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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52556310 No.52556310 [Reply] [Original]

Kek so this might actually be the one thread that might help you. I can't wait for you to say I'm a retard etc.

Here is the truth. We are almost there, ignore the rest of the bullshit and look at the chart. We are currently at looking at 13.5k as a target but it may not reach it. The anon who originally posted the Stoch RSI theory on the weekly was correct. We dumped. Now once it's complete, Bitcoin will be oversold on every time frame for the stoch RSI it has a normal RSI resistance dating back to the may top of 2020 when SBF manipulated the market and we will have a bullish div.

So here it is: Worst case, BTC shits itself until March.
Best case we pump in the new year.
We have not long now, and the pain is almost done. The amount of fud is ridiculous at the moment, yes the price is going down its a bear market but the bears are absolutely euphoric. Accumulate.

>> No.52556318

>to the may top of 2020

>> No.52556320

>2 more months

>> No.52556364

zoom out more you stupid nigger, this shit is fucking dead for another 8 months minimum

>> No.52556375

Sideways maybe. Not dumping.

>> No.52556383

>I can't wait for you to say I'm a retard etc.

>> No.52556430

sell signal

>> No.52556485

It's really sad that the supposedly bullish posts always have zero fundamental arguments, and are just (technical analysis) smoke and mirrors. Doesn't bode well for crypto.

>> No.52556516

But it went down for so long and for so much. Therefore it simply has to keep going down forever. Just google crypto and click news.. Its all negative. All of it. Normies really dont want to deal with this shit anymore. It has become embarrassing. Also did you hear about genesis? Lots of dominos are yet to fall. Interest rates? This time is definitely different. Remember when people said that in the past and were wrong? This time they are right. ITS OVER

>> No.52556549

>Worst case, BTC shits itself until March
you mean march 2023, thats a long way off, how do you get this date
does line up nicely with when macro conditions could improve and with that other chart that predicted all those long months of the monthly stoch rsi being near 0 who also said march

>> No.52556590

Technical "analysts" are the dumbest retards ever. Simply kys.

>> No.52556608

>were almost at the bottom
it doesnt look to be anywhere near $6,000 yet... fucking retard still a ways to go. every btc bear market the price has gone down upwards of 90%. is 69k>16k 90% anon?

>> No.52556615

There is a combined rsi indicator if you want to use both mr pro trader anon.

>> No.52556686

the bottom is $0. and we will hit it

>> No.52556708

I agree OP

only crab from here

>> No.52556798

>it could go up
>it could go down
wow really insightful

>> No.52556827

>he doesn't know the price will go negative
fucking mumutard

>> No.52556988
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we are hitting levels of bear that shouldnt even be possible!

>> No.52557077

looking at the majority of the replies itt
let me thank you for posting this tho anon, like you said the fud is of the charts
also from where does the 13.5k come from i dont see the line that points to that

>> No.52557154

Close, it really depends how general markets recover
A low is def coming in, but this will probably be an excruciatingly long crab cycle after the bounce

>> No.52557175

>This time they are right. ITS OVER

agreed. there is no basis at all for any so-called 'technical analysis' when it comes to bitcoin. there is nothing technical about it.

>> No.52557510

You make TA look like shit by ignoring all macro and calling it just fud. Pathetic

>> No.52557797
File: 51 KB, 789x688, 790543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are almost here, i can feel it. People still forget we're still on rainbow zone for BTC and there is hope for a bullrun in new year/early 2023. I constantly wake up to check on the DEXT charts, it's all still shitty and the fudd is eating up good projects, but the fact that there are still massive respected and strong DEXes like this one is a sign for me that the FTX fiasco was just a clean up. I am motivated and will keep on accumulating.

>> No.52557949

Yes its done or almost done, it wouldn't surprise me if the dump is over now. I sold in May 2021 a week before the first dump and have just bought back in last week.