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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 759x500, verge-currency-predictions-759x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5252634 No.5252634 [Reply] [Original]

Xvg in the next Monreo,0 .25 EOY
Fun will moon hard by Jan or Feb..So if you don't hate money start accumulating now!

>> No.5252999

I'm already all in aculy. Even my parents wanted in on it.

>> No.5253290

Randomly bought 3100 of these. Kind of comfy, I must say.

>> No.5253656

when is the cunt it hitting 1usd?

>> No.5253684

still don't understand why this is so superior

>> No.5253714

I hate this piece of shit coin so much but I know in my heart normies are gonna eat this shit up

>> No.5253830

I got 10k at 260 and sold at 335 expecting a dip, it just kept rising. Managed to scrape back 1500 at 290 though. But fuck me

>> No.5253865

>couldn't go all in because bitcoin transaction is unconfirmed
kill me pls

>> No.5254407


what is it with this fucking coin. it seems to have some weird aura drawing people to it. it just keeps going for no fucking reason.

>> No.5254682

Damn this shit is growing like crazy. It's just too good to be true. Started yesterday at $0.06, now is $0.1 and keeps growing.

>> No.5254691

Fuck it's not stopping. Wat do, Buy now at ath and sell low?

>> No.5254710

it's a fucking rebrand. WHY REEEEEEEE

>> No.5254713

I've bene burned so many times buying ath or close to it.

trying so hard not to buy.


>> No.5254720


>> No.5254758

>buy a literal shitcoin that is 800% up over the last week

its going to create even more bagholders this time. remember all of the assholes that went all in during june? they got JUSTed hard

>> No.5254806

Wanted to go all in, but money takes forever to get to Coinbase. Now stuck with only 9000 from 0,02. Still made a good profit, but I fucking wanted to buy more of this shit, but couldn't. FFS.

>> No.5254809

Whales manipulating heavy on this one. Risky.

>> No.5254866

Is this coin still going up because of that one tweet from McAfee?

>> No.5254881

hi, is this coin 100% fungible like Monero?

>> No.5254922

DUMPPPPPPPED, thank fuck i didn't just buy

>> No.5255140

feed me. Buy

>> No.5255231

Exactly this. I couldn't make a purchase when I first tried at 0.07. Got there eventually but at about 0.09, arrrgh!!!!

Oh well, I'm in now. Let's see what this coin does.

>> No.5255277

this coin was called dogecoin dark. should tell u everything.

>> No.5255627

This was almost me, so glad I bought back in at the last second, almost got too greedy trying to swing trade, then I realized this was a moon mission and slapped myself

>> No.5255874

They've mentioned it in Forbes. The devs are very active and open. People like it. it's gonna be $1 by February.

>> No.5256003
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>in at 50 sats and sold at 200
it's going back down right?

>> No.5256029


>> No.5256079
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you done goofed man, though 4x is not that bad

>> No.5256082

Fun is equivalent to potcoin. It's not going to go anywhere. Bunch of dumbfucks i swear.

>> No.5256135

This coin is going up because IBM is planning on buying it.

>> No.5256151
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yeah, I know. Tempted to buy in again but chasing pumps is never a good strategy

>> No.5256168

How do you even figure that?

>> No.5256176

source m8?

>> No.5256212

Insider trading. <3

>> No.5256335
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I sold my 800k at 100 sats

>> No.5256356

>700 sats


>> No.5256400
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damn I only had 85k. we fucked up hard.

>> No.5256403

1k soon, full fomo mode

>> No.5256414

That's like $76k now. Feels bad man.

>> No.5256436



>> No.5256438

Well guys. This was your opportunity for early retirement in a span of a week, without doing anything else.

>> No.5256449
File: 27 KB, 396x385, 1511175288221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 15K XVG and 30K FUN before they pumped

>> No.5256500

sold 110k earlier between 450-480 sat thinking it was gonna dip, kinda kicking myself now that it's up above 650

still cant complain too much, bought the shit at like 70 sat

>> No.5256501

had 1.1 mil, sold at 280 sats for vechain for a quick buck to sell back and get some extra xvg.
Fucking ven tanked, and I am holding bags.
I would have 150k right now.

>> No.5256573
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>IBM is planning on buying it.

funny guy over here

>> No.5256646

Not that funny. What makes this coin solid is the technology behind it. It's not just an idea or a meme for quick gains, based on ETH. It's gonna keep growing over months.

>> No.5256737

Is it fungible?

>> No.5256747

How long before someone that bought XVG at 5-30 sats decides to dump like 30M at once and crash this shit?

>> No.5256809

why would they dump something that will rise to 5k sats? would you do this?

>> No.5256815

Next monero?
So you mean it will hit $500? Why don't I believe you..

>> No.5256839

IBM has already partnered with XLM. The technology behind Verge is absolute shit look at the developers and wait times for wallet implementation

>> No.5256877

>tfw sold 200k at 192

Someone kill me

>> No.5256885

its sort of like the prisoner's dilemma, if someone with 30M doesn't dump it, another guy with 30M might dump his first and cause the price to tank, meaning the first guy misses out. It's a question of who blinks first.

