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5257187 No.5257187 [Reply] [Original]

2018 will be the year of the protocols. Projects that complement each other will rise together.

This stack covers every avenue needed to profit from anyone: investors, traders and normies. If you don't own at least one of these, you probably enjoy being poor.

1. REQ
>Already ahead of current roadmap
>App already in working order
>Normie money will flow through this system while they buy endless shit off Amazon et al
>Later comes the other features of this fucking next-gen FINANCIAL PLATFORM
>PayPal 2.0 is only the beginning
>Businesses and government alike will use REQ's network for payments, taxation, etc.
>Unimaginable MC potential
>YCombinator aggressive tactics, great communication and marketing from REQ's team

2. Blocknet
>DEX beta launching with new UI in January, SPV coming, product marketing soon
>Around 15% returns for stakers, 20% for nodes, not even including TX fees of the DEX (100% goes to holders)
>MARKET AGNOSTIC passive income: alts pumping? money pours in off the DEX... alts crashing? money pumps in off the DEX
>First *true* DEX, first to market. Not one of these "sign up with Facebook" pajeet exchanges.
>Other DEX's can use Blocknet as the backend.
>Bitfenix orderbook integration for liquidity, ETH integration coming for more swap-pairs
>Later comes other interoperability/interchain stuff, DEX is only the beginning

3. 0x
>Both of the above will use the 0x protocol for their respective platforms.
>If either of the above go up, 0x goes up, no fucking brainer.
>Being adopted by other projects - Ethfenix, Augur, 0cean, etc.
>Full fucking list here if you're lazy - https://0xproject.com/wiki#List-of-Projects-Using-0x-Protocol
>More will come, price will only keep rising.

REQ will be your savings plan (PoS still possibly coming too)
Blocknet will be your wage, without daily 9-5 cucking required.
0x will be a perpetual bonus that you'll be too rich to need anyway.

HODL this shit before Q1 2018, or you'll be part of the next big pink wojak phase.

>> No.5257252
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>2018 will be the year of the protocols.

>> No.5257287

mostly all in on REQ but may spread some of my gains to these protobros, thx anon

>> No.5257292

0x is the only one on the list that will actually do well in the long term.
>countless exchanges being built as we speak using the protocol
>real world use cases
>strong coinbase links

The other two will do well in the short term but are memes. 0x is one of the most undervalued if not the most undervalued project of 2017.

>> No.5257320

buy LINK then, it's the best protocol ever.

>> No.5257343

I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.

>> No.5257383

Damn good trifecta anon, but yeah, I'd add LINK too like anon said. BLOCK is my no.1 bae tho.

>> No.5257391

These two are easily some of the best projects being built with 0x. REQ is more reliant on it than Blocknet i guess, but including ETH on their DEX will help immensely.

REQ is only just getting started. Name a project doing the same thing, to the same scope, and moving as fast towards each goal?

You seem to miss the part also where Blocknet's backend can be used as the backend of other DEX projects. If other projects use it, you'll be collecting TX fees from more than just the BlocknetDX.

>> No.5257421

Shhh, nice choice but i'm still building my stack lads. :^)

>> No.5258031

Not much time left to get them stacks, after 225k sats I think it's gon get real interesting...

>> No.5258121

In relation to BLOCK that is.
Wish I'd got REQ when it was sub-ICO, but c'est la vie, got me a passive income from blocknet instead.

>> No.5258410

REQ might also end up being passive if they go with PoS later. For now i'm gonna cash out 1/2 of my stack @ $1 and buy a house tbfh, PoS would just be a bonus on top.

>> No.5258468

>mfw these are my largest holds
thanks for the validation feeling comfy