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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, linkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52538424 No.52538424 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you holding to zero?

>> No.52538430

No, I'm holding to 81k.

>> No.52538439

no one holds link we all
Moved on to RLC a coin with oracles and digital oil for visnhu on the blockchain

>> No.52538442

because $100 eoy is fud faggot

>> No.52538451

Because I want more zeros in my balance than I have right now. Bitch.

>> No.52538467

add another zero

>> No.52538490

I didn't sell at $52, why the fuck would I sell at $5?

>> No.52538632


>> No.52538647

I’m waiting until I can trade mine in at least for a book of coffee cup vouchers they promised me that I think

>> No.52538756
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Hey linkies,

Go fuck yourselves you filthy animals.

>> No.52538806

Because I literally dont care about this money. If this 10k LINK stack doesnt make me rich, then it might as well go to zero because the only benefit it can possibly give me is to free me from the wage cage. Anything short of that is a waste of time. Your move Jew.

>> No.52538817

We got a live one boys.

>> No.52538823

>I didn't sell at 5 dollars why the FUCK would I sell at 0.50 cents?

t. Anon in 2023.

>> No.52538832

Good luck selling these pieces of shit.

>> No.52538858

Yeah, it's really hard to sell a fungible commodity, retard.

>> No.52538919

And in 2023 you'll still be bitching

>> No.52539064

Because never selling. Sorry. Whatever the price. Forever.

>> No.52539119
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>> No.52539275

>Why are you holding to zero?
Because you want me to sell

>> No.52539672

Holding out of spite now. I will probably lay off half my stack to recoup losses if it goes back to $12.

>> No.52539682

at this point I can't think about my wealth in terms of dollars, just in terms of how much Link I hold. When I sell some of my Link to trade with or in anticipation of a dip, I can't sleep as easily until I'm back in Link. I never think of myself as being "in Link" when I'm balls deep, that's just my natural state now. I think of myself as "in dollars" or "out of Link" when I've sold and it feels wrong. I can take a 40% dip better when holding Link than I can Link going up 10% when I'm not all in. It's a sickness

>> No.52539900

As to not take liquidity from Sergey. If I dump my LINK he may not have the liquidity he needs to dump.

>> No.52540040

Good luck selling memebits without power.

>> No.52540155

no power no industry no use for silver therefore no value for most precious metals
>inb4 shiny nigger rocks will be the new medium of exchange
this kek

>> No.52540206

Because I think one day I'll see $1000 per LINK.

Just like how my Dad has spend over $15,000 on lottery tickets over 10 years.

>> No.52540350

Based, you're making all the linkcels seethe.

>> No.52540733
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>> No.52541476

I love getting high smoking crack too nigger stay based

>> No.52541516

Because of the delicious irony that I held out for staking all this time and then the entire crypto industry collapsed.

>> No.52541535

Why is everyone so caught up on stuff going up in 2023? There is literally nothing positive happening in the fundamentals. 2023 is going to be crypto winter.

>> No.52541541

where is the irony? i dont get it

>> No.52541703

baded, and fpbp

>> No.52541721

I think you meant to say crypto death

>> No.52542108

Oh boy a silver spoon! I can't use it because touching silver poisons my skin! Oh well I'll just handle these silver coins all day, poisoning myself more. You fucking moron you should have bought gold, or even fucking copper.

>> No.52542689

based real wealth hoarder dabbin on stinkies

>> No.52543292

In 4 years I'll be able to buy your whole shitty life, that stack included, for a tiny, tiny portion of my networth. Keep stacking tho bro! Carrington event 2.0 any day now!!!

>> No.52543359
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I enjoy it.

>> No.52543705

this is what I am scared of becoming but too late now, selling before we see the impact of staking at this point would be retarded. Just 1 month away from a possible catalyst of the biggest run crypto has ever seen.

>> No.52543773

2 soon cant believe u held from 60 or whatever bros

>> No.52543790

You won’t be able to buy a cup of coffee once Sergey and inflation are done with you.

>> No.52543803

Silver isn’t poisonous, brainlet

>> No.52543805

Because I'd rather hold to 0 than sell.
Because fuck this kikery.

