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52526483 No.52526483 [Reply] [Original]

how, as an INTP, can i choose a career?
everything i’m interested in isn’t profitable: biology, language, philosophy
majored in economics btw

>> No.52526502

I went into graphic design and all I do is crop JPEGs all day, occasionally I'll crop an svg. The pictures are nice.

>> No.52526565

you never feel like someone is going to show up and expose you for not having any real skills?
also the hardest part seems to be getting into a gig like this, making it seem like you can do anything, only to have 1 or 2 bullet points out of 10 of a job description be your actual work, having to prove you can do them all the same

>> No.52526579

>everything i’m interested in isn’t profitable: biology, language, philosophy
You have to be good and innovative to make something profitable. And paying attention to interesting things is the lowest level of conscious thought you have, figure out what you can pay attention to even though you think it's boring.

>> No.52526697

i find it pretty easy to focus on organizing data in spreadsheets like at my current job, which is boring to most people but is satisfying to me. i’m pretty low in ability to focus on something i don’t care about, even given incentives. i’ve put off for weeks tasks that managers asked me to do, simply because i could get away with it and was never pressed to do it.
for background im working a token foreigner desk job in japan, sometimes going on business trips to interpret but mostly doing busywork in the office. once i move back to the US i need to decide what i’ll be doing long term

>> No.52526889

I did when I was younger but then I stopped caring. I used to put in effort and do good work but it got me nowhere and I get paid the same to half ass it. I get satisfaction elsewhere, even from making memes.

>> No.52526952

Based. I hope you get to keep your do nothing job.

>> No.52526963

INTP's make great neets

>> No.52527031

But if you have to wage, it can be literally anything that takes as little time and effort so you can focus on your true interests. For me, it's been career government jobs. I don't even know what career category I would fall under now because I do so little actual work.

>> No.52527129

I got this intp classification too.

My memory is shit, I feel dumb as fuck and my carrer was offered to me.
I started at a low post at an crop sprayers shop, those that sell the huge machines that spray poison over our foods. My entry was at the depot, keeping the parts depot
I did something right and got lucky. Now I am working as the administrator. Have my own room and air conditioning... Its pretty nice but I feel so weird there because deep inside I know I am super retard. People say I am smart as fuck, but its just an ilusion.. people say that because I did some nice thigs with programming language and know a bunch of shit I memorized from discovery channel

To me this carrer thing is a mistery... You just need to start I guess
And this utopic vision of a happy carrer with lots of self satisfaction is just not true
You need to solve problens every fucking day and over all that you also need to push your body or else you will have zero energy to do the things you like during your free time

It is very hard to come from a "sleep until mid day" reality to a waggie live and also, for me at leats, it is hard to deal with people. My trick is to go full retard and trow jokes everytime I can. It is working, people seens to like me... I dont mind solving complex problens, but human relationships drain me so much
I can see too much emulation and fake shit
Is hard

>> No.52527179

Even though I'm an INTP who hates interracting with people I forced myself into being a software sales engineer due to its high pay. Im banking enough where in a few more years I'll be able to retire as a neet in my late 30s.
Careers generally are bullshit. Just get the highest paying thing you can and force yourself through it so you can achieve your true destiny as a neet. Being a neet is the only acceptable final outcome

>> No.52527249

i suppose im not seeking any fulfillment from my work, just something i can do for a long period of time without dreading showing up every day, while earning enough to live comfortably.
i think this is true, the happiest times in my life were during neetdom, but also the most directionless. my career fantasy is 100% remote doing 3-4 hours of work a week and doing my own thing with the rest of the time. i am almost doing this now, working 2 days remote a week and doing basically all my work on the non remote days, going to the gym and reading on my remote days. the only problem is i make almost nothing. i need to move to the US and get a comfy hybrid or remote job, just need to trick the right person/people

>> No.52527285

>not coding
everyone in cs in college that I know of is intp, graduated with 6 fig salaries, youre missing out if youre not programming, unironically learn to code

>> No.52527325

i don’t have the brain for coding, i tried many times and even went to a programming school for a few months while jobless, just can’t get into it. my brother did that stuff as a hobby and tried to get me into it since i was a kid, never clicked

>> No.52527437

that was me in college/highschool until something clicked. fuck webshittery and bootcamp scams, start with the extreme basics, I'm talking scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/, make your favorite flash game from when you were a kid, and learn your way up with basic stuff like greenfoot and bluej.
if you're halfway decent with philosophy you can crack cs, when i was in undergrad, thought my philosophy classes were much harder that cs ones. the logical reasoning transfers over too

>> No.52527548
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>> No.52527580

INTPs are good at anything that requires getting lost in research and playing detective. Find jobs that fit that description in anyway.

