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52565929 No.52565929 [Reply] [Original]

>NEW PROVIDENCE, Bahamas, Nov 22 (Reuters) - Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX, his parents and senior executives of the failed cryptocurrency exchange bought at least 19 properties worth nearly $121 million in the Bahamas over the past two years, official property records show.
>Most of FTX's purchases were luxury beachfront homes, including seven condominiums in an expensive resort community called Albany, costing almost $72 million. The deeds show these properties, bought by a unit of FTX, were to be used as "residence for key personnel" of the company. Reuters could not determine who lived in the apartments.
>The documents for another home with beach access in Old Fort Bay -- a gated community that was once home to a British colonial fort built in the 1700s to protect against pirates -- show Bankman-Fried's parents, Stanford University law professors Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, as signatories. The property, one of the documents dated June 15 said, is for use as a "vacation home."
>When asked by Reuters why the couple decided to buy a vacation home in the Bahamas and how it was paid for -- whether in cash, with a mortgage or by a third party such as FTX -- a spokesman for the professors said only that Bankman and Fried had been trying to return the property to FTX.

>> No.52565976

>Bankman and Fried had been trying to return the property to FTX.
Yea, now they got caught. What a bunch of fuckin retards. Why not put the house in a trust or a Marshall islands company or similar.

Having names on property like this for someone of his supposed level is DUMB AF

>> No.52565998

cool it with the anti semitism

>> No.52566009 [DELETED] 

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>> No.52566016
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Who would've thought a criminal people doing criminal things? Gas'em

>> No.52566040

you need to understand the jewish mindset. A goyim is not allowed to protest a jew or harm him. They exist only for the benefit of the jew. In their mind this transaction was completely OK and above board, because its their right to enrich themselves however they see fit

>> No.52566062

>Jews don't care about privacy
No wonder why so many saw the oven

>> No.52566080


>> No.52566084

Even for kikes this is way to in-your-face blatant corruption. At least my boy Bernie Madoff scammed other rich kikes and kept it under the radar.

>> No.52566093

Hes not wrong you fucking kike

>> No.52566099

hmmmm sbfs parents are both highly politically connected ivy league tax wizards. starting to look more and more like that kid in elementary school with the best science fair project whose dad worked at general atomics

>> No.52566117

maybe it’ll actually happen this time.

>> No.52566132

>Bankman and Fried had been trying to return the property to FTX
Someone at FTX probably accidentally bought it for them and they tried to return it to FTX but had no luck even though their son ran the company but he was probably too busy to bother and then this whole bankruptcy thing happened and now they are being blamed for an innocent mistake - CNN

>> No.52566146

Madoff scammed in an era when government officials might literally kill themselves in shame in the event that they got caught in a corruption scandal (Like Budd Dwyer). Nowadays you get caught red-handed and the prosecutors say that punishing you for it would be bad for the elections. Why bother being subtle?

>> No.52566191

Show nose

>> No.52566194

Reminder his dad wrote an anti-crypto tax bill for your pocahontas senator. God strike down these fucking jews everywhere.

>> No.52566200
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>gahy id

>> No.52566210


>> No.52566259

you can thank the jew Soros for that for appointing all your DAs.

>> No.52566280
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Rabbi, busy busy today

>> No.52566290


>> No.52566337

I rolled "Gay" some days ago but nobody noticed =)