>> No.52543808

I'm stubborn

>> No.52543836

I'm holding to 1 million

>> No.52543860 [DELETED] 

Play in only the trusted casinos! Like Bspin.

>Casino with Bitcoin main currency
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>Up to 20% CashBack bonus and TOP benefits.

>> No.52544056

Zero it is then.

You’re not hurting anybody but yourself

>> No.52544310
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Soon frens

>> No.52544355

Because it's funny. And I'll hold globohomo's next big project to $0 too.

>> No.52544422
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Its over for me. Isn't it?

>> No.52544454

This makes fudders seethe

>> No.52544461

In 1 year this will be a dream entry

>> No.52544482
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I cannot imagine how this must feel.
You actually handed over real and legal tender, for a fantasy digital currency and YOU ARE STILL HOLDING IT NOW as it loses and loses and loses and loses.
WHAT is actually going on in your head?

>> No.52544600

I’m so tempted to buy 2k link right now. It’s the cheapest I’ve been able to buy link, and I don’t know what else to do with my money.
But fuck, watching everything go down and down all year is doing a great job at making me hesitant. If I hold $12k in cash, it won’t do much unless if I spend it anyway. But damn, should I really put $12k into crypto? Will I end up saying damn I really wasted all my money on this crypto fad, hoping it would make me rich? Or will I end up saying holy fuck, crypto really did change the world and I’m lucky I got in.

Help bros

>> No.52544729
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you are gonna make it.

>> No.52544842
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Its the principle of it now at this point. The amount of psychological attacks we've experienced as LINK holders the last year or so has been hard to imagine prior.

Its a trial by fire and I'll be reborn in the ashes as an smoldering phoenix.

The pain of selling now would ironically be more severe than holding to zero. I can handle the risk and suffering they are desperately trying inflict so we capitulate. All I have is time. I think being INTJ makes this relatively easy. I just don't care. The real anguish would be to finally drop my bags and see it take off while to new heights while the only thing left I'm holding is my cock and immense sadness.

>> No.52544876
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>Why are you holding to zero?

It's the /biz/ startegy, why sold at -10% when you can hold and sold at -70%?

>> No.52544914

Because I don't care. My link bag is like a long-term lottery ticket.

>> No.52544954

There's a tremendous aura of power around this post

>> No.52544992

This is the biggest bottom signal I’ve ever seen.

>> No.52545022

>insert “gamestop” instead of “link” and nothing changes

You need help

>> No.52545161

How is that a bottom signal at all? Saying I’m ready to drop 10k, and lose it all or get rich trying sounds like a bottom signal as much as a top signal. Someone is willing to gamble $10k so that means it’s the bottom?

This is my biggest fear. But there is a difference between link and GME. GME was a short squeeze that already happened. Link has a team that is still developing a product that does have actual use, and the value of their oracles are still speculative. It did shoot up to $50 but that was more an effect of the bull market rather than the industry valuing their oracles at $50 per token

>> No.52545222

>gamble $10k
I would agree if it were literally a bet which had an expiry time based on an event occuring or not. However, it isn't it's an investment. He only loses if he sells. If he thinks Link might never more than its curent price ever again, then it's a bad idea to invest. However, if you're not retarded and can see the bargain of the century, then it's a great idea.
Anyone thinking Link won't be going up after all these imminent releases needs their head read.
Now, I need a transvestite to screech at me.

>> No.52545223

There is still a 100% drop possible

>> No.52545290

Not at all, you're still 35% over the sold threshold.

>> No.52545371

I think you have at least 5 more months minimum to worry before you see any upaide so i wouldn't panic

>> No.52545411

The stock market is gambling and crypto is even more volatile/risky than the stock market.
I like to think it’s the bargain of the century but I can’t be the only one thinking that. I don’t know man that’s why I made the post, I think Link will most likely go up but fuck, putting $10k in and watching it go to $5k doesn’t sound good.
I like to believe Link will be worth $100 but besides my belief and a bunch of random anons on 4chan, I don’t see a lot of people willing to support it.
I guess staking and the utilization of their oracles are support to cause the price increase but I’m uncertain.
I have a sui stack and wouldn’t mind doubling up but my sui stack cost a bit and I don’t like losing money.
Yes, in the bank I’m losing too, but if I never bought I would have more fiat than I do now

>> No.52545420

Link was also a one time moon thaf already happened. Gamestop has actual stores and products, whereas Link has vaporware and never releases anything besides infographics. Gme has better odds of running again.

