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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52555014 No.52555014 [Reply] [Original]

Who tf is this monkey looking son of a bitch? Where did he make his money, what tf do 'nose strips' do?


>> No.52555061

I don’t understand why genuinely rich people sell these “7 secrets to getting rich quick” courses on YouTube. It’s not a good look

>> No.52555093

How does a guy who looks like a monkey make 200 million a year? Is he in a secret club or something?

>> No.52555103

How do you think they get rich?

>> No.52555119

He’s a sociopath who sells false hope

>> No.52555129

How do they get started, though? I doubt they’re broke and selling these courses. Maybe they start as car salesmen, and then they go into training other car salesmen, and that’s how they start?

>> No.52555356

Wasn’t he opening gyms and selling memberships?

>> No.52555373

Good, anon. You're on the right track.

Meditate on the meaning of the word "value" for a moment.

Is anything intrinsically valuable?
Or is there only that which you are convinced has value...

If value is made... then it seems that affecting others perceptions of what is valuable could be... advantageous.

Especially if you're trying to acquire the things of value for yourself.

>> No.52555947
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Bro I swear none of these millionaires on YouTube actually have a fucking real job

>Whats your company called?
>generic media company Inc.

>what does your company do?
>oh well we find companies that need help with something that they could easily hire someone to do for 50k a year and instead they pay us 10k a month to do it for them instead

>What things does that include?
>email marketing, digital marketing and social media marketing (but absolutely will not elaborate on details)

>net worth 200 million

>> No.52556886

Are they freemason or something? How do they get away with this shit?

>> No.52557111


They never actually detail why or how they make money or why they get paid so much, they constantly just say generic shit whenever they get asked

>> No.52557305

glad biz is finally on the case. look deep

>> No.52557312

Almost as if they are lying about their networth on the internet

>> No.52557352

i read his background, says he went to university and then two years later built a gym. so obviously his family is filthy rich if they paid for his uni and his own business. all success is generational, if you had the ability to give you kid 3 million dollars to start their business, you probably would too

>> No.52557367

I hate to break this to you my dudes but americas entire economy is fake

>> No.52558061

be like alex.

>> No.52558824

>A business forum has no idea who Alex Hormozi is.

Color me fucking surprised. He is an Entrepreneur who started GymLaunch, a company that helped gym owners grow their gyms using their Marketing, Sales and operation/product fulfillment strategies (as well as multiple bait and switches). Basically he provided gyms with a super dialed in Sales Funnel, from the initial touchpoint with a lead all the way to the sale, as well as subsequent purchases. He is very good at using Marketing and Sales tactics and techniques to turn a lead into a recurring customer, to the point where it may be considered a moral dubious.

He is obsessed with business, to the point where the only thing he does day to day is work on companies together with his varbie wife.

He also spends 10k a month just eating out. Check MPMD interview for proof.R442WA

>> No.52558867

Fucking typos.
He currently focuses on acquiring and scaling companies in the niche of software education, since they are pretty easy to scale. He is a very smart dude and knows his shit when it comes to business.

>> No.52558906
File: 8 KB, 235x223, 1639088671003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woha, that sure is proof if he said all those thing on MPMD

>> No.52558954

This isn't true.

Dude worked for the government out of college, saved up, then bought a gym. He was broke as shit and got scammed by a business partner. Long story short, he ended up owning around 3 gyms that were doing pretty well, but instead of starting focusing on creating a chain of gyms, he decided to license out intellectual property that other gym owners could use to scale their own gym. In this way, he ends up making money selling education to gyms, which is much more scalable than physical gym locations.

>> No.52558957
File: 300 KB, 985x985, 1667182787793423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting some serious Dan Bilzerian vibes here. Is there a single YouTube "guru" who ended up being legit?

>> No.52559037

I read his book and watched a lot of his interviews when I began my own business. He
definitely is not a saint or someone I look up to, but he knows what he is talking about.
His content was a lot better before he switch to the 30 - 45 second Tiktok/Instagram format.

The gives info he gives out is good, even if you're biased against the guy

>> No.52559158

Yeah. I actually like his info. Not all of it applies to me but it seems decent enough if you’re a sales professional

>> No.52559192

FOH retard he grew up rich. Upper middle class is rich. Newsflash any youtuber or influencer who has good genes, in good shape, chad, is 100% a rich faggot. These losers all dream of being famous since they have always been around money. They don't want money they want fame the only thing you couldn't buy before social media existed. Now these losers just launder their wealth in hopes of fame.

With all that said this dude didn't launder his money for fame and actually built businesses during the high-time of zero interest and VC money faucet of the last decade. So good for him. He actually has work ethic but he did NOT start at the bottom at fucking all.