I get what you're saying, but it's not just going to cruise to 5k sats or whatever, some whales will dump between now and then, and there's definitely people holding giant bags of this shit

>> No.5256963

>It's gonna keep growing over months.

You're absolutely right. You should absolutely not sell this cc until at least next Dec. IBM has no tentative date for buying this, but they plan to do it prior to their 2018 fiscal year ending.

It's unlikely. Most of XVG is held either by small-time buyers or people that are in on IBM's plans.

Think about it for a minute if you don't believe me. XVG is a cryptocurrency sold on being the most private when it comes to transactions while still having a public blockchain record for legal purposes and visibility. IBM is a company which has its roots in the domination of the IT industry, where they supply most server requests to the US and most of Europe and Africa. The reason that they're going to buy it is because they are planning on using it to make and accept discrete payments from vendors and businesses due to the increased demand for privacy created by the current global unrest regarding corporate monopoly and currency concentration.

The only way IBM doesn't buy XVG is if XVG is hacked (which it won't be), if CC tanks (which it won't), or if the whales that are in on this lose credibility with their clientele (which they won't).

I'm just an anon on the internet, but this CC is going to moon and it will leave orbit, never to return to earth. If you don't get in before it does, you will regret it more than that guy who paid his delivery driver in BTC.

>> No.5257008

The thing is, the people who bought it for quick gain have already dumped it, as we see itt.

>> No.5257026

Anon how do you think they plan to do that if they already partnered with the Stellar Lumens tech?


>> No.5257109

XVG is not owned by a company and is owes to no owners or management team. Even if development ceases on XVG, which it will not because the devs are replaceable and easily fed, it will remain a marketable currency because it is unowned and autonomous. I strongly advise you to get in while you can.

>> No.5257144

you seem like you're trying to shill a little too hard

i think this is a good token but right now people are hysterically buying. It will dip back down quite a bit within a few hours. I don't think this will ever tank back to sub-200 sats again though, but we'll probably see 400 within 24-36 hours especially if BTC starts climbing back up.

Plus in some coins you have a situation where there's enough new buyers to hold the floor at a certain point, as in they've bought in for $X and won't sell below a certain point. You'll never have that security with XVG since there are so many early buyers who bought in sub-100 sat, they have no real psychological pressure to fight to keep the floor high, if things look like they're taking a turn for the worst they can just dump 100% of their holdings and still take huge profits.

I think we'll see ~400 sat again before we break ~900 sat

>> No.5257201

Oh I don't doubt that it will go back down to 400. Just make sure to watch it closely if you want to be rich come 2019.

>> No.5257289

Buy XVG right now were going to moon soon

>> No.5257425

IBM is already all in on Stellar. I find it highly unlikely they will want to buy verge.

>> No.5257502

Stellar is gonna just be used for the pacific South Asia and Africa. IBM could still pick another technology up easy

>> No.5257685

IBM is partnered with many large European banks as well.

>> No.5257769

Dont its near its end
Will either stay stable, dip or crash

However youre too late to gain any good gains anymore. So better stay away unless youi can afford it

>> No.5257875

How on earth would you know that?

>> No.5257876

If I had bought at the I wrote that I still would've made some nice gains. But I didn't, and also won't do it now. But always such a pain to miss this kind of stuff. I was thinking about buying it last night at about 350.

>> No.5257887
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>> No.5257916

>820 sats

What even

>> No.5257919

fug wrong thread

>> No.5258001

Lemme go check. Got in at 650

>> No.5258092


>> No.5258096
File: 229 KB, 1663x791, sranysovok_2017-Dec-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I left it at 530 this morning. Now it's 860.
Told ya.

>> No.5258105

>bought 1000 at 260
>now at 860
Should I just hold? Its only $50 loss if it crashes and I got the $50 from BTC I got for $20 at 2014

>> No.5258166

XVG never stops going up! I fucking love you /biz/! I made my first million today

>> No.5258175

w-what is this senpai

>> No.5258191

It's not a one-day gain. It's growing for weeks and it will keep doing so in January-February. Maybe not this fast, but it's probably the best option you can find on binance atm.

>> No.5258320

Nice! I just looked, 960!
This is my feeling too.

>> No.5258324

You can pretty much buy the top here and never lose!! This fucking coin will never let you down

>> No.5258618

thanks, bought top and lose 1/4

>> No.5258803

We had been telling you that it's not for quick sale. You should be prepared to wait more than 2 minutes.

