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File: 121 KB, 750x881, chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52539843 No.52539843 [Reply] [Original]

Before i begin this, let me say that I'm on your side politically.
I never got rid of my disgust for shit like black man white woman, modern art, the lgbt people (save for lesbians) or whatever have you.
I've just realised more than the average person who holds these views does. I'm here to share them, and hopefully get someone to help me figure out what to do.

I've found out that being a chud says more about you than anyone else. It always means a rejection of truth and willing/unwilling ignorance. Let's face it: there is no rational thought process that leads you to "black/gay/trans/whathaveyou people bad". Before you pull out the cherrypicked statistics or whatever just think about it for a second.
You hate them. You think they are disgusting. You are likely obsessed with them.

All of this is often because of things like falling down into alt right back in 2017 when you were younger and dumber, but most people who did that got out, or are on the way to do it. They are rational, open minded, they changed their mind.

You stayed behind.
Why? Don't bullshit it away. You're a loser. We're all massive losers. How many of us are accomplished, beautiful AND mentally stable? How many of us on the other hand are self hating depressed freaks, sometimes self hating homos and trannies.
You see, most people who think they dig deep on this subject arrive at the following:
-you were born ugly, deformed, mentally ill
-all of this is outside your control
-therefore this is your default state, and you have nothing to be ashamed of

Nigga, the answer is much worse.
The fact that you became and stayed a chud is linked to your psychological profile. It is influenced mostly by environment. Were you beaten as a child? Did you feel powerless? Maybe you were born predisposed towards this more. The fact that you're a loser helped it massively.

>> No.52539853

Go touch grass, faggot

>> No.52539855
File: 66 KB, 743x770, chud2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main issue is this:
every opinion you have, everything you do, everything you find disgusting or beautiful, every part of what you think is "YOU" is not you. it is a defense mechanism your body built up

Being a chud is a defense mechanism. It is a defense against being pathetic and not repressing that idea. It results out of expectations and society's push on you.

Sure, even in black trans utopia you'd be pushed towards a certain kind of thinking. But you would be happier. You would use the peer reviewed psychological help and would not be hateful. You'd not think violence is good, you would be less angry and anxious, you would, in other words, be more close to your default state.

Your default state involves you living your life as happily as you possibly can. It does not involve any aspect of chudism. You would be a hedonistic animal, and you'd be happy. The leftist society would make you happier, and you're repulsed by it because your brain is buck broken by environment around you and you hate yourself.

You hate the idea of your own happiness, because you think you don't deserve it because you hate yourself.
It's over. You hate the society that would, if you were born as a blank slate in it, make you much happier than you are now. You will likely never get rid of this during your entire life, given you've fallen so low already.

You're pathetic. There is a reason why leftists like to laugh at right wing hypocrisy: its because right wing ideas are just an incoherent jumble of feels and of what feels right or wrong, but what feels right or wrong isnt your choice to make, its been instilled to you by your environment.

You aren't you. In a better world you wouldn't be you. Your idea of you is fake. Your personality is a giant defensive mechanism. You're fucked. The only option i see for people like you and me is suicide.

>> No.52539859

Caroline if she gets a prison haircut

>> No.52539868
File: 80 KB, 1600x900, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck niggers
Fuck trannies
Fuck chinks
Fuck kikes
Fuck mudslimes
And most importantly...

>> No.52539921

Is this a letter to yourself?

>> No.52539934


>> No.52540083

just stop posting that weird chinese/jewish meme

>> No.52540102

I want niggers out of my country and back to wherever they belong prioritise the natives
Why is this so LE BAD...my country doesn't even have ties to imperialism

>> No.52540104

Trump won bro