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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52555996 No.52555996 [Reply] [Original]

>Link native staking will lock your tokens for two years
>Linkpool chads stake will be liquid and will enjoy the good life when staking starts

Pool's closed

>> No.52556031

I understand you guys took a massive hit today but don’t try to spin it into “this is great!” because it just looks really sad. Just take the L and move on.

>> No.52556080

linkniggers and their even more retarded jonny the horserimmer token holders need to stop shitting up this board

>> No.52556869

actually there is big relief as it looked like linkpool was not needed in v0.1

>> No.52556901

>Sergey explicitly said that LPL is an experimental third party solution that has nothing to do with official staking
>LPLers "so bullish!"

>> No.52557616

yeah, no shit

>> No.52558371


You will give up 25% of your total stake rewards, in order to sell at 15$ on the run up. I will wait 2 years and sell at $100 with full rewards.

>> No.52558590

Pools closed no poolers

>> No.52558694
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>putting $ before and after the numbers in the same post

>> No.52558698

I will invest that run up for a 100x while you lose that opportunity

Idiot nopoolers seething

>> No.52558777

pools closed negro

>> No.52558848

>timing the market years in advance
Was this comment meant to make you look smart?

>> No.52558880

a 50k limit do very little for linkpool or its holders

t. one of its holders

>> No.52559366

I did just buy a bunch more lpl
Best guess is half of the nodes with initial 50k allotment (which will go to mid 6 figs when additional space is given to nodes preferentially) will use lpls dynamic staking pool architecture

Fees from that will be nuts, esp with increasing link price from effectuvely permanently reduced locked supply

Chad move is to stake 50% of your stack, buy lpl with 25% before snapshot on 25th and keep 25% to sell in inevitable supply crunch over next year

>> No.52559509
File: 672 KB, 1358x764, 1453465576574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you hold lpl and don't understand what they mean by "high quality node operators"?
>Node operators may opt to create or use a third-party delegation system that allows their 50,000 LINK allotment to be filled by LINK token holders from the Chainlink community. Third party and unofficial delegation systems should be viewed as an experiment that are independent from the Staking v0.1 beta.
who is the only team who have created a third-party delegation system?
other teams are going to use the team's system to fulfil their allotment
the staking will be liquid (like lido) so can withdraw at any time

>> No.52559551

Once a few non lpl nodes start using their infra its a defacto monopoly
Remember initially the 25mm is 90/10 community/nodes
The 50mm after that will be at least 50/50 if not node favored

>> No.52559567

also it is 50k initially but will go to 150k per node (if they keep same ratio from 25m to 75m)
so if they get even 10 nodes to use their system then there's a need for 1.5m LINK...
i'm sure nodes will contribute some of their own holdings but yeah i'm sure you get the idea
yeah exactly

>> No.52559581

source on the next 50m being more node focused? would make it even better
but yeah, even with the 25m ratio it's looking very nice

>> No.52559680

2 year LINK lockup is pretty bullish for linkpool liquid staking

>> No.52559792

Do you expect a pool on Curve with stLINK/LINK or what?

>> No.52559956
File: 364 KB, 1080x1407, Screenshot_20221121-205411_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is corporatespeak for "were gonna give future allotment to nodes at the same time we tell nodes they effectively cant sell because time x staked link will determine how many juicy no-overhead ccip/vrf/fss/highfreq pf jobs you get"

>> No.52560006

i would think so
thanks, nice catch

>> No.52560033
File: 85 KB, 781x987, Stewie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yes

>> No.52560112

what's the snapshot on the 25th?

>> No.52560179

>buy lpl
I was told the pool was closed. Have lplfags been lying this whole time? Why should I believe them now?

>> No.52560207

it's closed in the sense that you can't buy any considerable amount without insane slippage because of how amms are designed
you can try and buy otc though (through airswap), i'd try twitter or telegram
no details out about what it's for

>> No.52560298

see here:
only 60k liquidity across all dexes

>> No.52560314

I hope we can sell rewards with linkpool staking.. wasn't too happy with the main announcement. I want income...

>> No.52560346

No official info however jhonny has been clear that
Linkpool finished its initial shit over a year ago and link team has been advising on ecosystem stuff that needed development since
Would guess its the same as link staking allowance without the time dependent portion

In other words those allocations for initial dynamic staking on their node and nodes using their infra would be determined by lpla in wallet on 25th

>> No.52560392
File: 180 KB, 1080x686, Screenshot_20221121-213704_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its never been wetter and opener

>> No.52560418

>buy otc from one of our many baggies in the community group

>> No.52560451

came here for horse comment

thanks didn’t disappoint minus the first post faggot

>> No.52560517
File: 217 KB, 1080x1924, Screenshot_20221121-214416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the real chart, we all know the USD works like an increasingly broken clock that is going to be less and less accurate going forward.

