newsfeeds, Video Chat, Integrating Shitcoins into the Wallet, etc

>> No.52616963
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> $0.28 in June 2017
> $0.22 in November 2022
> only 5 more years
> the most obvious moon mission on the planet
....and BATTies continued to get scammed

>> No.52616979
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>the most obvious moon mission on the planet

don't spoonfeed these niggers

>> No.52617066

>crunch soon with the increase in utility
there is zero utility now. You think the team is suddenly going to create utility? This is something that really no token has been able to do. The browser just makes it look like BAT has a product but Brave users don't need or utilize BAT in any way

>> No.52617095

Buying NFTs is the new utility.

>> No.52617639

this. i thought bat had an unlimited supply. i never bought because i thought it was perma-inflationary. i love the brave browser and was really sad about how shit their tokenomics seemed to be.