>> No.52545432

what are you doing outside of your containment general you retarded subhuman?

>> No.52545438

Imo youre better off waiting until next year to buy crypto. I would take half of that money and throw it in some new alts that havent had a run yet. The odds are so much better historically than buying last cycle’s alts. Look at Litecoin chart or Iota for prediction of what Link will do.

>> No.52545467
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I wonder what's he doing now

>> No.52545545

Join the 7 figure loss chad gang, it's basically like being a wizard.

>> No.52545804

What will happen if all of us here buy $100 of chainlink now

>> No.52545856

No that’s not true. Investing in software that does in fact work is probably better than a dying company.
Link ETH and BTC are really the only coins I trust. Lost money on alts not selling when I could’ve, and im not good at finding alts anymore. Bought SATA at $0.2 and didn’t sell at $0.7.

Never hit 7 figs but my friend did from ftm. Now he’s a 6 figure chadlet

>> No.52545859

Wait you retards didn't move on to RLC yet??? Hahahahaha oh wow

>> No.52545893

Jews are the source of the vampire myth.

Filthy kike

>> No.52545901

Why do so many people care then?

>> No.52545918

Kek this piece of shit can’t even reach $10

>> No.52545942
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>> No.52546082

Link Marines can stay deluded more time than the market can remain solvent

>> No.52546098

out of spite

>> No.52546104
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, pee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, the absolute state of hodlers.

Living like a hobo with all its assets in unusable internet money losing value 10 times faster than inflation.

>> No.52546476

You know that we are never selling, the people here are tenacious and single minded, we would rather lose everything than risk allowing you to take a single penny from us.

Eat shit, shill.

>> No.52546910

Uploaded 30 minutes ago


>> No.52546933

because then I can buy infinite link. checkmake bulgaria.

>> No.52546995

Why do you think Link will go up? whatever it is that Link does, can it be replicated?

I'm a nocoiner in geeral, but I'm curious about this shitcoin is because for some reason you guys seem to think that it is for real, and also because Eric Schmidt also seems to care about it too

I listened to sergey's lex fridman interview and didn't get much out of it though

>> No.52547030
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to buy freedom when the cage closes

>> No.52547041
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Hauling all $2500 of your silver and the 5 tiny pieces of gold out into your dirty ass kitchen just to take a sad little pic to make a sad little seethe post on a link thread
Let's be better than this, anons

>> No.52547433
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>> No.52547569

>software that does in fact work

So it “works” while its price drops 90%? Youre right, youre not a good investor

>> No.52547572

lmao sold bitches. holding bit to the moon now.

>> No.52547756

Are you also trying to say BTC doesn’t work?
Yes we all recognize the price is less but using the speculative price of an asset to determine its real world usability is a fallacy.
There are plenty of things worth a lot of money that don’t work, don’t do much, or don’t do anything. The discussion isn’t “chainlinks price dropped so it’s finished” the question was revolving more around the necessity of the chainlink token and if that necessity will result in a higher demand of the token.
Your FUD is making me want to buy

>> No.52548298

I moved on midfag
currently holding Egld and Tron
Ride may also be a good buy desu, coz its the first to move entertainment to moving vehicles, and has enjoyed 2 exchange listings lately.

>> No.52548335

Have fun holding to zero

>> No.52548467

yes you are in a cult, just like gamestop

>> No.52548480

I thought we were talking about making money. This is a business and finance forum, not a technology forum. Learn the difference.

>> No.52548945

thank you, but that didn't actually explain much, it's just basically some guy stating opinions without arguments to back them up

no explanation for why chainlink is worthless, he just tells you to avoid it

>> No.52549087

Because shills will always impress newfags with vague, intelligent-sounding philosophical mumbo jumbo, without actually giving a concrete example of how Chainlink/smart contracts could be used outside of defi.

