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52528263 No.52528263 [Reply] [Original]

I found my dogecoin wallet with balance from 2013.


>> No.52528292

did you try P@ssword1? It's more secure because the a is swapped with the @ symbol so hackers won't be able to get in

>> No.52528308

how many coins did you have

>> No.52528310

Try: iamaflammingfaggot123

>> No.52528372

Also try P@ssword?1

>> No.52528385

only 5k so whatever

>> No.52528451

The most effective way of retrieving lost passwords is a hypnotist
Make sure the therapist always records their sessions though
Your subconscious remembers every letter in that password. You just need to access that part of your memory
I wouldn’t mention crypto either, just tell them you need to retrieve a lost password

>> No.52528628

Really? Do we actually store that shit forever in our subconscious but think we forgot it?

>> No.52528683

our subconscious stores all the information we take in
it would be info overload if we could access it all but many studies have shown people can recall every detail of their past while under hypnotic trance
some people are more easily hypnotized tho

>> No.52528752

hey op, i changed it. sorry i didnt tell u

>> No.52528770

try looking in your email for any accounts made during that year and check if the email tells you the password you used, there's a chance it might be the same as the wallet

>> No.52529047

there's software to bruteforce wallet passwords, stop shitting yourself. it was probably a weak password (because you're retarded, apparently) so it'll be easy to crack

>> No.52529056

My dad used to have a few BTC way back but thought it was just funny internet toy coins and doesn't have access to it now kek.

>> No.52529092

>not using the same password for multiple decades
Heh, Password1! never fails.

>> No.52529167

I've brute forced my old doge wallet a while back and got my coins off

>> No.52529697

>had one million dogecoins mined back in 2014
>reformatted hard drive with wallet.dat in 2015 because doge was worthless
it sucks to be me

>> No.52529742

How do you have a password?
dogecoin's wallet stores your keys in the wallet.dat file

>> No.52530210

I mined millions of dogecoin in 2013 never was able to remember the password

>> No.52530223

Same, but with only like 10k
When backing up stuff I remember thinking
>This was fun but it's not like it will ever go anywhere
Even the casinos and all other ironic methods of spending it were dead then

>> No.52530236

>there's software to bruteforce wallet passwords, stop shitting yourself. it was probably a weak password (because you're retarded, apparently) so it'll be easy to crack

I unironically bruteforced a 2013 doge wallet last year. The software lets you put in all the words, word fragments, numbers etc. that you think might possibly have been part of it. Along with rules on capitalisation, orders, combinations etc. to limit the search.

It found mine pretty quickly, once I'd come up with the right search parameters.

>> No.52530259

I had 3mil or so doge from mining and sold most of it on ebay in 2014. 50k doge for £20 is what I remember.