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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52565317 No.52565317 [Reply] [Original]


> lost 95% of value against BTC and eth
> a barebone beta version of staking
> locked up your funds for two years cannot unstake until the team figures out how.
> No BUILD reward yet.

linkies missed the whole 2021 bull run for this!!!!

>> No.52565386

>locked up your funds for two years cannot unstake until the team figures out how.
Copying the eth scam playbook it seems. How the fuck is this shit not deemed a security? ETH too. You are literally depositing in a contract with the expectation of profit and you can't even withdraw without the efforts of others. Otherwise known as "the team". This shit is criminal

>> No.52565397

dilate harder trannies

>> No.52565409

Is there genuinely any chance there are any hidden reasons to stake? for the life of me I don't see why there's any reason to not just put your link on aave and get 3% and then just catch some obvious swing for the final 2%.

I'm assuming any of the BUILD tokens worth having you could just buy anyway and even then without them being locked up as well.

>> No.52565955

stinkies deserve it
they're the /biz/ version of migatards who doubled down on their loser
i hope some actually post their livestreams of killing themselves
theyr'e the absolute trash of this board and i won't miss them at all

>> No.52566024

lmfao picrel is actually hilarious
> t. 5k holder soon to be staker

>> No.52566077
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thanks, just market sold 7k link