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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52555783 No.52555783 [Reply] [Original]

I have this theory that with more regulations on crypto, more people would actually ape in. Probably because they would be confident of the fact that crypto is no longer a wild West kinda place. This would likely skyrocket crypto adoption as a legitimate legal means of payment

>> No.52555965

Cryptocurrency (PoW) is already regulated, since '15 by the CFTC
Tokens/blockchain (stuff like link) is already regulated also, since the 1930s. A deluge of unregistered securities came on to the market & the SEC are draggin their feet.
When the ban hammer gets dropped Sir Gay will be on the chopping board.

>> No.52556232

Isnt the company will be need to be regulated?

>> No.52556253

Say something different, crypto is extinct.

>> No.52556270

What company anon?

>> No.52556296

Sure, but look at the ripple suit, Brad got named as a defendant (along with others)

>> No.52556334

Cryptocurrency actors have shot themselves in the foot with the current FTX scam. While regulation is necessary, decentralization suffers as a result.

>> No.52556353
File: 58 KB, 664x301, JudgeRoastsSEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that the judge in the Ripple case basically called the SEC a rogue agency

>> No.52556387

That won't change anything anon

>> No.52556404

I think there's something behind the scene. Bewise

>> No.52556457

The SEC shouldn't have dragged thier feet for so long after ripple admitted to the DOJ that the coin was pre mined in the '15 settlement case

>> No.52556477 [DELETED] 

LOL. I can't believe the greatest system in this WORLD! So-called Bspin.

>Strong casino with a Bitcoin as the playing currency
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool
>Huge amount of partnerships and funders

>> No.52556713

Because it will limit the flexibility people have with cryptocurrency, this won't encourage adoption.

>> No.52556762

You're a newbie i guess

>> No.52556885

Why did they drag their feet? Why did Chairmen Clayton initiate the lawsuit on his very last day as head of the SEC? Why does it seem the SEC is using every tactic available to prolong this lawsuit when, typically, the party seeking intervention tries to move things forward and the defending party typically tries to slow things down? Many such questions.

>> No.52556957

The fact is that rippletards don't actually EVER want understand the other point of view.
So far
Howey test Anon (me) 1 vs 0 Rippletards.

I've been calling for the SEC to crack down on Ripple before you even came to this board.

>> No.52557200

In general

>> No.52557231

This drama is not over?

>> No.52557490

Pretty much anon-chan, it doesn't matter how many regulations the jew mutts throw at crypto, it won't change how it works and won't stop normalfaggots from crashing their entire lifensavings for our gains. Take care and stay safe.

>> No.52557611
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it appears that one-stop solutions are gaining increasing traction. I'm referring to payment projects that are leading the way for the adoption of crypto.

>> No.52557989

So many competitors, goodluck

>> No.52558005

The drama again ahahha

>> No.52558341

>I have this theory that with more regulations on crypto, more people would actually ape in.
Pretty much. Wallstreet wants guarantee Uncle Sam will bail them out and that shit like FTX won't happen again.

>> No.52558962
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It's crucial to conduct your own research because of this. Select projects that, despite market conditions, have actual value and will survive over the long term anon.
That's a really serious issue

>> No.52559107

When moon OP?

>> No.52559143

WTF are you talking?

>> No.52559159

They are just making this lawsuit forever unsolved

>> No.52559273

I hate regulation

>> No.52559364

You don't read, do you? It's so obvious, yet you behave like a child? I'm not even sure if you understand how to solve the captcha.
Regulation is essential for preventing hackers and other bad actors. Expand your brain dead cells.

>> No.52559386

Are you SBF?

>> No.52559403

I'm his PA

>> No.52559412

What about their sex tape with caroline? Care to share?

>> No.52559424

You need to pay $100 per second video

>> No.52559456

DM me good boi

>> No.52559827

Nice red cup

>> No.52559949

I use Coinpayments, CryptoXpress, and BinancePay for web3 payment processors. Aside from the inexpensive transactions, I haven't had any issues with security so far.

>> No.52560040

That's FUD

>> No.52560080

>decentralisation suffers
That's right

>> No.52560186

Still paypal is the best

>> No.52560465

Dont worry 1M BTC is possible in 10 years

>> No.52560528

Paypal is not an onchain system. What makes me dislike utilizing the service is the exorbitant cost. When I can utilize alternative gateways for just a few cents, why would I need to pay more than $20? Think of that.

