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52527357 No.52527357 [Reply] [Original]

I have changed since I discovered/biz/. She was really lazy though and made me feel like shit a lot of the time.

>> No.52527376

She asked for me back but after the blatent disrespect I didnt want to date her anymore. Hope this is the right choice bros. Sorry I know this isn’t business related I’m just sad.

>> No.52527377

Mine dumped me plenty of times. Just act like you don't give a shit and she'll get all antsy about you not caring and think she isn't good enough and will come back to prove she is then hoover your dick like she hasn't before.

>> No.52527388

Please someone help an anon out. I dont have many people in my life.

>> No.52527392

Watch alexander grace on youtube. Don't waste time on low quality women.

>> No.52527395

You’re looking for loyalty. If she isn’t loyal she isn’t for you.

>> No.52527398

I dont think getting back with her is the best decision for me. I think I should focus on myself and grow. I just don’t know what to do now.

>> No.52527415

Okay I will tonight thank you.
Of course, loyalty is the best trait any human being can have. She just was suspicious and got weird about me cheating out of nowhere which in my experience, means she cheated on me and felt guilty.

>> No.52527430
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>> No.52527460

Saved, thank you anon.

>> No.52527463

it's good to cut toxic people out of your life, it sucks being alone again but you'll find someone better

>> No.52527476


>> No.52527482

They have envisaged me performing an action widely known as rollin

>> No.52527538

All women are temporary. They will all betray. They are all whores. Enjoy them while it lasts but keep moving on so they don’t get a chance to rip your heart out no matter how much of a Chad you are. Make sure to psychologically abuse, devalue and slut shame them before you leave them so as to do your part for the next guy

>> No.52527584

>She was really lazy though and made me feel like shit a lot of the time.
Are you me?? I wish my gf would dump me. I'm on the verge of dumping her after Xmas

>> No.52527601

>i should focus on myself and grow
>I just don't know what to do
Anon, i think you're retarded

>> No.52527606
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You should have accepted her back so you could dump her instead.

>> No.52527611

If you tolerate toxic people in your life it may come from your family and parents.
You may have to revisit your past to change your beliefs on what is normal and tolerable.

In that case reading Toxic parents by Susan Forward could help.
One of the most common issues is a lack of unconditional love and absent parents.
In that case you have to become your own parents and become your own role model.
After fixing yourself what you attract will change.

>> No.52527654

I cut my low value girlfriend out of my life even though she didn’t really do anything wrong and it was a good decision. Women will make you comfortable and complacent and if you’re on biz that is not what you are trying to do

>> No.52527679


>> No.52527701

You have to become toxic and hateful for a while to integrate your shadow, it’s the only way to eventually become balanced. Go down the rabbit hole of listening to people like Andrew Tate and Kevin Samuels.

>> No.52527707


>> No.52527753

You didnt do the pushups, did you? You lazy fuck

>> No.52527763
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Drop and gimme 50 anon

>> No.52527839


>> No.52527877

>Get rejected
>Gf goes back to you but you resist

The fact that you're sad means you made the right choice. Not the easy one but the right one.
Hard choices > easy life / easy choices > hard life

You're right focus on yourself, try to have to "normie time" meaning doing something social / fun / simple from times to times because isolate yourself in a bubble of self-developement can turn into a nightmare. You'll maybe have to force yourself to go out or having social interactions but that's the only way to not get depressed. Soon enough you will have goals which drive you, you'll focus on something thrilling and you'll progress. Then you'll look back thinking "I was a kid but I feel more like a man". Girls will come to you. The only thing is : when you're with your gf & you're naturally socially akward, but not too disgusting, girls will very easily flirt with you and make the first move. Once gf is not there, you will need to make the move much more often and being socially akward doesn't help.. that's how you grow
Being there done that..
Home it helps somehow

>> No.52527905

this, my ex was fine but im glad she dumped me because i was getting fat, drinking constantly and just sitting around watching videos/movies with her

>> No.52527923

It’s weird is that all most normies do with their gf’s is eat and watch media. That’s all my friends who have gf’s do what gives?

>> No.52527950

I literally had a gf for 5 min then she dumped me when she found out I was a virgin

>> No.52528000

was she white

>> No.52528006

anon thats all normies want to do the only reason they stay in shape is to get a girl same reason they go out

>> No.52528030

Probably a good thing then, don't worry about it breh. I have only ever been the dumper not a dumpee. You should do the same. Don't tolerate a girl you don't even like just for pussy.

>> No.52528044

>I have changed since I discovered/biz/.
f-for the best, right? ... right?

>> No.52528143

They’re evolutionarily inclined to stay at home tending to children and interacting with other nearby mothers, but their modern surrogates are cats, netflix, and social media.

>> No.52528155



>> No.52528185


>> No.52528216


>> No.52528279

so.. hooray anon! I’m happy for you

>> No.52528313


>> No.52528316

don't worry anon, we're the only girlfriend you'll ever need. we won't even nag you to take us out for dinner

>> No.52528344

You're better off anon. Find a girl who doesn't make you feel like shit.

>> No.52528378

Watch Swingers. Best movie for a breakup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWSVtnG2LEU

>> No.52528548

Rolling for trips.

>> No.52528666

rollin rollin rollin.

>> No.52528811

Why are most women so fucking lazy. They literally never want to do anything but eat be on social media and spend money

Unproductive asf

>> No.52529062

Okay, lemme get one out then I'll hop to it.

>> No.52529169
