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52604749 No.52604749 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, without getting arrested

>> No.52604760

>next bull run
Me thinks you won’t have this problem kek

>> No.52604771

well I know a legal method so hear me out
>do not cash out on any capital again
>move abroad to a 3rd world country that has laxed foreign capital rules
>cash out bringing that money to the 3rdie bank account
>live off comfy in 3rd world
Turkey had %0.01 tax/fee and did not ask the origin of the wealth for example

>> No.52604798

Pay taxes, pay to launder, or pay to move to a different country.

>> No.52604807

>swap to XMR
>go on local monero or other p2p exchange
>exchange xmr for gold
>sell gold or deposit it at a bank
Tax free money

>> No.52604816

If you're American you still owe cap gains and income taxes to the IRS, even if you reside out of the country.

>> No.52604831

oh yeah I know how americans are taxed also abroad sorry forgot the
>renounce citizenship

>> No.52604832

but I have to live there then

>> No.52604839

I wouldn't know officer. I always pay my taxes :^)

>> No.52604842

nobody has been arrested for not paying crypto taxes
the handful of cases that seem like they were involved other crimes like creating front companies basically arrested for illegal elaborate attempts to evade paying crypto taxes when they could have just not paid

>> No.52604868

I herd that advcash is good, but I haven't tested it myself

>> No.52604881

I am reading our laws right now, it's up to 8 years

>> No.52604887

yeah no shit nigga the disadvantage of first world is good and effective bureaucracy
if you don't want to pay taxes like some 3rdie you live with 3rdies

>> No.52604898

richfags and politicians avoid taxes all the time in western world

>> No.52604909

Just use a crypto debit card?
Dont these exchanges count as e-money institutes anyway?
Or use bitrefil

But better move country and keep it legal

>> No.52604911

yeah, richfags, the 400 families who controll 3.5 trillion dollars in wealth you are not them.

>> No.52604915

They get to avoid it because they're part of the chosen tribe and don't prosecute themselves. Goyim aren't allowed to rise above their station in life.

>> No.52604922

Create a company and write the assets on it, use the company to buy with the tax money assets, keep profits

>> No.52604926
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Jesus motherfucking Christ

Imagine buying doggy coins with your already taxed income and going to jail where MURDERERS and RAPISTS reside; for 1/10th of your life at best.

Fuck the taxman. I will use obscure defi for every trade and cash every cent out into gift cards and whatever the fuck else I can purchase directly.

>> No.52604960

in europe the taxman would go after the grandma selling a pack of eggs to their neighbours if they could. The whole system runs on taxing every stream of income you get

>> No.52604996

create your own shitcoin
'invest' the amount you want to cash out in your shitcoin
'rug' yourself and claim it as a loss
swap everything to xmr
buy gold with crypto and sell the gold for cash

>> No.52605017

This is based the only problem is the premiums on gold to buy and sell you still end up paying a "tax"

>> No.52605045
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>step 1: attempt.
>step 2: enjoy life for a short bit
>step 3: fedniggers appear
>step 4: ????
>step 5: see pic

Also wesley warmed up the bed for you.

>> No.52605066

This is useless unless you are playing with mom's money which you probably are

If you want to buy anything relevant you'll have to pay taxes

>> No.52605068

you can buy Amazon giftcards with crypto for 30-40% off, that's enough to cover the premiums on gold

>> No.52605864

You cannot avoid taxes, you either have to pay taxes or pay your local warlords/mafia

>> No.52605909

nope you can absolutely avoid taxes if you are rich
you are accustomed to live in efficient(relatively speaking) 1st world governments with draconian punishments towards theft you have to understand some countries are truly kleptocracies.

>> No.52605918

Send some money to Gary Gensler. Only counts if it’s in the millions tho.

>> No.52605932

Buy gold/silver and sell on craigslist for cash

>> No.52605996
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The IRS just hired 70,000 new agents to hunt down people like you

>> No.52606074

>dubai fz llc

>> No.52606105



>> No.52606107

> Next bull run

>> No.52606192

Sell for lower than you bought. No gain= no tax.

>> No.52606248
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Hm... Not sure.

>> No.52606537

yeah because they couldn't make any arrests before
will these 70,000 new agents get any arrests?
So far they're at 0.

>> No.52607751

Send your coins to a nonkyc exchange & swap to monero. Send monero to another non kyc exchange. Swap for stables. Send under 600 bucks at a time to the us exchanges when you need cash. If you needed to cash out a large amount just pay yourself in crypto anonymously for some ridiculously expensive gig and pay your taxes on that

>> No.52607765

This is one of the few ways that will actually work if you take all the proper precautions such as using non kyc exchanges & proper vpns and hosting your own node etc. could also code a fake lottery that will let you win all the money back but you will probably get traced from the web hosting

>> No.52607777
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>Fuck the taxman. I will use obscure defi for every trade and cash every cent out into gift cards and whatever the fuck else I can purchase directly.

>> No.52607850


>> No.52607872

>deposit it at a bank

>> No.52608387

On Bitrefill you dont pay any premium, you even get 1% cashback in SATs

>> No.52608762

Financially speaking I fear more for my own ass than anything else, the possible death of btc will completely fuck up my dext bags and in fact all my future plans, is this what I deserve?

>> No.52608955

Just don't pay and don't go back to cuckmerica, pretty simple

>> No.52610613

DeFi might be a good option, get your funds on DeFi and stake to earn, that way, no one will track your crypto asset holding, staking evmos, loop, atom and cake gives me some significant rewards.

>> No.52610731

OP thank god you're not a mutt.
I moved recently, to a country with a territorial tax. I'm officially a tax payer there now...thing is I don't pay tax. All my income/wealth is from outside the country. Moving is the only way to solve your problem Anon.

Best of luck

>doesn't know the US passport will be revoked

Thats only a 250k capital gain btw
Well at least he got that right

>> No.52610758

>Sell BTC for gold
>Bury it
>Give a treasure map to your family
>Kill yourself

The perfect crime

>> No.52611024
File: 99 KB, 600x468, 1621585934338[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont bring any privacy platform into this, that's not what they are primarily meant for nigguh.

Privacy is for security and freedom.

>> No.52611275

I'm staking my atom on gravity, dex, is this where you stake yours?
What's the rewards like?

>> No.52611289

Change country before you do it

>> No.52611332
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>not being exempt

>> No.52611386

Gravity Dex is great, but I'm staking mine on LoopDex, and the rewards are quite significant

>> No.52611450


>> No.52612655

Gravity is one of the best dex in cosmos, I never see loopdex as a competitor, what makes it one?

>> No.52612674

Do you think you can do without privacy?
Absolutely not, the best way to overcome tax is using privacy

>> No.52612733

based when your cellie is wearing your rectum like a long sleeve.

>> No.52612809

Gravity dex is the best, but loopdex is unique, apart from offering good staking rewards and less gas fee, their nft marketplace is topnotch on the cosmos chain

>> No.52612831

Government will ban any privacy just like they did to tornado cash

>> No.52612874

Do you think the vote for the final funding from Juno to loop will be in their favor?

>> No.52613388

The privacy platforms have evolved frens, protocols such as Railgun and Zcash have audit features(view keys) for such situations.

>> No.52614127

Loop is unique in different aspect
They have the best NFT marketplace
They have the best Dex with significant
And they are the best and most sold project on Juno network