>> No.52561211


>> No.52562073


>> No.52563095

Keep the thread alive. At least no fud here.

>> No.52563630

agreed, so can someone give a QRD on what exactly is happening with LinkPool? I have 300k of this beautiful token but I can't decipher all the jargon... are they doing an airdrop to create an EthPool service? Do we get priority staking? whats with this 2 years lock up for chainlink...

>> No.52563801

more on this later

>> No.52563849

We'll find out on the 25th i hope.

>> No.52563851

is now later?

>> No.52564120

you don't deserve 300k basically

>> No.52564214

2 years lockup? Wtf bros

>> No.52564232 [DELETED] 

Jeez, you're stupid af! Try Bspin. its easy even for ya.
>Online Casino with BTC main currency
>Players deposit, play and withdraw Bitcoin without any additional conversion.
>Many different deposit methods.

>> No.52564294

not for lpl holders though
thank you sergey

>> No.52565662

It's been our time before now. Didn't make it on LINK, but their partner, ALBT got my ass covered. Not pooling again anon.

>> No.52565677


>> No.52565776
File: 47 KB, 563x572, F7DBD0D1-ED7C-4B1E-A3EB-5BB69145CD7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the universe disagrees anon

>> No.52566781

Since its a good thread heres another tidbit
Cll locking staked link for 1-2 years is shitty for early everyman supporters but its great for ponzinomics
Not only does it effectively eliminate that supply for the first 25mm, but it allows a premium for node allocation once returns on staked link are known, even if inaccessable
The willingness to pay that premium (which will likely be >50% since any link from any source can be delgated to node allocation) will create two classes of staked link.
Early access community link is worth link lrice plus accumulated staking rewards minus discount for being illiquid
Node allocation link is worth link price plus staking yield minus premium for buying node space minus illiquidity

This is all to say there will now be even more demand for link at every one of those interfaces (amms swapping staked link for live liquid link or for node allocated staked link) and those yields will have to work out to less than the staking yield as AMM yields are liquid

If there is significant volume the only way for that yield to drop is significant price appreciation of base link, which in turn increases yield of staked link, at least in that initial period

>> No.52568012

fucking this.

>> No.52568132

stop with the cope. do you not see how bad this locked staking is? We all believed this project to be different from the rest based on how they handled themselves with no shill and a sense of integrity. They are acting like a regular shitcoin now. Their is no point in locking this up just to get fucked and miss another bull market.

>> No.52568408
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is what it is

>> No.52568823

>They are acting like a regular shitcoin now.

It's now the certificate for shitcoiners. The shill is getting out of hand on Biz. Happy to have sold all my LINK to ALBT before the run. Now you see the difference between the two teams.

>> No.52568925

i am grabbing my popcorn because this shitshow is going to be hot hot hot when all you lp faggots lose all your linkies hahahahahahaha fucking linkpool niggers.

>> No.52569054

check the volume

>> No.52569232

1. Not saying whether this is good or not with respect to actions, im simply saying its good for token demand/price
2. Everyone here has 10k or more link, so the obvious move is to stake all they can in the walled garden of early access and leave the other 3-90k link for selling if there is a speculative bubble (driven by the above factors)
3. Ywnbaw kys

>> No.52569275

>1. Not saying whether this is good or not with respect to actions, im simply saying its good for token demand/price
not really, ccip was confirmed in alpha

>2. Everyone here has 10k or more link, so the obvious move is to stake all they can in the walled garden of early access and leave the other 3-90k link for selling if there is a speculative bubble (driven by the above factors)
So that makes it okay for 2 year lock up?

>3. Ywnbaw kys
idk what that means

>> No.52569561

I never bought the idea of Linkpool to begin with, and the statement about it being an experiment by a third party ie distancing themselves from it, itself a huge red flag, combined with so many recent rugpulls in this industry, makes me glad I never bought.
Imagine spending a load of dough on LPL, then putting all your Link in there and it rugs? Holy fuck that would really be rope time. But I'm sure you can trust that Johnny character with your financial future... right?

>> No.52570432

I trust Jonny in my horse stables