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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 3.71 MB, 4000x3000, algorand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52540905 No.52540905 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking absolute piece of shit nigger coin

>> No.52541144

Lmao you really thought that the World Cup would pump your bags? Stay poor.

>> No.52541188

Litearlly nothing will pump my fucking bags

If Algorand became the national standard to replace the USD tomorrow, it would still collapse -50%



>> No.52541236

literally a reddit pleb bitch coin, sell that shit

>> No.52541272

I'm the former Algorand dev who shows up in lots of Algorand threads to beg you to stop buying. Algorand inc and Algorand foundation dump as much as they can every day. They give even more to employees to dump. They have agreements with investors to dump. They do not care about price action because they have effectively infinite coins to dump. Every L1 is presumably like this, that's just the one I worked at.

>> No.52541340

is there ANYTHING to the copium people cling on to that it will get some kind of enterprise adoption or development. I see very little real interest but the business development side has at least established some partnerships and eyes on them, banque italia for exp.

>> No.52541380

Don't bother fren, if retards are still invested in the shitcoins' casino at this point in time, they deserve to lose it all. Enough warnings were issued.

>> No.52541397


>> No.52541437

They absolutely have great bizdev relationships, all kinds of former bigcorp names in marketing bizdev all kinds of shadowy back channel relationships. What made me leave, though, was: does any of this mean token price will go up?>>52541380

>> No.52542128

no offense can we get a shred of proof sir

>> No.52542171

The bull market is a measure of hodl worthiness. Algo didn't perform very well in the bull

>> No.52542179
File: 24 KB, 442x694, 1668045813928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They thought plastering a FIFA logo on their website will pump their generic shitcoin

>> No.52542713

it's so pathetic, and plebs bought into it

>> No.52543035

>fudding when everything is dumping
Gee I wonder if this is the bottom everyone is talking about. This whole thread reeks of curry

>> No.52543269

wait you mean companies issue shares so they can use that money to grow the business? fuck I am a retard

>> No.52543350
File: 26 KB, 891x217, 1651866168417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohnonono Algorandbros, why aren't they shilling our shitcoin on TV? How is this possible? We're official """"""""partners""""""""!

>> No.52543356

I have 5k with a .60 average. I started buying a little bit at 1.50 or so. Hell man.. I do believe this coin will last and some day go back to that 2.80 ath at least. I’m more than ok with that.

>> No.52543363

Reminds me of the CRO hype with the stadium lol

>> No.52543368

what coins do you recommend holding?

>> No.52544880

i just boughted : )

>> No.52545573

Feefaa sponsorship was a fake
Literally stole the money and ran

>> No.52545753

So glad I didn't hold onto this shitcoin

>> No.52545792
File: 20 KB, 267x233, a3ba162355d0d94a5f0b72df8660c6bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted by strongjewish
>algo will pump during FIFA
We got jewed bros kek

>> No.52545885

Next bull cycle boys, just be patient

>> No.52545914

every L1 without fair launch (i.e mining).

>> No.52546424

It seems like Algorand is really getting to holders of lesser chains. Just as an example, there was a feally amateurish attempt to fake a "hack" on mainnet yesterday. It was extremely poorly done, they even made a vanity address starting with "HACK". It was really embarrassing.

>> No.52546534

and this is who we refer to as "resistance"

>> No.52546583

The fake hack attempt was hilarious, very low quality bait. Algosisters live rent free

>> No.52546736

Anyone who buys algo when it no longer offers 6% any I'd a tard. Simple as. It was good for 6%

>> No.52546936
File: 9 KB, 372x127, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its currently giving about 7.32% on governance

>> No.52548598
File: 92 KB, 567x567, 1668440362016034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to dump the fuck out of my bags if this ever hits $1 again

>> No.52548622

I'm dumping at 50 cents fuck this piece of shit.

>> No.52548649

everything not PoW fairly launched is a scam.

>> No.52548880

Buy a crypto shilling for ukraine... blame yourself, retard.

>> No.52550035

Don't care, not selling. The WEF will use this and I will live in a premium pod while you will all share your slave bunks.

>> No.52550580

Bought in 2017 for 0.24
Five faking years later I'm back where I started
Should've sold

>> No.52550637

Fuck algo and fuck the foundation
t. 7k $1 DCA bagholder

>> No.52550675
File: 62 KB, 200x202, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao what a globohomo shitcoin, anybody shilling these is a moron

>> No.52551057

Holy fuck you suck man

>> No.52551222

you've been here this long and still not managed to offload?

>> No.52551634
File: 75 KB, 598x687, de4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved two different stacks into ALGO and CHZ to finally make it during the World Cup and am down $500 already

>> No.52551792

Pleb mindset “muh dumb narrative!!!!”

>> No.52551954

Fuck you retard.

>> No.52551995

I know the feel brother it's been doing this for weeks though so we could still break even

>> No.52552933
File: 2.78 MB, 267x200, 1666314349450294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care still buying

>> No.52553988
File: 47 KB, 1204x204, womens world cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>We're a REGIONAL partner for FeeFaa
>We actually put all our money into the WOMENS world cup


>> No.52555511
File: 25 KB, 480x487, 26A71AE0-78FA-4F0B-9CB6-E985D3ED39F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Algorand didn’t exist in 2017. I’m holding somewhere between a sui stack and a make it stack right now, and I will continue to hold until morale improves. I’m not selling a single ALGO until it’s per-unit price reached $100.

>> No.52555543

>use case 40


>> No.52556970

i am unironically going to buy a suicidal stack at 5 cents. If that doesnt work out i will be literally financially ruined

>> No.52558097

don't bother.
mit is a corrupt institution. and algo is one of the projects designed to fail.
they will just lock you out of your wallet and send your tokens to whatever social program they want.
its a big scam. you aint in it.

>> No.52558183

>official crypto of the world cup
Why the fuck does the world cup need its own official crypto? Marketing stunts don't add any value to the network itself and exist only to be pump and dumped.

>> No.52559437

>Marketing stunts don't add any value to the network itself and exist only to be pump and dumped
Where exactly was the "pump" part?

>> No.52560217

I love rape. You don’t make any sense. Buy Algorand. Aaaaaaaaa

>> No.52560725


ionoshp the Noosphere on the ALGO, Weizza weizza ting tang walla adversial frame local minima walla walla bing bang ALGO

>> No.52560827

There's a next shib somewhere, we just don't know it. Some reason why I keep DCAing in some low priced assets with growth potential like Rin, Arc, Rail and Tower just so I get well positioned for the next bull

>> No.52560863


> I get well positioned for the next bull

We all have our vices. The alchemists made up the middle ages to conceal their great work on ALGO, much like the taoists. The great work is on the chain.

>> No.52561234

Only retards aren't buying. buying some low priced web3 assets. What are you buying?

>> No.52561344

algo is moving in the right direction but it needs far more ass slapping for optimal performance. slap that ass i say.

>> No.52561379

i love niggercoins. i like waching BBC plough nerdy white women. ooooompf. ALGO i kneel

>> No.52561405


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>> No.52561486

>i get well positioned for the next bull
based cuckold.