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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52568856 No.52568856 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be real here, the only thing this token does is pay for Francisco’s alcoholism.
Kleros does nothing useful besides trick idiots into paying for some stupid kleros court or whatever. This is why only heroin addicts like vitalik keeps blabbering about it simply because it makes no sense to anyone reasonable.
He just thinks he can get eternal jury duty checks to pay for his bags of yellow powder.
If you just buy some every month, by the time it is $0 you will not care whether you bought it for 15c, 10c, 6c, 4c, 1c, whatever.
You’ll be a strung out heroin addicted alcoholic like them. There has never been a more overrvalued project in crypto and /biz/ is just incredibly retarded.

>> No.52569531

Its really funny that /biz/ fell for this shit. They all said NFTs were bullshit and meanwhile they all sang praises for Kleros. When it comes to individual projects always do the opposite /biz/ does.

Kleros is doomed. This is like trying to create youtube in 1998, its just too early for this to work. I imagine something like Kleros could be feasable in 2030-2035 if technology keeps advancing at the same pace.

>> No.52569929

I never understand the huge hard on /biz/ had for this token.

>> No.52569970


>> No.52570102

Chuds drool, trannies rool.

>> No.52570718

pnk is swine. you are called to rope

>> No.52571474

I can't wait to get my facial feminization surgery once I am done shorting Kleros

>> No.52573225

It's a risky short, can easily pump to 5c before dumping next bear.