>> No.52527711

Can't you just code some shit? You know math, get into cybersecurity or some of that shit

>> No.52527721

Biology could've been profitable for you, but you would have to go towards something actually applicable like biochemistry and specialize from there, whether its medicine or pharma or pathology, etc.

>> No.52527766

INTJ here. Don’t know how you differ from me, but I make a fortune as a solutions architect at a tech company. Our kind is well suited to troubleshooting technical problems & understanding systems. You should probably look into programming if nothing else, GL

>> No.52527837

INTP here, I'm literally a janitor. I only put about 2 hours of work into the day and still get complemented about how clean the place is. Day trade the other 6 hours.

>> No.52528356

this describes me pretty well actually. i love to have 20 tabs open on something and doing deep dives. what kind of careers have this i wonder?

>> No.52528763

Make a bitchute channel and a podcast and a substack where you report the tldr of your deep dives on what the jews are currently up to. Those are exploding right now; demand is high for schizo content. Accept donations in crypto and set up a patreon.

>> No.52528795

I fucking HATE logic

>> No.52528805

myers briggs personality test is made by 2 women who weren't even psychologists, ngmi.
shits a meme that changes results every month, it's unreliable

>> No.52528832

Might as well tell people your horoscope too, because it’s just as retarded lmao

>> No.52528843

You sound like you're a lot of fun at parties. I want to be you.

>> No.52528855

To any INTPs out there, how do you guys finish your projects on time? My boss has been losing his shit at me as I kept telling 2 more weeks until this app is done. kek

>> No.52528875

he's not wrong. I wouldn't care enough to tell people irl that the personality test is a fad meme, but I would cringe a bit if I heard people talk about their myers briggs results

>> No.52528876
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>> No.52528972

Literally any test that asks you wide range of questions and uses the answer to cluster people into groups can be used as a personality test. You're too dumb for this thread

>> No.52528979

Conscientiousness goes up with age so non-neet INTP's slowly transform into ISTP's with time.

>> No.52528993

im an intp, i became a pharmacist because i computer science also didnt click for me. i make okay money, but i hate working with my coworkers as they are all idiots and i have to share space with them every day. i hate the job, i hate the schedule, i hate not having any space to myself, and my co workers constantly step on each others toes because our manager is not effective.

anyways, i dont know what the fuck else id be doing at this moment that pays as much as i get now, if anyone has any ideas thatd be great but there really arent any as we all know since, "watching youtube lockpicking videos" doesnt make any money. my retirement plan was winning the powerball , but that didnt work out

>> No.52528995

I am a scorpio. I'm pretty sure than means I am meant to lead. Makes sense given the way the world is these days. Normies can't understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts. Her squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your friends build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning herbrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, with his viagra powered penis a divining rod for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps "Found you!". The Mathsweasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendepity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman's dehydrated dick. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1vAqaUwLg7g

>> No.52528999

bro just make it on crypto and become a neet again

>> No.52529023

i bought 12 btc back in 2011 and i dont know where theyre at so i lost them basically (intp traits striking again)

i get why crypto is good, but i also understand the downsides to it and i feel the downsides outweigh the benefits

>> No.52529040

bro who gives af like just use it to get rich, i turned 3k into 250k last bullrun

>> No.52529048

this can’t be true w the number of intp programmers

>> No.52529070

Are you sure you are INTP? I dropped out of grad school and now spend my nights stocking shelves. I have to interact with zero people and am free to spend my personal time reading what I want.
You don't need money beyond enough to sustain yourself. This current civilization is nearing the end and its better to retreat inward.

>> No.52529131

I'm an INTP and I'm a retail pharmacist. I was painfully shy in school, smart but lazy, always put in the least amount of effort required to get by. You learn to tolerate and even enjoy the forced social contact, and to treat the people problems that spring up as little puzzles to solve. Retail is an awful grind but with so many people fleeing since covid, you have a lot of options and opportunity. I make 140k, am 27 and nearly debt free. I save 2.5k/ month into my 401k and net about 3k in cash savings monthly. Ten years from now I hope to be financially stable enough to drop to part time and spend more time doing other things. Hope this helps someone

>> No.52529195

i have a wife and plan to have kids. so just surviving by myself isn’t an option

>> No.52529232

I do remote AG work for like 70k a year, would recommend.
>clock in at home
>remote work with no unnecessary communication
>lots of unoccupied time to fuck around outdoors
The AG pill isn't bad INTPbros...

