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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 220 KB, 946x2048, linkystaking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52550138 No.52550138 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.52550176
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Ops a nigger

>> No.52550179
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Somebody confront Sergnigger irl

I can’t believe he is actually getting away with this after having dumped 90 million tokens and letting the project slide from rank 4 to rank 22

>> No.52550183

linkies will get like 20 link/ month while sergay dumps the price to $1 lmaooo

>> No.52550189

Don’t need to withdraw ever. Passive income equals retirement. Cope, seethe and dial8 faggot

>> No.52550203

You can’t sell your rewards retard

>> No.52550225

>passive income
>CL staking
Please be trolling, you’ll barely get 4.7% per year while the price plummets another 80%. Nice deal bro

>> No.52550226

Is this "staking but not ability to get your tokens back" the new crypto meta?

You literally tell retards to give you back the tokens and then maybe deign to give them back one day when they're at an ATL?

>> No.52550229 [DELETED] 

Fake and Gay.

>> No.52550252


>> No.52550279
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>>52550138 >>52550176 >>52550179 >>52550183 >>52550189 >>52550203 >>52550225 >>52550226 >>52550252

Staking is the death of LINK.

Staking is the death of LINK.

Staking is the death of LINK.

>> No.52550308

tentatively approximately

>> No.52550322

OG here, im not staking unironically

>> No.52550358
File: 1.12 MB, 1257x891, 1629727000378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Top 3 Possible Chainlink-Staking Outcomes:

>staking finally arrives
>unstaking requires Level 70 VAXXPASS™

>mandatory staking
>lock-in period: 3 years
>may never unstake

>no staking ever comes
>the Great Reset is dead on arrival and Chainlink goes to zero

>> No.52550359

checked . who would have thought we had tp protect our stacks from sergey. I hate that fat fuck so much

>> No.52550377

is this a joke? this fat retard became a multi millionaire through dumping tokens on us and his great idea is to lock our tokens away for at least 2 years?

>> No.52550379

it's over

>> No.52550386

It will probably be even longer than that given how slow and incompetent they are

>> No.52550412

Holy fuck Staking 1.0 earliest in 2025
Couldn't have made this up. Worse than any FUD ever produced.

>> No.52550425

2 more weeks.
2 more years.

>> No.52550436

by 2030 you will be able to stake. by 2040 you will be able to withdraw. But only if you have your vax pass. You did get your 24th booster shot, right anon?

>> No.52550477

Wow discord trannies in overdrive lmao

>> No.52550496

rope yourself tranny nigger kike

>> No.52550507 [DELETED] 

Fellas, a few words about the Bspin, that comes to us from heaven:

>Licensed Bitcoin Casino
>Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool
>Safe, secure, with a wide variety of provably fair Bitcoins games

>> No.52550516

totally organic conversation.

>> No.52550517

if the tokens are locked up the price will increase faster. whale fags with 500k stacks won't bother as they have enough to dump when the price is rising. it's the linkles that get fucked.

>> No.52550543

Yeah, all the 1pbtid's coming in saying "wow bulgarian fud" are definitely the actual humans here

>> No.52550549

go on and try to defend this clusterfuck you dirty nigger

>> No.52550550

Proof of Stake? More like piece of shit! AHAH

>> No.52550554

Alright I'm starting to believe someone is paying Sergey kill this project. Who the fuck locks their funds for 2 years in anything?

>> No.52550560

Hey Sergey watcha doin?

>> No.52550562

Yeah and he’s probably laughing at us while he browses biz and still seeing people defend him

>> No.52550583

Go back to your pmm discord containment server, low iq loser lmao

>> No.52550598

its on the chainlink blog itself
you cant be this retarded to think anyone is happy with locked tokens for 2 years

>> No.52550618

>Who the fuck locks their funds for 2 years in anything?
well apparently all the methheads as at this point the eth foundation has simply stopped saying when they expect unlock
its getting messy out there, the anticipation of staking was the one thing keeping sentiment up against the relentless bad news

>> No.52550628

he's basically dumped 500 million tokens at a conservative average of 10 per token

5 years and 5 billion usd worth dumped and nothing to show for it other than looking like he's 45 with a stretched out anus

>> No.52550642

It's literally just a few twitter cunts at this point. Lately i've noticed the few wet faggots endlessly defending anything sergey does here have recognizable posting styles similar to chainlink twitter figures. That and they often tweet /biz/ screencaps as the threads happen. So i now think there are just 8 or so of them that spend all day here and on twitter. Don't know if the community advocate thing means they're paid to but regardless they're spiritual jannies for the product now.

