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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 1200x630, monkey-tested-on-germany-lab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52609443 No.52609443 [Reply] [Original]

My parents and sister just died in a car accident and left me with 700k. What the fuck do I do? Contemplating suicide. Am still in university studying mechanical engineering.

>> No.52609451

Put it in a REIT index fund.

>> No.52609459

You need to find a support system and people who care about you. For now just keep the money in a savings account. Don't make any big decisions. You need to be able to think clearly about your life and your future.

>> No.52609462
File: 320 KB, 1800x1200, 1669378291056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would park it in a high yield savings for a couple months until you have your head straight.
Or just all in Chainlink.

>> No.52609464

ahhh yes, OPs parents AND sister just died in a car accident, they already made sure to legally leave him 700K in case they die in a sudden horrible car accident, OP then contemplates suicide, goes to 4channel.org, chooses the Business & Finance imageboard, writes this thread, attaches a monkey-tested-on-germany-lab.jpg, solves the Captcha and posts said thread

>> No.52609468

wtf is this stupid question ?
all in crypto obviously nigger

>> No.52609470

Well it's not the first time for him

>> No.52609471

Yes should be the most safest thing to do.
Avoid stupid schemes.

>> No.52609473

scam coin

>> No.52609476

I'm sorry for your loss, don't rush into suicide, you can kill yourself any time you want. Consider seeing a grief counselor and put some money in gold and silver just to keep yourself financially safe.

>> No.52609478

>they already made sure to legally leave him 700K
I was approached by a government official and he told me the rough estimate of the house and all their holdings are about 700k. I don't man I have been living in another state for 3 years studying but what the fuck I dont have a home to return to after graduating. i lost 3/4 of my savings on crypto already and still have my tuition debt

>> No.52609479

Get friends, try to keep studying, put the money in save stuff so u dont waste it. Get a Psychologist. Gl bre

>> No.52609494

So you have a house to return to even though it is not a home.

>> No.52609515

Buy a property to live in, try and start your own business. Sadly, child care and dog grooming are two business that have overwhelming need and you can succeed fairly quickly with a well thought and researched business plan.

>> No.52609528

ahhh yes when your entire family dies the first thing a government official does is he comes to evaluate your family house and your family holdings through all banks and various insurances, goes through the drawers and looks up beneath all the bed mattresses and then reports the family net worth back to you that's exactly how it goes

all that and now you're contemplating suicide and at the same time refreshing a 4channel thread, waiting 60 seconds to post and solve Captchas at the same time

>> No.52609565
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>actual good advice on 4chan
The fuck.

>> No.52609571

Buy a cheap house in Fort Wayne Indy or some shit and rent it out by contacting a local rental manager to the area. You're have to share some of the profits with them but this will give you grocery money for life and experience in passive income, plus it gives you credit and the ability to move to that city or area for any potential job after college. Spend no more than a 100k on a house in the midwest, other places could eat up all of your money but idk maybe Virgina Beach might be another good place to buy a home or even sea side heights, etc-( just as long as you like the area). Next pay off your student loan in full once you finish school, then I would focus on transportation, spend a small amount of money on an old Ford fusion or a cheap Prius or something, cars are waste of money anyway and then maybe spend about 20 K or so travelling the world to morn their loss, losing a sister is a big deal because that means no more memories and no chance of a being a cool uncle.

>> No.52609572

>contemplating suicide

Nice Humblebrag. I’d be grateful if your family died and gave me their money. Maybe have a little perspective

>> No.52609605


Don't do that. Seek Christ, and buy a house in full immediately. Also buy non-perishable goods/canned foods and ammo.

Do not gamble or go into debt.

>> No.52609715

I’m sorry mate. I lost my brother recently, still no known cause of death. Let yourself grieve, your grief is love
Hopefully the money gives you a bit of support in this initial period so you don’t have to work for a while
Look after yourself and eat well

>> No.52609730

you took the shot and you're proud of it, aren't you? you piece of shit

>> No.52609745


>> No.52609754

Put most of it (90-95%) in a deposit or something so you don't feel tempted to fucking drink yourself to death or ape it all into a bad investment while you're grieving. Seek actual investments once you're thinking straight (a minimum of 6 months from now).

