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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52559318 No.52559318 [Reply] [Original]

Webdev is the easiest coding path and will pay the best vs the amount of effort you put into it(little). Why isn't every /biz/raeli getting in on this?

>> No.52559349

lol, lmao even

>> No.52559369

90% of junior webdevelopers don't know enough to get a job and in inviting other people to join in you're not mentioning the fact they're probably in that 90% and not the 10%
also >>52559349

>> No.52559373

We're trying anon, most of us are in the middle of practicing JS.

>> No.52559380

JS is jeet language. I'll never touch it again

>> No.52559411

working in anything IT related makes an icnredible toll on my mental wellbeing so I just translate books for slightly over minimum wage

>> No.52559566

>code print outs

>> No.52559600

>He doesn't print screengrabs

>> No.52559610

currently learning web dev and plan on building dapps on icp.

>> No.52559638

It's the new white boarding, pleb

>> No.52559669

>print outs in dark theme
Literally NGMI after spending your life savings on ink

>> No.52559678

Not at FAANG it ain't

>> No.52559681


>> No.52559697
File: 262 KB, 512x512, 3823613602_made_of_cables_abstract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just learn javascript, html, css, react, mongodb, express and nodejs in a couple of weeks bro !

>> No.52559704
File: 21 KB, 251x242, 1669004360255425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned if every retard says "just become webdev, bro, just do the code academy course" you need to go to university and get a graduate degree in software engineering in order to dunk on them in terms of credentials. We're about to see a massive purge of people who learned HTML leetcode algos in favor of people with certifications and degrees.

>> No.52559707

Web frameworks suck. I do not care who pays me or how much, I will not write JS and PHP plugins for WordPress. No.

>> No.52559715

Fagmans are literally bloated ESG bellybutton gazers. Real startups use this strat

>> No.52559768

I worked at a """real startup""" before FAANG and no they don't

>> No.52559784

Are you genuinely this retarded? God damn I've never seen someone get so baited in my life.

>> No.52559819

I didn't care enough to judge whether it was a troll or not. Took no effort to post. Don't get so upset about it

>> No.52559865

This entire thread is just about the silly picture man. You have a lower IQ than the others anons here so you didn't understand. Simple as

>> No.52559901

just skip js and head straight into React and follow a todo app tutorial, learning the language is slow boring and won't give you the skills needed for a job, I'll repeat myself, do APPS, TODO APP, THEN DO IT WITH FIREBASE AND MAKE THE DATA PERSISTENT, THEN ADD AUTH WITH FIREBASE, THEN MAKE IT BESUTIFUL WITH TAILWIND AND THEN CONGRATULATIONS YOU CAN APPLY FOR LOW END JOBS

>> No.52559921

said no senior/techlead/recruiter ever, certifications and degrees actually look worse for applicants, it means you don't have real life skills to show for it so you look for third party validation

portafolio portafolio portafolio

>> No.52560288

Imagine falling for the webdev meme in the year of our lord 2022.

>> No.52560299

How do I get in on that?

>> No.52560301

Thanks anon, will do.

>> No.52560349

I just dont care for staring at lines of code all day, nothing personal

>> No.52560470

Be proficient in two languages

>> No.52560488

I already am.

>> No.52560522

Webdev is just rote memorization thus only really suitable for midwits.

>> No.52560556

Hey So basically I'm just not gonna learn2code
I Know.....
UGH I know...
It's just that
I'm not ever staring at lines of code is all

>> No.52560824
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Until the tech sector realizes it will have to implement tech worker protections they can keep throwing indian bodies at every problem for all I care

>> No.52560844

Well then I suggest taking a translation you like and seeing if you can come up to anything close to it. Just don't go into developmental editing, it's hell on Earth, you answer to neurotics all the time.

>> No.52560911

Because it still isnt easy.
People love to larp like learning programming is simple. Its not, and its why outside of meme fang companies, they are paid decently. Its a skill that takes work to learn and most people give up.

I taught myself and it wasnt easy, often frustrating if not downright demotivating. I had to push forward for 2 years of daily work at it to get to a point of employment as a noob beginner.

How many people have that will or tenacity for something that tedious? Not many.
Webdev is the “easiest” to break into though simply due to job numbers and the fact its highly hands on and practical so as a junior you’ll get away without understanding computers at w binary low level or algos etc

So to answer OP, yep many people are trying and starting but 99% of them are getting filtered at installing linux or fizzbuzz

>> No.52560927

>easiest coding path
You've never built a website in your life have you?
JavaScript is easy, html and CSS are easy but what most web developers do are frameworks like Angular or Vue.js and most companies won't hire you unless you do full-stack so now you also have to learn MonngoDB, SQL and a backend framework. Good luck.

>> No.52561009

I'm sorry but I cannot fathom that anyone actually applying for a SWE job cannot do that fizzbuzz problem. You can't convince me, iirc isn't it every 3, 5 it says fizz / buzz and then every 3 AND 5 it says fizzbuzz?
Jesus fucking christ
for i < 100
if n % 3 == 0 && n % 5 == 0 print fizzbuzz
else n % 3 == 0 print fizz
else n % 5 == 0 print buzz
else print i
You cannot convince me that anyone with the gall to even apply to a job couldn't make this program, it has to be an internet meme.

>> No.52561062


It happens, and even people with computer science degrees get filtered in interview by it.

However i was more saying that when people go “learn2code” they get filtered and quit when they approach somethas simple as fizzbuzz.
I was there, I remember that kinda thing being confusing due to syntax and a barrage of information coming in. Building my first calculator was down right frustrating.

Most people get filtered long long before they approach anything near job ready and its why webdevs and software engineers will always have some demand outside the silicon valley meme bubble

>> No.52561338


These are the basics I've seen that get you to something fast enough. PHP because it's the fastest Backend (MySQL and Mariadb don't need the latest nodejs and yarn install).

JS because no matter what anyone says, all CDN's fot Formatting and Animations are written in JS. React is JS with a twist and is simply a faster UI creator than using CSS and JQuery.

AWS is needed because anyone learning to host for bigger enterprise needs to learn how to troubleshoot instances. Finding the fuck up in logs, failure to deploy, using jenkins, VPN for data protection and security, ssh commands.
Unironically do porn sites, prove yourself with adult entertainment and you'll find work close by.

>> No.52561375

>for i < 100
>if n % 3 == 0 && n % 5 == 0 print fizzbuzz
>else if n % 3 == 0 print fizz
>else if n % 5 == 0 print buzz
>else print i

>> No.52561455

lmao thanks anon, I'm sure that was a point of contention for a lot of folks reading my post

>> No.52561488
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3 years of open source contributions will absolutely GAS anyone fresh with a degree, in terms of breaking into the industry.
Hell, shorten that to a year of open sauce you can throw on a resume and that's a good advantage