>> No.52550685

I told you, you should sell the stack above $40

>> No.52550687

I will never sell my complete stack so I'm perfectly fine with staking a portion indefinitely.

>> No.52550702

lol this is like a full time job fudding LINK

>> No.52550715

Discord trannies like loots, stinker and simone literally have no lives other than twitter/discord/biz posting. When we shut the last discord server down they screeched like we took away a limb. Probably time to get their new discord shut down too if they are going to keep spamming this board with thier low iq sergey simping.

>> No.52550719

> mEOW id
> Is it a coping discord faggot
Makes sense

>> No.52550769

people are too dumb to recognize

we need more pepe in for graphics of negative link before they catch on to versions not tokens for the unlock periods

>> No.52550789

You can’t sell your rewards either lmao

>> No.52550820

Yeah it's fucking over.

>> No.52550822

This post says it all. The cunt licking defenders are ESL. It says 'version' ()singular) featuring unlocking. This is immediately following a sentence about token locking.

I'm happy to help you out with english syntax anywhere else you have difficulty.

>> No.52550846

you’re not supposed to reply to me, you need to keep posting about how no unlock period

>> No.52550849
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Let's not forget them "varying rates"

>> No.52550897

In fairness that was always going to be a given. It's everything else that is unmitigated shit.

>> No.52550925

At this point i just want Chainlink to go to zero. Like literally zero. Yeah Sergey you have 50 billion Chainlink tokens in your treasury? Well the market gives zero for that now. Have fun paying your 300k HR staff with your own money you stupid fuck. FUCK.

>> No.52551029
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>> No.52551047


kill yourself faggot

>> No.52551049

How dare the giant that has enabled all of defi approach their proprietary staking and yield mechanism with caution and diligence. How dare they! I'm dumping NOW

>> No.52551098

I literally cannot understand locking rewards. You are batching them for a dump at unlock. Even ETH did not do this

literally cannot understand, explain it to me

>> No.52551102
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>The Great Short

>> No.52551139
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>Yeah and he’s probably laughing at us while he browses biz and still seeing people defend him
I post fat sergey's in hopes he sees them.

>> No.52551145
File: 37 KB, 1127x685, 1565555246504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im probably going to be written off as a psyop poster but in all seriousness this has made me reconsider if i should even participate in v0.1

i only have a 7k allotment (1 wallet qualified)

this means, at best, i can earn 700 LINK over the next 24 months

700 LINK at current price is $4000

I make $2,800 every 2 weeks. This is fucking 3 weeks worth of pay for me. Why the fuck should i lock up 7,000 LINK to earn in 2 years what i make in less than a month?

i guess the counter argument is if youre never selling then what does it matter, but how fucking bad would it hurt to watch LINK go to $100, $200, and not be able to do anything while you then watch it crash back to $10 by the time v0.1 unlocks

not sure if im in my own head about this but its genuinely hard for me to justify locking up 7k link for 2 years for less than a month of pay

>> No.52551181

Imagine all these people with their eth locked up now. Might get slashed, might get 2%, definitely losing 5% a day atm.

>> No.52551188

for the build program, but they are shitcoins in a bear market so their isnt any upside

>> No.52551199

we need more support, people aren’t buying it this time. post some more pepe with the 700k dumps. Quick

>> No.52551233
File: 55 KB, 861x167, buildnotv01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUILD rewards arent even available in v0.1 ....

>> No.52551240

I have no idea why anyone other than the mentally retarded would be engaging in staking at the moment as the value of the underlying assets nose dives into the floor

>> No.52551254

Why even hold link then when you can hold something that gives a higher APY and let’s you unlock anytime you want?

>> No.52551270

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ok that confirms it, not bothering. I was only going to go in thinking maybe some of the build rewards might take off but i'm not locking up for 2 years for 5%.

>> No.52551300

12 to 24 months. which means the the last minute of the last day of the 24th hour (hawaii time).

>> No.52551305

Low mcap gems in a bear can 1000x next bullrun retard nigger

>> No.52551311
File: 59 KB, 200x245, Ganondorf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont even get the build program
this is getting pathetic, stinkies
admit defeat

>> No.52551337

>next bull run
retard, think about it for a second before i spoon feed you

>> No.52551344

like i stated before, it's the linklets that get fucked. considering not staking as well. if it goes into another bullrun we are fucked.

>> No.52551361

by that logic, why wouldn't you lock and buy more?