>> No.52609759

>still no known cause of death
you fucking know the cause of death, you just don't want to say or admit it, you dumb nigger
remember, faggot: you can't unpfizer yourself

>> No.52609766

Probably a larp but with 700k you can buy multiple houses / flat, rent them and be self sufficient for the rest of your life from rent income with 0 risk involved.

Then it's a up to you to find a goal in life.

>> No.52609778

Oh that kind of shot. Yeah man I suspect it was the vax. Why such hostility?

>> No.52609781

Back to your containment board schizo

>> No.52609790

Might be right, but that's a crazy level of projection.

>> No.52609793

kys, glowie
why act dumb?

>> No.52609813

>died in a car accident
> studying mechanical engineering

Have you done some coursework about breaks recently by chance?

>> No.52609828

stupid esl idiot

>> No.52609837

Why be weird about it when I’m trying to give a guy my condolences? You’re treating my personal situation like it’s merely content for you to speculate on and consume. Terminally online mindset

>> No.52609850


>> No.52609856


>> No.52609870

>ahhh yes
Stopped reading right there, go back to plebbit, retard.

>> No.52609881

Sounds perfectly rational to me. He's numb from the shock of losing every loved one in his life. The mental clarity that can bring can work wonders for making good investment decisions free of emotional attachment. Have to do it before grief sets in though.

>> No.52609946

ahhh yes numb from the shock, that's exactly why government officials come to you right after your entire family dies and then immediately let you know your entire family net worth to you right in that moment and immediately make all that money available to you while you're in such a state, perfectly rational indeed such things don't take months and months of various legal procedures, your parents die and you get an insta check of their entire net worth in your bank balance

>> No.52610060

i don't give a shit about you, retard

>> No.52610106

aah yes, we've been expecting you

>> No.52610216

at LEAST spend the $700k before kys if you choose to do that. i wouldn't do that, you're smart enough to handle an engineering degree and now have $700k. live a good life instead. it's what your family would have wanted for you.

worst case scenario though at least party it up with that $700k i mean ffs i have only like $50k to my name in my 30's right now. fuck.

>> No.52610280

>rent income
>0 risk involved

Fucking lol

>> No.52610296

Sorry about your family anon. Shit sucks, horribly.

Try to have it split 20-30 ways and invest in multiple avenues to mitigate risk. Buy a financial advisor and give him 400-500k to play the long game and have him drop it in multiple buckets. You take the rest and place it in the stuff normies won't touch like crypto staking. Only pull from the piles in small amounts when you need them.

>> No.52610297

Then stop replying jackass

>> No.52610316

It's brakes. English second language, but I'm going with ignorant.

>> No.52610329

RIP to your family

>> No.52610432


>> No.52610452

His parents likely told him how much he'd get if they died. Mine did.

>> No.52610569


>> No.52610592

>i lost 3/4 of my savings on crypto already
Anon is really a proud member of /biz/

>> No.52610660

I lost both of my sisters and now I’m an only child

>> No.52610748

This. Don't kill yourself buddy. Go volunteer at and animal shelter or something.

You are a manchild and it's pathetic.

>> No.52610792


Just another shitty demoralization thread they can't spam the same thread over and over without being ranged so they change the story by some retarded larp everytime.
Nobody who just lost most of their family is getting on a south African rain dancing board for advice.

>> No.52611089

no larp then,
dont invest in shitcoin
buy real gold/silver/other valuable metals
dont change ur current lifestyle
and live life to the fullest, u r now living for ur dead family members too so dont throw it away

>> No.52611202

he literally just made all that up

>> No.52611310

Put it all on FTX. High returns, ZERO risk.

>> No.52611470
File: 558 KB, 989x599, 1653098943188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Someone just experienced a tragedy
>Make the mistake of asking /biz/ for financial advice of any kind
>Instead of dropping the charade for two seconds to tell OP to get a financial advisor, they tell them to flush their money down the crypto shitter

You people are fucking revolting.

