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52527487 No.52527487 [Reply] [Original]

>consolidate your credit card debt with a personal loan

>> No.52527496

i havent done that but if the interest rate is lower why not?

>> No.52527502

>paying (((interest)))

>> No.52527503

>pay your debt with more debt
that's literally what bankruptcy is

>> No.52527510

I did this with all my other credit cards/loans before I left that country, double the money

>> No.52527518
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No, pay down your mortgage with a higher interest second mortgage.

>> No.52527535

but its consolidating

>> No.52527543
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yeah i had applied for a SoFi high yield savings account, was inexplicably (((denied))), and they somehow learned i have an 800 credit score so now they just spam me offers to (((borrow money)))

i fucking hate getting unsolicited mail once every few months

wtf what is that picture? it's almost like some spiders are spinning a rather uncanny web. something feels off, but what???

>> No.52527620

right, so what? Sure it's good to pay less interest once you do it, but the amount owed stays the same. Debt consolidation is just piling all your debts and renegotiating the rate. Same thing as bankruptcy. And they promote it as a money saving tactic. lol.

You're better off not paying any debt, letting get sold to a collector who buys it for pennys on the dollar, then trying to negotiate with them for a final lump sum payment. That's the only way you could end up paying less than you already owe.

>> No.52527651

ngl i work in debt settlement, the backend for most or all such companies. do NOT ever get into 5 figs of CC debt and/or enter a (((debt settlement))) program. i can personally guarantee that your social security number is not only stored unencrypted, but every stacy with an account has completely unfettered access to it

stay out of debt and freeze your credit. it's free in all 50 states btw

>> No.52527740

haha kinda same. but SSNs have been compromised for a long time now. I was in debt for a few grand in my 20s and only got out because my parents gave me a 0% loan which I did pay back but holy shit seeing some of the customers accounts scared the absolute shit out of me and I've been debt free (except mortgage) for years now and avoid interest like the plague. It is depressing looking at some of the holes people dig themselves. Never again.

>> No.52527756

It worked out great anon. One kike agreed to take my debt at a lower rate than another kike, many such cases.

>> No.52527768
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>names the jew
>still pays interest

>> No.52527783

>SSNs have been compromised for a long time now
that's absolutely true. what used to be an ID number for a very limited government benefit is now the key to your entire identity

i actually did the same for my brother this past year. he had about a grand of CC debt that i paid for him, now he owes me the money on a really low key repayment sched next year

monthly payment waived if he can prove he invested it into his retirement savings instead

i will tell you that i was tasked to write code that specifically prevented random stacies from getting thew SSNs of debt slaves. it caused absolute chaos because it worked, so now everyone can view any SSN at will. it's been this way for 6-8 months lol

>> No.52528051

what if one were to party on credit cards for a few months then declare bankruptcy?
assuming home is a rv and credit cards total is around 80k and no real assets except the motorhome

surely it cant be this easy right?

>> No.52528169

Its easier to just get a no interest Balance Transfer offer on a CC and essentially get a loan for like 3-5%(balance transfer fee) for 12-18 months. Credit cards are actually dope if you know what you are doing.

My goal is to reach $50,000 in credit I'm only at like $13,000 total right now with under 30% utilization. Once I hit that amount I'll shoot for $100,000.

I'm pretty frugal so I don't spend outside of what I can afford to pay off. The key is figuring out how to profit from all this useable credit.

Hypothetically I could buy a car in full lets say for $10,000 or something and then apply for a new card and immediately transfer the cost to another card I just opened which is almost 3% if done within 90-120 days. If not done in that time frame its more like 5%.

A 5% loan for 1.5 years is solid imo.

If anyone has any ideas on how to profit I'd love to hear it.

The only thing I've seen is manufactured spend. The whole gift card scheme is too much work though and banks generally make it difficult nowadays.

The only manufactured spend I've seen that is more legitimate are buy groups that will pay you to buy something that is limited stock essentially. The product gets shipped to them and they direct deposit the funds back to you. You essentially earn whatever perks your card has plus occasionally the buy group usually gives extra as well.

I've read in other forums there can be complications though sometimes so you should always be able to cover the bill.

I read guys doing $40,000-$60,000 per month in manufactured spend with these groups though which with my cards that would pay all my living expenses each month lmao.

I'd imagine you have to be insanely disciplined to track everything though.

Some months the offers dry up as well and there isn't anything the group wants.

I should make another thread on this honestly.

I want to be a jew and make money by literally just spending money kek

>> No.52528198

ya i'm not gonna read that wall of text, but 0% balance xfer card is a good option

personally i just open a new jew card, buy like 2-3 oz gold during the no-interest intro period, and never touch the card again

except now my avg credit age is rly low since paying my judent loans, so i need to rethink it and just continually request higher credit limits

forgot you need your score unfrozen, will do that and hopefully come out w/ like $50k limit across 3 cards (unused, currently ~$35k/3 cards)

>> No.52528265


I mean I should make my own thread I guess. I want someone to discuss this and read that wall of text kek

That might be a solid idea. What are the fees on buying gold with a CC? In addition how bad is the seller premium if I try to resell the gold?