>> No.52551388

you have to stake because.... because... look you just DO ok

>> No.52551426

lets run through this then. BTC run every four years. We just did one year correct. Link is turning out to just be another shitcoin with the way sergey is handling everything. Worst case scenerario we lock up for two years that should put us on the last year of the run up correct? we get the shitcoins that will be worthless till the run up. But then we cant buy other shitcoins that will move faster then what we are gettin air dropped. tuff

>> No.52552168

look up velodrome. it's a L2 token and was created a few months ago. people have already locked up several millions worth of USD in that coin for 4 years.

>> No.52552230

The never selling meme didn't fucking include the staking rewards, we were supposed to live off the staking income . FUCK YOU SERGEY YOU UNIRONICALLY BETRAYED US THIS TIME

>> No.52553132

It's the only real staking in crypto Rn that's not coming from thin air or some vault that will run out (though I think this version might be). It's legitimately backed by demand and payment for services

>> No.52553590

It's common in literal scams like HEX and ICP. The fact that LINK is doing this now has completely demoralized me. I've held strong for 5 years debunking every kind of FUD imaginable, and the worst FUD possible came from Sergey himself. "STAKING THIS YEAR," he said, knowing that staking would not be released for 3 fucking years at a minimum.

>> No.52553709

That's the thing. We were supposed to live off the neet rewards from link staking. If you can't sell these there literally is zero reason to stake. That doesn't even include the possibility of missing any pumps while your link is locked up. To each his own but I'm not staking. Anons can have my spot

>> No.52553728

To add, the reason why they advertise staking so much lately might be that they expected a reaction like this. I wonder if the staking pool will even fill up

>> No.52553766

yah its early access then general public. They are very aware of this.

>> No.52553793

>links locked for 2 years
>no rewards for 2 years
>7k max per address
i'm sorry i'm an OG, i'm not staking

>> No.52553798

I only have 6k stinkies I have held for 5 years (DCA'd a bit in the last few months at low prices but not much compared to my original purchase in 2017), to me it's just not worth it to lock up my shit and miss another potential pump. Even if LINK only goes back up to $30 or something I need to make a down payment on a house in the next few years and selling off 1k would really help with that. I'd rather wait for triple digits but I'm not locking up everything. I'll probably stake like 1k if the pool isn't full by the time I get off of work and just accept I might not ever see those linkies again.

>> No.52553817

>missing any pumps while your link is locked up.
Isn't only 7k locked? Most link holders should have at least 14k I think. So have 50% of the 14k dedicated for staking, and the remaining 50% to sell during huge pumps.

>> No.52553894

It's fine if you want to forget about your link obviously and are in it for the long run

>> No.52553915
File: 343 KB, 361x346, 1600477590007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link ICO almost 6 years ago
>"Steaking" is touted as the most brilliant achievement this token can accomplish and the token rockets at any possible mention of the release of said feature [smartcon, fireside chat, etc. buildups]
>Staking, a feature which almost every other token has baked in upon release (the ones who intend for it to be a primary function) is now TENTATIVELY slated for another 2 years

"$1keoy" definitely loses its marketability eight (8) years later-especially in crypto lmao wtf

>> No.52553957

just sold a large chunk
i'm selling the rest january 1st because of taxes
even waiting till january is a fucking risk now, just hoping it stays above 4 until then

>> No.52553963 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop losing yar time anon, just check Bspin

>Safe, secure Casino with a wide variety of provably fair Bitcoins games
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool.
>Transparency And Provably Fair.

>> No.52553974

>are in it for the long run
I am, and I still think link is a great long term investment; however, I would be lying if today's news didn't sting a bit.

>> No.52554172

Sadly true. Loots is a fucking retard and everyone simps for him inexplicably. Absolute pinnacle midwit.

>> No.52554175

by the time the project will be getting on its feet it will be 8 years. That shit ROI you get that right? Not to mention the little support sergey and co had is gone now.
inb4 muh institutions. They dont want to use this shit because they lose power

>> No.52555750


>> No.52556381

Seriously, how can anons actually defend this? I've always been critical of fuddies but they have a point here. I'm not locking my tokens up for two more fucking years. They can fuck right off.

>> No.52557016

How the fuck is the Chainlink team so incompetent when it comes to retail marketing like holy fuck what the hell is wrong with Sergey

>> No.52557102

The thing is, I don't really know what else to invest in. Stocks and real estate require lots of initial capital for it to be effective; however crypto doesn't. No other investment asset has the gain potential of crypto; however, if not Chainlink, what else is there to invest in? Coins/tokens pump so randomly, it is like a casino out there. It was impossible for me to know that some memecoin like Shiba could do a 10000x in a few months.

>> No.52557151

I go 50% of income into bogleheads ETF strategy 20% crypto bluechips (BTC, ETH, LINK etc.) and 5-10% spray and pray with shitcoins and microcaps. Yes I use 80% of my income to invest and speculate.