>> No.52529240

I am happy for you but that situation will require sacrifice on your part. Your decision should be based on money not interest. Your interests will have to be relegated to those few hours you will have to yourself. Maybe try a government job as they employ a number of econ people at places like the CBO.

>> No.52529280

There's money to be made in biotech?

>> No.52529295

>you never feel like someone is going to show up and expose you for not having any real skills?
kek nobody tells this kid the truth

>> No.52529322

i’m prepared to sacrifice, im already doing that with most of my day anyway. i spend very little time perusing my interests compared to just a year ago. but i do want whatever job i commit to doing long term to be feasible for someone like me to succeed in

>> No.52530135

MBTI is bullshit. Literally horoscopes for reddit dudes.

>> No.52530155

>anything that takes as little time and effort
I have worked at the same small business for 20 years. Sometimes I perform large changes and things get significantly better but mostly I do nothing. Due to the length of my tenure I know how all the systems work and interact. When get get new staff I have the unenviable job of training them, but beyond that it is very cruisy. idk if small business is still a good thing to get into, but there was some initial work on my part but it was mostly mindless - because they were flexible I could do extra things that interested me but noone else cared about.
>getting lost in research and playing detective
Most of my extra stuff was that.

>> No.52530699

Media researcher. You basically do all the hard work for a newsstory, crunch numbers, provide facts, details, find sources and hand it over in bulk to some stacy journo who writes the story (and thats a good thing). If you're good with excel, where to find and extract data and understanding what data is good for a story, you're very attractive candidate.

>> No.52530701

it conveys the necessary information for the topic

>> No.52530712

You need to find something you can do where you don’t interact with any people or as little people as possible

>> No.52530788
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how can i be an INTP and not a loser outcast?

>> No.52530968

What is AG work?

>> No.52531041

INTP with remote gov job (but will eventually have to go in 1-2 days/week). Salary maxes out at 107k/yr. How can I make more bros while living a semi NEET life?

>> No.52531162
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Entj bros, we cant stop winning

>> No.52531352

Don’t become an employee, you will go under. Become a specialist freelancer and only work with people who are really „into you“. You shouldn’t have too many problems coming up with a system or routine that creates value for other people (as an INTP), you just need to learn to either make advertising for yourself or how to acquire clients and customers elsewhere.

Ideally choose something that you can create once and then sell to multiple people, like course, a manual

>> No.52531458
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infp here
it never even began

>> No.52533273

It's possible to win but you have to get out of the E mindset. I learned to be social but I'd still rather spend almost all my time alone.

>> No.52533499

You studied economics you fucking donkey. How can you not make money?

I am INTP myself and studied financial mathematics, work in finance as a quant and just do financial modelling. Also client talks and all that shit because I am not an autistic shit. Became a millionaire at 32, now $2m at 35 kthxbye

>> No.52533561

i think im an intp as well (haven't done a meme meyer briggs thing in years.) i work in accounting. you need social skills to succeed in accounting but most people in this line of work are normie-spergs so it's not too bad. ive been doing this for 4 years and i make $97k a year wfh. it's not codenigger money but that's okay.

>> No.52534340

Do you recognize a difference between attention being inward-turned or outward-turned? Do you recognize a difference between thinking and feeling? One man's attention is primarily outward-turned and directed toward physical sensations - another man's attention is primarily inward-turned and directed toward thoughts. Do you not see any value in having a shorthand way of describing the various attentional postures people adopt?

>> No.52534939

well said. there are people who are open and expansive while others are the opposite, some give high emphasis to past experiences, others prefer living in the present, some live more in their own imagination, some care about the social mood while others don't and are spontaneous etc

i have recently come across a woman who is a textbook ENFP. it was so interesting it reignited my interest in typologies.

>> No.52535206

Start with prostitution

>> No.52536837
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I'm INFP as well - though I think I've slowly developed more INTJ as I've taken a larger interest in the financial world. I'm not really an "emotional" sort, but I am very reclusive. If it wasn't for crypto I'd be pretty screwed. Now it looks like I just might be okay. Life is strange..