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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52524144 No.52524144 [Reply] [Original]

Any interesting stories where your normie friend/acquaintances invested in crypto?
Today some normie friends told me they invested in some randomname shitcoin.
And started telling me how safe it is, it has max daily withdrawal and shit like that, so the price can't tank too much.
Tell them "You know the devs can be full of shit and scam you in 50 different ways and those "rules" don't mean jack shit?"
They look at me dumbfounded and slightly angry. After googling it, there are several Scam results. How one of the founders is a known scammer etc.

>> No.52524374

Many such cases...

>> No.52524412

A guy at my work paid 1k for a trading bot from telegram. Sent them another 10k for trading and never heard back

>> No.52525151
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got a friend into crypto nov 2020, just before bullrun started
he made good money buying whatever the fuck, literal trash shilled on reddit (but who cares everything was going up)
told me he bought SHIB in summer of 2021

I cashed out everything by the end of Nov 2021, and the next time I see him before christmas as the exit pump is unfolding. He tells me how he is still holding SHIB and thinks its "got a lot of potential" as a project, and that he bought his newly born son some SHIB which he plans to hold for him "until he goes to college".

I get uncomfortable and suggest that we *could* very well be in a bear market, that technical structure suggests trend reversal and further downside to come. That alts, especially things like SHIB, were dangerous to hold.

He got frustrated and told me I didn't know enough about the project and that he was going to stay in it and just buy more if it dropped.

He's still in SHIB even as I've reaffirmed my concern all year long. I tried to save him but he simply refuses to cash out... dear God what have I done?

>> No.52525307

Cryptofags are normalfags. Should have got him into precious metals.

>> No.52525726
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>dude just pay a 5-15% transaction fee every time you buy and sell

>> No.52525923

There's two completely unrelated normies I know that have talked to me about their crpyto investments and both were fans of XRP. None had any idea how cryptocurrency worked or why they might be useful, but they sure loved their XRP. I only told them: "be prepared to lose all your money" and that was that.

>> No.52526786

Isn’t /biz/ already like 90% normalfag now? All the real autists are elsewhere and have made it for a lot of them. /g/ miners stopped when it got out of retail. We just had a selfie thread. A bunch of retards as normal as normalfags browse her now, but they don’t even have sex, and if they do it isn’t with anything good.

Here’s a story: normalnigger finds /biz/ because of autists finding success, thinks he’s edgy because he now browses 4chan even though normalniggers make up the vast amount of users, and inserts his vapid, brain dead quipping retardation into every thread topic. /biz/ is just McDonald’s morning breakfast club for low quality millennials, and any special anons have long since left or rarely visit.

Reply all you want, I’m not going to read it.