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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 149 KB, 393x287, icp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52554489 No.52554489 [Reply] [Original]

DFINITY is about to declare bankruptcy, they already can't pay their employees..

Don't say you weren't warned.


>> No.52554589

considering that they are giving away 20.00 to anybody whom has a decent project idea and that it seems to be the next natural place autist software devs are going id say your lying. They just launched a decentralized index thats alphaing a stable coin and just SHIT all over chainlink by enabling https outcalls on their direct canisters as well as with a token oracle so developers can pull from a list of price feeds without having to rewrite it. motoko and rust are the future. the price is cheap because the token is disposable to make tcycles which pay for canisters once the stable launches and defi take off

*hits crack pipe*

>> No.52554621

Well hello again Raj muppet, is your anal already lubed and stretched?

>> No.52554734

I will drink your tears on Friday.

>> No.52554823

>Source: Just trust me

>> No.52554922
File: 84 KB, 881x484, icpbtcbinance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52555295
File: 1.34 MB, 2543x1681, bullish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52555355

You understand they have enough money in reserves to last them to 2030 right? They literally launched at a 200 billion market cap. You think dfinity didn’t sell any tokens during that period. It would be the stupidest thing for any company to not do this.

>> No.52555358

sound like a bunch of hr roasties seething cause they got put in their place. based dom.

>> No.52555552
File: 316 KB, 260x212, giphy-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over!

>> No.52555556

same shit they said about Elon for 10 years

here's from some glassdoor review i found from 2017

>On the other hand, he is a relentless micro-manager and singlehandedly derails production, reduces product quality, makes hundreds of people have to work much harder, and causes massive waste because he wants to see every little detail and change those details at literally the last minute. It’s grossly inefficient and is ruining the company bit by bit.

>My advice to management: The company would work much better if Elon was only an idea man, locked up safely in a room somewhere, with his hands completely off of operations.

>> No.52555584

The internet computer doesn't need oracles.

Oracle token is a Chinese scam coin.

>> No.52555698

another lying kike, I am going to screenshot this nonsense just to laugh on Friday.
When you are proved as just a lying kike are you going to rope "insider"?

>> No.52555826

Go ahead, screencap it, will make your suffering worse when ICP hits $0 with full force after their annoucement.

>> No.52555872

They make a lot of good points.

>> No.52555888

whether this is true or not, they don't seem too good with money management. are there no CPAs on their team?

>> No.52557720
File: 10 KB, 421x363, 1645809105791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought more, Thanks for the signal.

>> No.52557933

LUNA has those type of reserves too...

>> No.52558347

you outed yourself as a retard by having no idea why Luna died

>> No.52559793

No thanks anon! I will ride ICP all the way to the bottom if need be, I’m at peace with my little stack.

>> No.52559837

I'm not paying more than half the price you vc scammers paid for your icp shitcoins

>> No.52560187

already did, and bought Bit instead because at least BitDao is doing something to accelerate the growth and adoption of web3, by funding projects, startups, education, initiatives...

>> No.52560291

Stop with the bitdao shit unless you want to discuss why you’re shilling it and who is paying you to do so. The bitdao shit is so inorganic. It’s like the ‘hello fellow kids’ meme. You stick out like a sore penis

>> No.52561099

I have $100 in it. If it tanks, it's no big deal.

>> No.52562157

>haha jokes on you, I tongue my own anus.

>> No.52562230


>> No.52562352

Yo rajesh. If you are so confident show your short you brown piece of shit. Fukin Indians spamming everything you are worse than nighers.