>> No.52611477

Yeah, this guy. Savings account or CDs right now will at least generate a small amount of interest while you figure things out. Don't listen to the niggerbrains trying to get you to invest in their scams. You can't be emotionally compromised if you're going to be investing.

>> No.52611506

No the tragedy is that anyone at all responded to this retarded larp faggot.

>> No.52611620

As if the gold and silver faggots are any better.
>Aww ur parents died?? 2 bad, buy my bags

>> No.52611647

If you invest that 700k into a 3% dividend yield stock you'd make about $1750 a month and could effectively live rent free in a moderate price area.

Don't commit suicide. You won't be happy with where you end up and you'd be depriving your future friends of good company.

>> No.52611710

>left me with 700k
was this seriously your first focus after your family got wiped? like that's not even a lot today especially you as a kid on this board are gonna gamble it away very fast

>> No.52611716

I bet those monkeys did it.
It triggerd his limbic system, heavily.

>> No.52611743

Did you ever smell your sister panties, OP?

>> No.52611826


>> No.52611935

Now this is a real question
I did, Now my only regret if she dies it's that I didn't rape her on her sleep

>> No.52612040

Sorry for your loss, anon. I'd just go sleep, at least it doesn't hurt.

>> No.52612064
File: 82 KB, 1024x511, 1660221981042645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in dogbat or the DNA-sharing psychotic apes died for nothing.

>> No.52612189

Talk to a financial advisor. But my advice would be to pay off that debt and avoid crypto if you have a bad track record with it. Then split up your money into a few different asset classes:
>5% gold/silver
>35% index or mutual funds
>25% cash (mostly usd, maybe some foreign currencies)
And put the rest towards a property. You're a mechanical engineer so you should make decent money and once the emotion of the situation subsides you should be able to make pragmatic decisions.

>> No.52612302

>foreign currencies
OP just lost his family, why do you also want to make him destitute?

>> No.52612615

>Killing yourself when you are the last reminder of the existence of your loved ones

>> No.52612640

Nobody died nigger OP is a phoneposting attention whore we established this last night when he larped about losing his house and family.
Then quickly when called out started screaming that everyone was a nigger.
Just some pajeet attention whore who can't beg anymore because all the money dried up.

>> No.52612656

Oh ok, lol. Thanks for the update

>> No.52612685
File: 517 KB, 1428x668, 576DF769-ED83-4876-8E6C-3F00AF253CA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

700k is cozy as fuck

Park it all in SPY and a few other broad market index funds, grow it for 5-10 years and retire on 1.5-2 Million

You won’t even have to work your job until you’re 30 most likely. Retiring comfortably at 30 is about the best thing in the world

>> No.52612729

I've seen some other anon's say this, put your money in an index fund. Don't risk it on anything like crypto right now. Finish up your degree, pay off your loans with the gains from the fund, and then start you life debt free.

My condolences anon

>> No.52612761


Why are you advising him to hold 200k in cash? Foreign currencies too… WTF? The man is going to have a job right out of the gate and can cover his nut and then some

Same with Gold/Silver, there’s basically no reason to do this, it’s a terribly performing asset class unless SHTF.

Worst of all is investing in a property. You can make almost twice the return historically in the stock market with the same amount of leverage as a home loan (or, ideally just don’t use leverage at all!). Not to mention he’s obviously swamped and grieving and doesn’t have time to deal with fixing a busted water heater. Kek

Just awful advice across the board. OP is young and should put it all into broad market index funds, he has the time horizon and doesn’t need to be making mathematically unsound choices

>> No.52613003

The fact that you posted this image as OP is an excellent sign. I hope you don’t kill yourself

>> No.52613051

Because you're an oldfag and they're on the verge of death. OP is in his early 20's most likely

>> No.52613064

Attention whore stop bumping your gay ass larp thread for god sake it's not even clever.

>> No.52613072

Give all your money the Cathie woods.