>> No.5258941

25 people own 50% of verge


>> No.5259200

>he is using /biz/ as a reference

your average bizness manager, everyone

>> No.5259250

>Sold at 835
>Now at 660
>Rebuying at 560~

I love this coin

>> No.5259311

My investment is at 3400% hahahaha what the hell

>> No.5259365

Pretty much same

>> No.5259773
File: 114 KB, 1080x1067, enditnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought 200k xvg at 90 satoshi
>a few weeks ago, I sold 10% or 20k at 110
>see xvg gains today, happy as fuck
>load into bittrex
>0 XVG balance
>order books say I sold 200k, not 20k, on the order
>I added one too many zeros when selling
I'm done. It's over.

>> No.5259902

crypto will keep mooning until atleast 2020 anon. That's speculated to be when widespread adoption occurs. Even then, lurk more and more lucrative endeavours will pop up with new tech and new ventures.

>> No.5259971

I know. I am still not over this one.

>> No.5260049

Me neither. The last 2 weeks have been a crazy rollercoaster for me.

Started in Crypto in about August investing in BTC, LTC and ETH intending to HODL for ages. I didn't, and lost almost everything except for about $500. Invested that $500, and here i am with a portfolio nearing 7k.

Stick to it ANON. Crypto is the millennials get out of Jail free card. We're here right at the beginning for a reason. It's our turn to start influencing the world as other generations have.

>> No.5260543

Its bouncing up again. Please hold

>> No.5260560

Is it fungible?

>> No.5260579

>tfw bought 100k XVG in May for 52 sats
>tfw sold 50k in June at 138
Should've held my bags, but at least I put that money to good use by investing in Ark

Somehow I've managed to turn $2k into over $30k in 6 months. Feels good.

>> No.5260828


Wraith Protocol is supposed to use TOR for complete anonymity, but it hasn't been completed yet. They have missed their own deadline 3 times, and will miss it again in a few days. i.e nothing is unique about it.

Currently mooning because John McAfee shilled it again.

>> No.5260834
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>500000 bought at .00000012

>> No.5260854

Will it moon again later?

>> No.5260915
File: 1.22 MB, 1794x2840, 1506789835403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR will keep FUD Verge cause they know it's going to overtake them EASILY.

>> No.5260976

What are you currently hodling, senpai?

>> No.5260993

i want to commit suicide

>> No.5261085

Maybe stop buying pumps and buy the dips.

>> No.5261132
File: 817 KB, 266x256, Steve Stranger Things Beyond what the fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wraith is never happening
>Wraith is the defining privacy feature

>overtake XMR

>> No.5261141

I invested way too little in this shitcoin and the gains are barely worth it

Im too late
Should've bought cyanide with bitcoin instead

>> No.5261446


Don't kill yourself, mate.

Buy Verge and wait 6 months. You can retire afterwards, according to John McAfee.

What do you have to lose? Just put in like 500 eur.

>> No.5261477

>friend of mine bought over 1 million XVG at 40~50 sats
>sells it at 100 sats weeks ago
He's sitting next to me at work and can't believe he didn't get those ca. 160k USD.

>> No.5261506


Serves him right for listening to Monero fags.

Anyone with technology minded brain can realise this is superior.

>> No.5261516

>We're here right at the beginning
You guys are already well past the beginning.

He left it in BTC.

>> No.5261588


the tech isn't there.

>> No.5261713

Is there a reason XVG holders are scared of talking about the tech? Not just "muh Wraith muh stealth addresses". Shadowcash had stealth addresses but they were broken so the devs abandoned the coin. Where can we see XVGs stealth address implementation? Are there active commits that aren't just editing README files and random helper scripts?

>> No.5261745

I don't know about the tech but I know I tripled my money in 3 days so fuck you lmao

>> No.5261765



>> No.5261793


Because I'm a normie who doesn't care about the tech.

McCafee shilled it and has made me money.

Who gives a fuck how it works?

>> No.5261950


They're scared because there is no tech to speak of. Wraith has been pate 3 times. 4th is coming up.

Look at this nigger shit: >>5261745

These are the people driving this garbage. Lemmings following lemmings following lemmings following liars and thieves.

>> No.5262020


Follow the hype train to get money lad.

>> No.5262241

Butthurt monero chodes in the house. Go shill your cripple coin elsewhere

>> No.5262370

It's completely bullshit. This is the first pump that has made me legitimately fear that we are in an unsustainable bubble. Verge has nothing, N O T H I N G, going on from a technological standpoint and yet you have crypto newfags buying it up with no idea why other than some coke addled hasbeen included it with Monero and Zcash as his picks for privacy coins. 2 billion dollar shitcoin. Unreal.

>> No.5262640

why is it worth this much?
who uses verge? when? where is it accepted? where's wraith?

>> No.5262878
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>> No.5263322


>still holding over 30 XMR I bought at $5
>XMR is now $430
>XVG devs have lied about Wraith 3 times now, but XMR is the cripple coin

Sure thing, kid. Follow the piper, at least you're enjoying the tune.


I can only guess that McAfee was holding a ton of it and wanted to capitalize on the influx of normies by mentioning it one last time to unload his bags. There's nothing new about it without Wraith.


>it's not
>no one
>who knows
>late for the 3rd time, soon to be 4th time