I know with silver you get hit for like 20% or something its ridiculous.

$35,000 on 3 cards is solid as fuck. I have only $13,000 on 3 cards but I should be able to drastically increase the limits of 2 of them soon enough. Does a credit limit increase affect my score at all? I just got approved for a new card yesterday and will probably go for another one in 2-3 months.

Credit Karma has been essential because I only apply for the ones they recommend that I'll basically guaranteed to get approved. I just pick high approval with no annual fee as my only requirements.

>> No.52528288

I'm in the same boat as you, currently $18k CC limit aiming for higher 5 fig total limit, and eventually 6 figure limit.

To be honest, never heard of that strategy with the buy groups, if they are paying you extra it makes me wonder what risk you are taking on/ what extra they are gaining from it. It's new to me and im risk averse, so idk.

I think one of the safer ways to use CC limits and balance transfers is to buy covered call ETFs that yield higher than you're paying in transfer fees. At the end of the promotional 0%APR period you can pay it with a margin loan from the portfolio, or balance transfer to a new card for the 3-5%.

Would be nice to have a general for these types of arbitrage/ CC strategies. I also don't want the risk of a business, crypto, etc and would love to find a way for money/ credit to just make more money. .

>> No.52528291

gold CC, just use ebay apmex lmao. same thing minus the (((fees))) that apmex online store charges

i have 35kish on 3 cards cuz Jews Faggot (wells fargo) gave me a 15k limit for no reason, and chase has more or less increased my limit without my permission regularly

you can just tell the kikes that you make 300k a year or w/e, they have no way to verify it

never pay an (((annual fee))) to use a CC, YOU are doing the kikes a favor by accepting their offer of usury

even if you never pay (((interest))). it's THEIR gamble and not your problem if they lose money by failing to convert you into a debt slave

never forget that

>> No.52528364

>if they are paying you extra it makes me wonder what risk you are taking on/ what extra they are gaining from it

The buy groups are doing online arbitrage basically with items that have high volume and insanely fast turnover. They are giving you a small incentive to purchase for them but its mostly so you can churn your credit card rewards which is cool because using it frequently will often give you access to higher limits quickly allowing for the whole thing to snowball.

The risk is that some online merchants are aware of the buy groups and will blacklist their addresses and not let you ship to them sometimes. The other risk is that the item gets lost in shipping or something and your funds get tied up longer than they should be. I'd say its pretty risk so its recommended that you only churn what you are definitely able to cover in a worse case scenario event.

That being said though I've read many people doing $40,000+ plus with like a $10,000 credit limit each month which again with my cards could nearly cover my living expenses. I'd fucking laugh my ass off if I was able to do that consistently.

I need more Citibank cards. You can pay those CCs with a debit card and no fees.

>> No.52528380

I'll have to check Ebay out. You have some good tips I'll try.

Credit cards are definitely an IQ/discipline test. They either destroy people or are literally free money, discounts, and loans. kek

>> No.52528386

Credit limit increase is great because the higher your limit, the lower your utilization is with the same amount of spending. The lower your utilization is the better it is for your credit score. Using 3,000 out of a 15,000 limit (20% utilization) looks much safer than 3,000 out of 10,000 (30%). For each card you have, request a credit limit increase every ~6 months which is safe. Its the easiest thing you can do to have a positive impact on your score.

Also yeah, opening new cards lowers the average age among your credit lines, but years in the future it will work to your benefit that you have many accounts with a long history. Better to open them earlier than later so you increase your average account age for your future self. Also, you have nothing to gain from closing an account, so there's no need to consider it.

>> No.52528387

so much fucking reddit spacing

>> No.52528424

>I think one of the safer ways to use CC limits and balance transfers is to buy covered call ETFs that yield higher than you're paying in transfer fees. At the end of the promotional 0%APR period you can pay it with a margin loan from the portfolio, or balance transfer to a new card for the 3-5%.

Have you tried this personally? This seems like one of the best ways I've heard of for sure.

You could potentially even take a short out on the spot ETF you buy to stay delta neutral and then just sell the covered calls. How does this fail other than mismanagement? No leverage involved so you can't be liquidated. I'm trying to poke holes in this.

Automation would make this process much better since you want to sell the short if your option is exercised right at the same time maybe?

I really like this idea though

>> No.52528429

no dude it's very simple

just apply for a CC every couple years and tell the kikes you make like 300k with a rent of like 1k

they legit cannot verify the #'s

then buy something big that you can pay off in 12-15 months during the 0% period

then just maybe charge $100 every year to the card to keep it active, paid off before the charge even posts

yeh the trick is to treat it as free money that kikes dole out, in the hopes of you becoming a debt slave. if you don't become a debt slave, it's just free money

lotta info to convey to newfags sry

>> No.52528484

>For each card you have, request a credit limit increase every ~6 months which is safe.