>> No.52560602

Tell me

>> No.52560616

Regulation regulation regulation

>> No.52560659

Payment solutions are great but volatile, I for one, will rarely use a payment platform that does not provide some sort of extra layer of security

>> No.52560679

It's simple. So you have no single person to blame. So when every crypto gets raped and banned, you can't say 'this person did it'. you really think they are going to let you have something they don't control?

>> No.52560711

this was meant for >>52556885 too

>> No.52560729

>Still using the American dollar

>> No.52560850

That's a better move

>> No.52561033

SEC Amicus supporters 1 (One). Ripple Amicus supporters 14 (Fourteen)

If I'm charitable, I'll allow "the other point of view" that the SEC is trying to regulate the space in a way that is good for the retail investor. Even in this scenario, we are still left baffled as to why they sat through multiple bull runs, crowning ETH as "not a security" despite the founders literally advertising it as an investment that they would use to build out the ETH ecosystem and directly telling investors they would profit by this effort, and then slapping down Ripple who have been far less egregious in anything they have done.

I ask again, what is the reason for this? Gross incompetence?

>> No.52561195
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These days, you should be wise while making any kind of investment or using certain system. I wouldn't be surprised if more people began to research cryptos and blockchain technology. The horizon appears promising.

>> No.52561288

ETH is not a SECURITY faggot

>> No.52561298

Oh that's shame both ugly people doing sex hahaha

>> No.52561661

Jeet and jews child = jetjew

>> No.52561675

Sir Gay will always find reasons to push through

>> No.52561790

>Gross incompetence?
Obviously, how else can all of the accidental payments to Hinman be explained???

>> No.52561972

can jetjew melt jewbeams?

>> No.52562115

Everything has its pros and cons. It being conventional does not mean it doesn't have an advantage over others, but one of the limitations I dislike is the lack of flexibility, and it is built for the mass market, not for individual customer needs. This is aside the commission fee, which sucks.

>> No.52562133
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The bank metaverse is another intriguing service to take into account. However, this may take some time as it will cost more to build until it is completely developed. Let's see how it goes.

>> No.52562168

>you really think they are going to let you have something they don't control?
This is the reason for the fight. Bitcoin was created for a purpose that's void of regulation. I don't think they will back down considering the saga.

>> No.52562183

New fag? Crypto isn't going anywhere for years to come. Innovations are so fast paced now to say the least.

>> No.52562200

Ripple is kek
This. In as much as we need decentralisation, the need for a central regulatory body might win. We're fucked then.

>> No.52562202

What is jewbeams?

>> No.52562212

Paypal is a centralised shit. Why waste my time with that when defi payments actually exists?

>> No.52562219

According to the Howey Test, it is

>> No.52562225

How will you bank in the metaverse?

>> No.52562273

I'm still interested to see how that turns out. A virtual transaction could be anything. I can picture how quick and flexible it will be. I predict that metaverse will keep shining.

>> No.52562302

Are they pursuing that? I haven't seen vitalik discussing that.>>52562219

>> No.52562437

All aspects of crypto are practically developing now. The bear was a wake up call? Not that I mind.

>> No.52562456

High fees have always bee a pain in the arse. I do hope newer projects are doin something about it while building whatever shit show they have up their sleeves.

>> No.52562480

I'm not sure but shouldn't all coins that didn't have ICOs in the US be fine?

>> No.52562488

Allow the wajok to drown in his own conviction. I don't have such a conversation with Jeet like that. There are basically bad omens.

>> No.52562519

I gotta admit, this is cool. My interest is in those that support the adoption for crypto via payment of utilities and bills with crypto

>> No.52562562

Due of this, I like payment gateways. Some have apps that allow you to trade a lot of cryptos, nfts, for little to no transaction charge.

>> No.52562577

newer project? but will have that running on chain if you are referring to the area I'm talking about, which is better than the conventional ones. The issue we are facing is volatility, and the supposed stables that can negate this effect are not pegged, and most lack transparency. Can someone tell Charles that we don't need Cardano's stable? He should focus attention on progress, or the project will keep languishing.

