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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52541163 No.52541163 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not the average retard longing LINK. I made it by buying LINK at 0.20 and selling at 15.00 in august 2020 (yeah I didn't exactly time the top, fucking sue me). Then I multiplied my stack a few more times over the ensuing year playing the defi and nft scenes. Now, at sub-$6.00, I have gone all-in on LINK again and am fully prepared to ride it as long as 10 years to 75x my net worth again. Why? Because nothing in crypto can sustain any worth whatsoever unless it hooks into the rest of the world's financial system. Because the crypto implosions of the last six months have proven that transparency and trustless proof are at the heart of any value proposition that crypto has to offer to the rest of the world. Because the $1000 EOY prophecy never specified what year it was talking about. If crypto - nay, society - ever intends to advance to the next level, then Chainlink stands to absorb hundreds of billions of dollars of real-world value as it cryptographically, decentrally, and trustlessly secures the entirety of the state of reality for everyone to see, on-chain, immutable, and verifiable. That's the power of oracles. That's the power of Chainlink. Every ongoing 'systemic failure' of crypto merely adds to Chainlink's upside.

Buy, hold, win. Forces have conspired to bring us to this point. Media, influencers and bots are working doubletime to convince you that the game is over, that you need to sell everything while you can still sell it and walk away for good. But to the contrary, the risk/reward of holding LINK has never been higher. If you know, you just fucking know. Hold steady, hold strong, double down, and just fucking wait. $1000 isn't a guess, it's programmed.

>> No.52541192
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>> No.52541217

wtf the guy looks like me

>> No.52541243

literally me

>> No.52541263
File: 126 KB, 750x964, lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it ever occur to you when you're just cooking breakfast or something, that there are dozens if not hundreds of people who are furious to the point of uncontrollable seething at you, all just because you chose to buy some imaginary internet cubes that help connect blockchains to external systems?
Isn't that weird?

>> No.52541369
File: 145 KB, 1583x956, 1667057308845943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it seems like normal behavior for a grassroots punk community of independent devs focused on building a product in an emerging space

>> No.52541408

sup Max