>> No.52557180

If you don't mind me asking, how much USD do you invest per month?

>> No.52557198

>holy fuck what the hell is wrong with Sergey
you want to know the truth? Sergey is already rich. He doesn't give a single shit about becoming richer or making others rich. Read into his philosophy, it's always about building something for mankind and leaving a legacy behind. Even Eric Schmidt had to basically force Sergey to say something that alludes to positive price action. Sergey just wants to be known as that guy who helped build DeFi even if it means the LINK token is worth pennies.

>> No.52557204

Haha, u're losing yar cash on the shit and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check Bspin

> Strong casino with a Bitcoin as the playing currency
> Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool
> Transparency and Provably Fair

>> No.52557243

I already sold all my LINK for BTC. I will not miss another bullrun holding this crap

>> No.52557275

Do you really think BTC will outperform LINK? Even if LINK just goes back to previous ATH, that is roughly a 10x.

>> No.52557371

My take home pay is around $5k so after setting aside $1k for cash, $2.5k goes into boomer ETFs, roughly $1k gets spread evenly into BTC,ETH,LINK and $500 I either risk it on an opportunity if I see one or just leave it alone as spare cash. But I'm fortunate to be WFH and living with family so I don't have rent and commuting costs. I treat the high risk shit like money wasted like regular people do buying alcohol/weed/partying etc. Occasionally the gamble works out and it pays out huge. Made 20x off shib (actually want to kill myself for this, sold way too early). Made a strategy and stick to it, my LINK bags are heavy as well but I'm not kvetching over it because I didn't go all in.

>> No.52557409

>$2.5k goes into boomer ETFs
I like boomer ETFS, the only issue is they require so much initial capital for it to be time effective. I would rather not retire in my 60s, which is why I'm talking my chances with crypto.

>> No.52557451

Yeah they are a back up in case my life turns out to be one long string of failures at least I can retire with.
>I would rather not retire in my 60s
I'd rather retire at 60 than never retiring at all. But I also have crypto positions so basically I'm playing both sides.

>> No.52557568

>linkniggers went from screaming '1K is FUD all you need is LINK!' to 'w-well, maybe we'll get a x10 one day'

Have fun holding this dogshit and missing out on another bullrun.

>> No.52557570

Why do you think it will go to its previous ATH?
Serious question, what specific things do you think will push it to its ATH again?

>> No.52557781
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>> No.52558684

This is classic ponzi scheme tactics. The yield you’ll be getting is from people who stake after you.

They’ll have two years to plan their escape when it all falls apart.

>> No.52558712
File: 454 KB, 640x791, ethiopian girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 years just means that they won't sell before the 2024 bullrun is underway. Don't sell at 5 bucks, sell at 500 bucks. Easy.

>> No.52558755

I bet you believe SBF was an altruistic billionaire who didn’t care about money too.

Look at sergeys physique, he obviously has no impulse control, he’s a man of the world and worldly pleasures, he has no higher calling.

>> No.52558764

Hex holders do. that should tell you something.

>> No.52558779

Assuming there will definitely be another bull run is the exact same fallacy as assuming btc could never go below its previous ATH

>> No.52558945
File: 255 KB, 1070x1394, ethiopian girl in michigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k in 2023 will be the same as 20k in 2017 because of inflation, so it technically didn't go below the previous high.

>> No.52558984

Right now, today, BTC is below its 2017 high in nominal terms and well below its 2017 high in real terms

>> No.52559022
File: 215 KB, 1013x1694, 40wdmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10k in 2023 will be the same as 20k in 2017 because of inflation
I hate that I share a board with you fucking retards.

>> No.52559074

The Luna crash real was the catalyst that ruined centralised crypto and crypto in general huh?

>> No.52559091

>Look at sergeys physique, he obviously has no impulse control, he’s a man of the world and worldly pleasures, he has no higher calling
this. its obvious to me he is a man of the burger not a man of the people. we are supposed to love him because he's just like a peter griffin or homer simpson character but in reality this is no loveable fatman he's just a retard fuckup helming a ship filled with psychopathic paypigs who by all rights should be in prison for their crimes against the VCs. Imagine thinking you could steal fire from the gods and your prometheus is some fat philosophy major with a shady sbf tier history. At least Vitamin delivered 1keoy and ETH literally have a flexible monetary policy plus MEV to lure in the vultures. People really believe getting robbed by faggots and trannies in fur suits is the future of finance come the fuck on. I love globohomo about as much as the next negro black sun worshipping nazi but this is just too fucking much ddduuuuuuuddddeee