>> No.52613094

the average anon isn't as heartless as they seem apart from all the shilling done by multiple political parties and state actors.

>> No.52613125

Sorry man, goes without saying that this is a tragedy.

Err on the side of caution. 700k is a life changing amount that many people work their entire lifetimes for but still couldn't amass that figure...

If it were me I would buy 5 bitcoin over the course of the next 2 years (set aside 150kf or this) using a set DCA to lower risk (macroeconomic conditions are a mess right now, no telling when the 'bottom' is in for BTC'..). I would then put 300k into major indices/ETF's of your choice. I don't have any specific recommendations here aside from S&P. You need to assess your long term goals when it comes to that, IMO. The remaining 250k should be used to by yourself a home. You also need to keep 50 - 100k in cash as an emergency savings or so you have cash to jump at a great oppurtunity when it comes along...

Get a financial advisor and listen very closely to their advice regarding stocks/indices/ETF's. You are too young to make most of these determinations yourself but don't listen to them when it comes to bitcoin (they will advise against it). You need to buy some bitcoin.

Finish your degree too and don't make stupid decisions. Good luck.

>> No.52613449

You've finally arrived, but our records don't show from where.

>> No.52613479

>t. halfwit

>> No.52613567

>Leuschner family owns the lab in OP's pic
>Who are the Leuschner family in Meinbuttel Germany?
>This is horrific
>Every single person involved needs to be in Prison permanently.


>> No.52613598

OP, give your life meaning by becoming an investigate journalist and using crypto for good by creating a decentralized investigatory platform. Please. I searched the story in your thread and it left me feeling raw, hollowed-out, hopelessly sad and despondent. I don't have 700k, you do now and you're smarter than me and actually are getting a useful degree in ME it sounds like. Please, for the memory of your family ( I am sorry) do something good for the world. end animal suffering.

>> No.52614554

they would want you to buy LINK

do the needful

>> No.52614583

God I wish I could run a Mengele-style lab for monkeys.

>> No.52614594

You'll have to be recorded before you're officially released.

>> No.52614630

what the fuck is happening to monke

>> No.52614691

Sorry to hear that bro.

>> No.52614728


>> No.52614758

Hang in there, my dude.
Things like this isn't something you ever get over, it's something you learn to live with

Keep pursing your degree and take things slow. With time you will find your path.

>> No.52614791

Put 15% in physical gold and silver and then a good bit into commodity stocks like oil, agriculture, fertilizer and nuclear energy and thank me later

>> No.52614811

Monke background info on pic?
Sorry for you're loss btw

>> No.52614841


Fucking Germans man.

>> No.52614857

How the fuck did that happen?

Just google search it.

>> No.52615397

do a flip

>> No.52615962


>> No.52616242

put it in your house. chill for a while like other anons say. Time heals all wounds, im sorry anon.

>> No.52617745


>> No.52617767

If you're white and have an IQ above 110 you can come live at my house in my nice furnished basement room for 3 months while you get your bearings. I'll introduce you to some nice church girls.

>> No.52617835

>gets 700k
>wants to die

Curse of the lottery is real.

>> No.52618707

Sorry for your loss op, all I can say is you gotta keep going. Remember the happy times you had with your family and cry as much as you need to. As for the money, just put it in a bank account or s&p500

>> No.52618714 [DELETED] 

Hey bro i dont wish you bad, but if you got to do it:

BTC - bc1qypx4lgf7s5u2qaczgn86jky76m9ttnjgpf65y8

Do the sneedful bro

>> No.52619132

Precious metals

>> No.52619197

hey bhenchod, i fuck your sister

>> No.52619574

Sorry to hear, OP. No reason not to go to Mars now. May as well prepare for that.

>> No.52619601

buy $600k worth of ETH and wait til 2024

>> No.52619630

+ Stay away from leeches

>> No.52620084
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>> No.52620105

Was your sister hot?

>> No.52620163

Don't put the money in crypto. Invest it in something safe. Maybe sell your parents' house and buy a new one for yourself.

>> No.52620424

Where would his parents live then?