Dope I have 1 card I could probably request an increase right now and another in maybe 2 months or so.

Right now my average credit age is what is hurting me the most. Its real bad like 4 years or something. Everything else is golden though.

>just apply for a CC every couple years and tell the kikes you make like 300k with a rent of like 1k
>they legit cannot verify the #'s
>then buy something big that you can pay off in 12-15 months during the 0% period

I'm going to try this exactly next card I apply for kek

The problem is I don't ever want to buy anything big really. I have everything I want I'm just trying to figure out schemes to pay my daily living expenses without working.

I did well with crypto the last run but I want more consistent cash flow and I believe I have the discipline to manage the finances and not over spend. I just like having my freedom.

>> No.52528495

Did you mean every couple months? I've read that you can apply much more frequently than every year or two. The inquiries drop off pretty quick from my understanding.

>> No.52528509

I meant to reply to you

>> No.52528512

>I'm just trying to figure out schemes to pay my daily living expenses without working
oh sorry i helped you then. i work a lot an make ~250k which is what i told the CC kikes, totally accurate #'s

if you want to be a leech on society, go lookup sam hyde

no cuz each hard pull lasts 2 yrs and your avg age is big. my goy score dropped from like 790 to 730 because i paid off my 10-year student debt and the kikes took revenge by closing the accounts

>> No.52528527

> insert sam hyde never pay your debt video

>> No.52528535

you know he lives in fall river right? total nigger shithole like 15 min from me

>> No.52528545


I mean I don't get welfare or anything. I pay all my bills normally with gains from trading. I just have low living expenses and am developing other skills in the mean time.

That being said there is something about making money spending money that just feels right even though its jewy as fuck.

I know who Sam Hyde is but not much about him. I still pay my debts I just want to abuse manufactured spend basically.

>no cuz each hard pull lasts 2 yrs and your avg age is big

I thought it was much less time than that. I'll have to check my Credit Karma again. My score is right around 700

>> No.52528554
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>having a credit card

>> No.52528561

Fuck man, that sounds high risk high reward but I'm not sure a midwit like me can pull it off. I'll have to read more about it first maybe. What cash back cards do you have? I think once i have a flat 2% card plus a PNC cash rewards visa I can't do much better unless I go for store-specific credit cards or mile/point accruing cards which I want no part in, honestly - I really would prefer to stick to cash back cards only.

Yes, it's slower and not as sexy as some other methods probably are, but the monthly divs chip away at my margin loan. I need to get more comfortable with writing my own options sometime but hedging against a move down would definitely add to the strategy nicely.

>> No.52528635

>Fuck man, that sounds high risk high reward but I'm not sure a midwit like me can pull it off. I'll have to read more about it first maybe. What cash back cards do you have? I think once i have a flat 2% card plus a PNC cash rewards visa I can't do much better unless I go for store-specific credit cards or mile/point accruing cards which I want no part in, honestly - I really would prefer to stick to cash back cards only.

I have Citi Double Cash which is 2%. You can pay it with debit cards which there are some that have further perks so it stacks. The buy group thing is definitely high risk and the reward depending on your cash back could be decent. I mean if you were getting even 3-4% on $40,000 spending per month that is like earning minimum wage lmao. The risk is probably too high though. I'm sure you'd have some issue with that much spending at least once a month. I could be wrong though as I've never tried it. Just the theory.

You method about covered calls seems awesome. I could do it on ETH or something. Sell covered calls and then short the ETH. I just can't square exactly how to ensure my short is closed at the same time as my ETH gets exercised. If the call is exercised I get paid in a USD-tether equivalent. I'm learning JavaScript currently so its possible I could automate all of this but its out of my current skill set.

>> No.52528638

learn to code

not entirely terrible, unless you're a nig

>> No.52528649


I'm learning JavaScript from Udemy currently but it feels like it will be forever before I'm proficient. I need to just sit down and knock these lessons out in like one week. Just go full retard with it.

>> No.52528664

>>I'm learning JavaScript from Udemy
i sincerely regret making this thread

>> No.52528672


I mean what do you recommend then? Everyone makes fun of me when I say JavaScript lmao

>> No.52528687

write a web app that queries an external oauth api and stores the results in a mysql database
guaranteed 99th percentile skills compared to all street shitters

>> No.52528783

that pic holy shit

>> No.52528836


I'm white not a pajeet but should I learn Python instead of JavaScript?

>> No.52528871
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>> No.52528889

learn perl

>> No.52528943

Alright I'll look that up thanks

>> No.52528963


Would PERL be good to automate trading strategies? That was my initial reason for learning either JS or Python

I need something that can respond quickly to my parameters

I really don't know much about coding but I have over 8hrs a day to learn if need be and I usually learn fast

>> No.52529147

Sam Hyde - can someone please redpill me on Sam Hyde debt max and if it actually works?

>> No.52529947
