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File: 1.13 MB, 960x640, 1669236109799909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52610025 No.52610025 [Reply] [Original]

that's a nice dog right there

>> No.52610349

he do be looking comfy

>> No.52610418

That’s a nice bat you got, dog

>> No.52610419

the only fear uncertainty and doubt i have is if Binance goes under
if BNB stays alive through this cascading liquidity crisis then this will hit a market cap in the Billions.
Literally ez 100x
IF binance stays alive

>> No.52610446


Warning: Scamcoin run by pedo devs who have since then ran multiple other scams

dont be bnb dog coin retard bagholder

>> No.52610633

But we bought a billboard. That means price go up.

>> No.52610665
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>> No.52610723

I lost my life savings on this shitcoin
10/10 would do it again

>> No.52610732


What the dog doin?

>> No.52610939

I made money almost exactly a year off this shit, why are people still shilling this exactly? I haven't been here in a while. Tell Santovi he's still a giant faggot

>> No.52610953

Warning: brown id
shitting streets have been breached

>> No.52610968
File: 49 KB, 680x383, F99EEDDE-D289-4536-8985-C83328E73A4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52611044

If you care about the colour of 4chan IDs, dubs, trips, captchas, any weird schizo association with the 4chan meta itself, especially in association with your personal finances... you are a retard and must be 18 years old to post

>> No.52611095
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>> No.52611109

checked newfag

>> No.52611501
File: 106 KB, 600x597, 1667956674651871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50b eoy

>> No.52611701

People shilling so they can exit this project. The devs mismanaged the whole thing, and it’s dead now. They need a large pump because of the high exit tax.

>> No.52611835

50b eoy jannies tongue my anus

>> No.52612160


Larp, post proof

>> No.52612187
File: 468 KB, 1153x561, 22aa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d0ggggy batttt

>> No.52612818

man he do be smooth

>> No.52613889
File: 123 KB, 851x1273, 20221122_004503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better one

>> No.52614353

You have 1 month left bagholder

>> No.52615024

The fact that you think I'm a larp because I made money off this shit (an entire year ago) is proof you shouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole, God you people are dumb

>> No.52615056

I'm going to double down here, say "larp" again as if it doesn't expose you for the shit trader you are. How DIDN'T you make money off this obvious shit (an entire year ago)? Post proof that you are as dumb as you claim

>> No.52615084

Has anyone else noticed that the
>i sold in November! I can't believe people still talk about this!
posts only started appearing in our threads when the jeets finally ran out of scamtokens to shill?
Intfact they've doubled since that cheems token got rugged down to 1k marketcap

>> No.52615089


>> No.52615090
File: 897 KB, 1680x6720, Call of Cheems Roadmap and Whitepaper V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call of Cheems is the new BSC dog coin.

>> No.52615104

sHEEEsssHHHH, dog bat watch out!

>> No.52615119

Yes we have based ghostbro and former d0bo devs closely working with CoC.

>> No.52615189
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>> No.52615217

til what faggot? i'll let it go right to zero i dont give a shit

>> No.52615639
File: 95 KB, 1548x940, coclmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52615987

imagine all the time, energy and money thats been put into every scamtoken this year was put behind db, we would unironically be in a dogbat bull market

>> No.52616047

d0b0 is te perfect memecoin, you literally cannot improve on the safemoon ponzinomics model, and you definitely can't beat the doge with a bat image as it's too absurd and kafkaesque, therefore hilarious. Moreover d0b0 has THE most autistic following, which means it will never die. The bonk is inevitable and I hope gh0stkike and the rest rope when we hit 50B EOY.

>> No.52616124

Imagine all the copy cats too. Cat bat, bird bat, cow bat... ad infinitum.

>> No.52616152

Every copycat coin to date has been low energy shit, just like the previous wave of Shib copycats like Hokk, Kisha, etc. That's how you know d0b0 is the next one to win big. The market reacts to d0b0, not the other way around. The seething will be legendary.

>> No.52616182

Yeah, this is true. The copycats were flooding this board like poo in the Ganges. Now only Dogbat remains in the bear. It’s telling.

>> No.52616245

this, its fucking insane

>> No.52616540

wagmi d0bros
I just slurped up some more b0nks

>> No.52618278

lil doggie doin a lil sumthin

>> No.52618395
File: 727 KB, 1054x1004, d0b0-devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant Zhao is the new bsc dog coin

>> No.52618621

fuck off

>> No.52618681


Post proof, retard. Quit stalling