>> No.52620442


>> No.52620452
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>a good advice
>on this shit chinese board

>> No.52620454
File: 179 KB, 542x700, 1654447743803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's easy
all in dogbat

>> No.52620481

Buy kaspa, BTC, and Doge.

>> No.52620556

Absolutely this. And remember OP, your family would want you to be as successful as possible to keep the family legacy alive. Suicide will not bring you honor here, Anon.

>> No.52620560

first thing you do is stop asking how to lose it on this shithole

>> No.52620585

stake it in YDF?

>> No.52620618

Do the opposite of what this site tells you. If you want to invest in crypto, go lurk crypto Twitter. I repeat, do not heed the advice here - you will really want to kys if you do. You have enough to retire early if you do things right. You don't have enough out right to never work, but you have great capital for starting your own businesses over and over until you find what works for you. Since you are young and your brain is still retarded, i would suggest you dump it into BTC until you are ready to be a man. BTC is set in stone and will never go away so it is a safe bet for you to not burn the money via the rampant inflation

>> No.52620638

Put in all into shitcoins with the dumbest names you can find

>> No.52620673

gold and silver. doing anything else would be a retarded move. Put it away in gold and silver, normal bullion (bars "rounds", etc). Dont touch it except when you need it. Move forward, have children, live happy.

dont do drugs

>> No.52620680


Holy shit you guys ITT are retarded. The guy just lost his whole family who gives a fuck about the 700k.

The real answer probably depends on you but for me the answer would be do nothing. Don't kys, don't do anything. Wouldn't even show up to uni. At most I'd send emails to professors telling them family died and I'm out for the semester that's it. Go for walks, watch the world cup, or just sit around. Take as long as you need.

>> No.52620698


>> No.52621644

Don't kill yourself bro, my parents died in a car accident when I was young and it fucked me up for years.

You will eventually have minute in each hour where you won't think about it, then a day where for a few hours you won't think about it. Slowly it seep away and you live normally. Be around the people who care about you and leave the money aside until you decide what to do.

>> No.52622049

DO NOT leave that money in a bank account.
Bail-ins were made legal after the last crisis where they used bail-outs. This time when the markets shit themselves, they will take the money directly out of bank accounts turning them into stock in the bank or something else worthless.
Dodd-Frank act

>Verification not required.

>> No.52623380

>Contemplating suicide.
Suicide is not a thing, all animals have an instinct for self-preservation, suicide is simply impossible as it goes against the very nature of animals and men.
If you would be able to commit suicide (which you can't) you would truly stand out as a unique individual, a new branch of mankind no longer guided by biology but capable of defying your biological imperative, you would be a conscious individual, no longer an animal.

It's simply impossible that you could commit suicide, suicide is nothing but a stale meme, a fringe theory that somehow went mainstream.

>> No.52623602

Kill yourself shill

>> No.52623623
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Kill yourself faggot.
You know you want to, I bet they suffered while they died slowly.
Ongobongo said it best, we all gotta go some times...this is your fucking future.
To return to the dirt as worm food.

>> No.52623639

>Why such hostility?
He's a white boy.

>> No.52623650

Right back at cha!

>> No.52623666
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What a fucking weak failure you are.

>> No.52623684
File: 66 KB, 555x1024, 1574352666264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoid crypto
Bought the top? Eh?

>> No.52623685

Wtf are you on about schizo posting dead people and thinking this isn't some bullshit spam larp thread?
Jesus fucking go back all of you this thread should have been pruned 24 hours ago.

>> No.52623710

>phoneposting attention whore we established this last night when he larped about losing his house and family.
>Then quickly when called out started screaming that everyone was a nigger.
>Just some pajeet attention whore who can't beg anymore because all the money dried up.
How the fuck do you know this?

>> No.52623726

Go back you fucking /pol/ schizo you can't just walk into this board and pretend to know what the fucks going on here.
You don't now leave moron.

>> No.52623930

>about the photo
what's that big green candle doing in the window by the fence? It kinda makes the photo unrealistic