Are you on weed? Gosh

>> No.52562632

most projects catering to crypto payments no longer charge transaction fees. some even have cashbacks. I think these are all steps in the right direction.

>> No.52562694

Why do people keep expecting much from metaverse anyway? The dream world isn't selling obviously.

>> No.52562718

there has been some activities in that regard with some of them partnering with firms like Travala to book flights and travel with crypto

>> No.52562722

Lmao. They slurp in secret, that's for sure. Where's the fun without fud?
>nfts, for little to no transaction charge.
Nfts are basically dead. Still getting oversaturated.

>> No.52562747

>Can someone tell Charles that we don't need Cardano's stable? He should focus attention on progress, or the project will keep languishing.
ETH fanboys are dying right now. I don't care for Charles and his shit show tho. I only care about profits.

>> No.52562796

That is reasonable. When partners are involved, projects get stronger. Booking a flight with cryptocurrency will, in my opinion, boost adoption

>> No.52562835

Nfts may re-trend. Recently, there has been fantastic use. Now that we have Music NFTs, I believe it will become popular.

>> No.52562897

>>payment of utilities and bills with crypto

Let's see the faggot that uses their eth or bitcoin to buy pizza or a large side of ham.

>> No.52562941

Some people are destined to live in poverty from birth. Even if it drops to zero, I'll still keep my crypto.

>> No.52562987

Have you booked a flight with that before? Why do fags believe whatever they hear?

>> No.52562995
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The future? The metaverse's future could be extraordinary. People make snap judgments without doing enough research.In general, the market has liquidated billions, so I'm not surprised if there is another crash. It might be a loss right now. Both the metaverse and crypto are here to stay, IMO.

>> No.52563013

Jeet. New ones launch and old ones go extinct. Some projects are integrating multichain marketplaces. Don't see what difference that would make.

>> No.52563031 [DELETED] 

Keeping only solid ones yeah? Staking too yeah? That's the only way to make it now.

>> No.52563106

I'm not a moron anon. I'm assuming you haven't used it, which is why you don't understand its value.

>> No.52563108
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a lot of people are pessimistic about the metaverse because the whole market is in a slump and all that, but I see a lot of growth in that area. Although I don't subscribe to all the metaverse real estate shit

>> No.52563134

Keeping only solid ones yeah? Staking too yeah? That's the only way to make it now.

>> No.52563182

Since different ecosystems can interact with one another, it will significantly alter things, and I believe the next bull runwill better explain this.

>> No.52563193
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>. They slurp in secret, that's for sure. Where's the fun without fud?
That's basically the fun. Through this, we get to know which is worth going for and which to refrain from.

>> No.52563230

>ETH fanboys are dying right now
Yeah, the FTX hackers want to ruin the project. Eth is definitely heading down if the pressure continues. 500 dolls is incoming for the smart to catch. Fuck SBF.

>> No.52563264

>I don't subscribe to all the metaverse real estate shit
Lmao. Plebs buy into that and get rekt. Happens when they want to make it quick.

>> No.52563280

Explain how the next bull run will be better with that anon? Will it undead rotten nfts? I'm waiting.

>> No.52563295

I always chalk it up to the feeding frenzy that happens when we are in a bull market. causes people to make money off every random shit because people would believe anything then.

>> No.52563339

we always knew the bottom would come sooner or later, just didn't know the faggot Jew SBF would be the person to trigger it. After the bottom, the next bull season would be crazy, especially for payment solutions

>> No.52563416

>Will more SEC interference increase crypto adoption?
no. crypto provides no real value so people will drop it once SEC regulates away all the crazy 10x pump and dumps and 15% apy ponzis

>> No.52563511

Many shit pools are out there. I personally make use of allianceblock defi terminal. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.

>> No.52563545

Remember what happens when everyone predicts the same thing? We might get yet another surprise. I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.52563556

Fomo is real and I appreciate it. Makes market fun and keeps things balanced. Know when to exit and when to hold for long tern.

>> No.52563649

more regulation means more professional investors which means more money into crypto in total, but they'll shape the markets differently.

>> No.52563745

This desu. The crazy gains is what keeps people interested. Might change if we see more of real life functionalities.

>> No.52563765

Kek. People hate what they can't control. I don't see more investors coming it with that but time will tell.