>inb4 le African crop insurance

>> No.52549633

If fudders honestly thought Chainlink was a bad investment, and they hated Linkies, they would be encouraging them (the Linkies) to buy the token, not constantly trying to put them off it.
It's for the above reason that I simply buy more and more of it. It really has been a powerful motivating force for me, and I'm not sure I'd be so into the project otherwise.
So this is just to say a big thanks to the all those diligent fud posters over the last few years. I couldn't have done it without you guys. Big up.

>> No.52549670

Judging by the non existent buy pressure, it shows your $500 investment isn’t helping that much

>> No.52549720

I already have over 60k Links. I'm pretty much done buying and only throw the odd few hundred bucks in from time to time. You done stacking yet?

>> No.52549753

Yes and I have been waiting since 2017 to get a return Ethereum got in only 3 years

>> No.52549754

Confirmation bias. How do you know that the 10+ LINK threads daily aren't created by these so-called "fudders" in order to financially ruin you?

>> No.52549790

>How do you know
Because I'm responsible for most of them ;)

>> No.52549796

Based as fuck.

>> No.52549814

Sure thing, chuddy boy

>> No.52549921

The hollow bitterness of the fud is so easy to see through, too. There's an anger, a desperation to it. Anyone with a virtuous soul can take one look at the non stop fud and instantly see it's driven by lies and hatred. It really ain't rocket science. If you talk to a child in the tones the fudders employ, they'd be scared. That's a clear indicator of the integrity of the people writing it. It's been this way for years and rarely changes. Basically, 95% of the fudders are crap at it, which makes it easy for Linkies.

>> No.52549988

I'm so demoralized and numb that I simply do not care anymore, when/if my portfolio hits 0 I will simply put a bullet in my head. There's always a way out.

>> No.52550034

checked and good. this is better quality fud. demoralisation fud only really began to appear in the last year, but it was all a bit late, as we knew staking was coming soon and no one would wish to risk it for a biscuit. You guys should have started with that stuff back in 2019. Instead it was just screeching, which is loud, but unconvincing.

>> No.52550095

Or, y'know, maybe everyone is just sick of you /pol/chuds shitting up the board. Doesn't mean I'm part of some organized group of "fudders" like you're trying to imply.

>> No.52550175

>shitting up the board
lol gorra love that one. a timeless classic. Honestly, take it from me; you need to press harder with the demoralising stuff. it's the only thing that does anything at this stage. I can't say it'll do much, desu, but it's the best chance you have.
I have to go now but good luck and happy fudding. Catch you on the flip side!

>> No.52550182


>> No.52550335

This became a larp due to the date it was written and how it says to take everything seriously. 95% of the threads on this board are 6 posts long with pepe asking you to shill a 100x, aka literal bot posts or anons trying to use 4chan psychology and popping into this board and asking blatantly for answers.

>> No.52550419

You're telling me link threads aren't a mirror of /pol/, with everyone complaining about jewish people and calling people the N word? I wouldn't have a problem with your coin (even though I think it has its problems, as I mentioned above) if it weren't for all the /pol/ shit associated with it.

>> No.52550451

>muh staking
yeah, up to 4.75 apy and locked rewards for 12 to 24 months
fuck you

>> No.52550474

But its not like you have a choice anyway so you may as well browse this shithole.

>> No.52550500

You aren't wrong. As they say, "NIGGERS, JEWS...BAD NEWS!"

>> No.52550512

Chainlink has largely outperformed ethereum since its ico so you can relax in that regard

>> No.52550605

I guess this is one of the bitter fudders anon was talking about? I'm starting to see the categories now kek

>> No.52550614

i dont think linkies care about profits anymore.

>> No.52550817

You’re getting dumped on, faggot.

>> No.52551512

Don't care, thanks for stopping by faggot.

>> No.52551556

I couldn't imagine going out of my to make hundreds of threads fudding a coin I supposedly don't hold, AND do not believe in. Why do these faggots do it?

>> No.52551833

I just got a ban for offering to pay fudders money if they dox their employers. THE ABSOLUTE STATE

>> No.52551983

Yeah, i got banned twice in a row just for naming the merchant. This board is going to shit