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52612475 No.52612475 [Reply] [Original]


I hope you didn't have any plans wagie! Mr Shekelberg wants his company audited by monday! I don't care if he hasn't replied to any emails, the work must be done!

>> No.52612501
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huh? you sent me an email? sorry I missed it, I’m having issues with my laptop

>> No.52612502

Rest, but only b/c we need you fresh. Now rest, SNAP SNAP! and while you at it, complete these working papers.

>> No.52612522

What if you just didn’t do it would they out right fire you or would you be on the shit list. I don’t know how office wagies operate

>> No.52612526

I just outright don't check emails over the weekend. Never had any issue with that or expectation otherwise.

>> No.52612556

yeah if you set clear work/life boundaries they will not try to contact you. once you cuck and respond to a weekend email, then they have you marked and go to you every time they need something done on the weekend.

>> No.52612565

I'd respond with:

Sorry, I don't have time this weekend. See you monday!

>> No.52612609

Just don't respond anon, you are not paid overtime, right?

>> No.52612611

There is absolutely no way there is any real pressure to complete all this work in a weekend. God i hate faggots like this who create artificial pressure. Its not the ER, people's lives are not on the line.

>> No.52612624
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This but I also know my boss would have my back if someone dropped this off on me at 3 on a Friday and told me to get it done. The biggest red flag is
>customer isn't responding
I regularly grill fucktards at my company especially in the sales department about not following proper procedure. They start pouting and getting pissy and I CC their superior, inform them this has always been, and then they usually go away. Or I CC my boss and ask him to justn chime in saying he agrees so they don't try and go and complain.

I've told someone they can go to the damn CEO and complain if they want and I'm still not gonna do it if they don't follow procedure and I'll do it again kek.

>> No.52612678

This. If you accept doing more than expected, you’ll end up doing other peoples responsibilities. Then they will promote some woman whose work was being delegated to you. She’s great at delegating and making others do work.

>> No.52612879

I don't know the specifics of this contract but in general I would respond that my contract only covers 40 hrs a week and while occasional emergencies might sometimes require a few extra unpaid hours, this far exceeds what can be considered reasonable and thus would ask him to approve x hours of overtime.

>> No.52612963

Shit list

>> No.52613077

Office work is so incomprehensibly cucked.
We're supposed to admire CEOs, but they're the biggest cuck on the cuck mountain. These are faggots that worked 16+ hours a day spitshining their boss's shoes and getting their wife to suck off the marketing exec for years until he was finally noticed. These are the faggots we're supposed to admire. Now imagine the pathetic sack of shit that received this email.
OP dates a prostitute and then shrugs and copes when he finds out she's the town cum dumpster.

>> No.52613217
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Sorry I was at my lake house which doesn't have internet.

>> No.52613294
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I have not logged into my email all year

>> No.52615180
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>be me
>"work" by taking prospect to tiddy bar on Thursday night
>log in Friday morning around 11, call prospect up to see if he's alive
>"just sent the signed contract your way big guy, thanks for the body sushi on the corporate card last night bro"
>mfw pic related

>be ops team
>sitting around hoping no work comes on a Friday afternoon
>new email from saleschad
>ah fuck
>work all weekend to convert data on weekend time line to meet what sales had promised
>also he gets a 30% commission

Sorry you bros are poorly socialized. Without you, my five figure checks wouldn't happen, so keep up the good work!

>> No.52615197

it's public accounting (assurance = audit.) they would probably put you on a performance improvement plan.

t. former big 4 audit niggerslave

>> No.52615219

firing people is a lot of work
if you dont do it by monday he'll just throw a hissy fit but in the end say "ok fine just do it now"

>> No.52615241

>hey "chad" we need you in frackville, pennsylvania by 5 AM tomorrow.
>yeah, about the travel budget... due to the economy we're cutting your travel budget and your per diem is now $25.
>anyways, avis should have the rental ready to go.
>good luck hitting those quarterly sales quotas!

>> No.52615425
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i don't get how you niggers stay there for more than 4 months. i instaquit after and got a comfy zog job.

>> No.52615439

I work in government. Nobody would ever expect anyone to do anything past 5pm on Friday. Plus 7 weeks vacation. Work from home. Feels good man.

>> No.52615471

you mean 2pm right? kek

>> No.52615475

i quit after 9 months for a 20% raise. then i quit that job after 2.5 years for a 30% raise. now i'm perm wfh. public accounting is gay as hell.

>> No.52615493

bro just learn to code

>> No.52615547

>working at any other time than 11:00 to noon
kek. Government employees dont work before their 2 morning coffees, then they do a small bit of work from 11 to lunch, then they send pictures of funny cats by emails or if theyre old enough they flat out print out memes from the printer and go around showing everyone

>> No.52615600

I don't check my email unless I'm at work.
If you want me to do shit, you better call me.
And no, I will not be giving you my number.

>> No.52615794

I love government employees. Everyone knows it's all just a giant welfare program, so nobody even pretends to work.

>> No.52615852

Easy solution. Don't do the work. Get fired. Get government benefits.

You exploitative assholes can either pay for the work during business hours or you can pay for the work to go undone. Up to you.

>> No.52615872

>enjoy the weekend and get some rest for a rough week ahead
This is why they give you homework in school and ruin your weekends from childhood, so you can be moulded into a good goy wageslave

>> No.52615893
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>Enjoy the weekend before you get brutally anal fucked by Monday :)
They just love twisting the knife, my boss does this shit every time because he knows I've worked every Saturdays for the past ten years and he always asks me how was your weekend on the fucking Monday and I just have to swallow it up and smile like a good goy telling him it was good when in fact it's never a weekend.

>> No.52615900

thats depressing af man
i would rather kms than live like that

>> No.52615910

i was with you until the 10 years part. that's 12.5% of your lifespan. grow a fucking spine and get a new job you cuck faggot, holy SHIT.

>> No.52615958
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Frankly the salesmen I work with are all pretty chill. It's the womenz that are total fucking cunts. My company has hired so many chatty women that add nothing to the company it's insane. Yet they are cutting engineering jobs for more chatty sales women and project managers yet I just wind up having to coordinate everything anyways. Worth the trouble of ensuring people a few rungs up don't know my name though. I prefer to operate as black box where you input your request and the design pops out.

>> No.52616018

Let me guess, you also work from 8am to noon on sunday too like a good goy?
top fucking kek

>> No.52616104

>client not even responding to emails
>"quick guys we must get this done by monday!"

As a civil engineer I can only say that when this happens the monday deadline is complete nonsense and the client themselves wouldn't care much either if there was a delay. Managers who give tight deadlines can fuck off.

>> No.52616550

Look for another job and never make the same mistake again.