>> No.52563857

>decentralization suffers as a result.
No one cared about decentralisation. They only cared about making money.

>> No.52563907
File: 7 KB, 225x225, barmanpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have really good staking fixtures on there. solid and very high yield. 10/10 recommend it

>> No.52563935

maybe this time real investors would begin to come in, and with the regulations, projects would build something real. not some vaporware that does nothing

>> No.52564016

Aren't you guys tired of this narrative. There's been pretty much shitty events happening in the market, but I think crypto folks are finding a way around this great purging with staking and NFT marketplace DEXes like the LOOP DEX on the Juno Network.

>> No.52564115

Apparently, we'll hit the bottom quicker earlier than initially anticipated. There's been genuine projects sticking around and users accumulating tokens in anticipation for the next bull run. I've been staking on a DEX called LOOP on the Juno Network. I just hope we get back up after this long long bear season.

>> No.52564174
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I also believe in regulating the industry to a more better adoption. Look at how blockchain gaming is getting all the adoption and attracting more investors with Avalanche making it possible for the likes of Gamestar+ to build on top of it

>> No.52564246


>> No.52564259

Imagine getting board games industry into blockchain gaming. That would look better with regulation you know.

>> No.52564312
File: 694 KB, 952x924, Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 23.11.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking Juno Bear Society NFT and earning passively from that is the real deal for me.

>> No.52564373

>just didn't know the faggot Jew SBF would be the person to trigger it
No one knows if this will ever happen. It was a shitshow. This will prolong the expected outcome everyone desires across the board.
I know those NPC wajok will always have a contrary opinion, but I don't give a fuck.

>> No.52564393

Something you should know is that all this shit is temporary. No hard feelings, nor panic. Do the needful and always keep greed at arm's length.

>> No.52564408

Staking something that's of less value will lead to zero. It's better to stake something solid suhc as ATOM

>> No.52564444

If XRP is a security, I believe it is, then Ethereum is also a security without a doubt. This is where the government fucked up, giving Ethereum a free pass.

>> No.52564552
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Yes I also think we need stricter (((oversight))) due to the fact that a white man called Bankman-Fried, who represents all of crypto, turned out to be incompetent (important: not fraudulent or illegal in any way).

Thank you based poster who has my best interest at heart.

>> No.52564567

Definitely anon. With the regulations hitting us, more bigger players will venture into crypto. But it's not gonna be free for jews unless you grab TIDV or similar tools to make your IDs known.

>> No.52565014
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NFT re-trending is inevitable, especially now that nft is getting into DeFi
You don't seem to be updated
Don't you know that some NFTs are gaining more value and utility than before?

>> No.52565035


>overpaying for jpgs because that's what happened during peak bull-market mania will happen again during a recession

sorry to break it to you anon, but you're mentally retarded

>> No.52565059 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop wasting your money anon, just check Bspin

>Safe, secure Casino with a wide variety of provably fair BTCs games
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool.
>Transparency And Provably Fair.

>> No.52565639

Blockchain gaming is gaining lot of attention. Think it's worth looking for some good games with solid background.

>> No.52565684

I've been staking ATOM more than a year now. I still believe it will go back to ATH and staking rewards keep coming. There some other tokens on Cosmos worth staking. Not just ATOM. Evmos, LOOP, OSMO

>> No.52565808

Looks like Everyone is trying out staking. I already got some token staked at this point. Looking for some better APY.

>> No.52566026

Well, you can call it what ever seem fit to your fucking stupid self, but all I know is that some nfts has great potentials, and I'm currently staking the likes of Levan and Cosmic sky monk nfts to earn more tokens in returns, the money comes to my pocket while you have fun being poor

>> No.52567144

Gaming has contributed massively to a global crypto adoption

>> No.52568827

> giving Ethereum a free pass.
Yea just by the fact that they ICOed ETH was enough, but now its PoS, they can come back in.

No matter what, the SEC just needs either prosecute or shut up. Its been enough time wasted by them.

>> No.52569175

With gamestarplus bringing board games to blockchain, I'm certain this will bring more crypto adoption to the space

>> No.52570435

Definitely, regulation will bring more institutional investors to the space, but it'll limit decentralization

>> No.52570447
