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5252176 No.5252176 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, that's right. This article talks about the fact that the mainstream media tried everything to FUD Bitcoin. While most stock traders would sell their stocks at the first sign of bad news, the Bitcoin "HODLERS" cannot be shaken in their beliefs on Bitcoin's future. They will literally NOT sell. Basically, the emotional cycles of normal investments DO NO work on Bitcoin, because there are no panic sellers (quite the contrary, people will panic if they lose BTC value, as they see BTC as a more valuable currency than USD). What do you think. Is this news bullish or bearish? Take the hint. Time to listen before it's too late. Keep following boomer advices about investing and you will certainly lose. Stop. Measuring. Value. In. USD. As always, this is not an investment advice. Do your own shit.

>> No.5252195

Forgot article.

>> No.5252295

i own BTC and i won’t sell for a multitude of reasons. i do like it and have faith in it.

>> No.5252373

What reasons?
It's garbage and even its own shills are starting to abandon defending it.

>> No.5252390

lol how does Ver's cock taste cashie?

>> No.5252423

would be correct if the fundamentals hadn't changed

>> No.5252503
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I tend to agree. There are corrections but the trend remains bullish

>> No.5252538

It's still at 1mb blocksize, so it's still decentralised.
The max supply is still 21 millions, so it's still scarce.

Meanwhile, literally all others coins have expensives nodes and either limitless supply, or are controlled by few people that could if they wished at any time raise the max supply to arbitrary high numbers.

>> No.5252552
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How can you sell it when you can't SEND it?!?!

>> No.5252707

>It's still at 1mb blocksize
exactly, they changed the roadmap and btc's utility went to utter shit

corecucks now rely on a marxist theorem of value

>muh nodes
nodes do nothing to secure the network, raspberry pi nodes is a total red herring, the only ones who needs to run nodes are merchants so they can verify 0-conf transactions

>> No.5252856

true, all I care about is increasing the amount of btc I have, not the kike bucks value

>> No.5252938

How can I pay my rent with crypto if I never sell?

>> No.5252953

Look worthless kike, if you want to kill bitcoin before it kills you, you need to change its fundamentals.
Until then, your fiat scheme is doomed to collapse, no amount of "bitcoin killer" will do the job.

>> No.5253010

find a landlord that accepts magical internet money

>> No.5253089

you fucking retarded moron

btc is literally funded by bilderbergers and federal reserve banksters, it is the kike coin

they have already gotten control of bitcoin, they changed the fundamentals, and now it's dying. luckily the oldfags noticed what was going on and rescued the project via the forked coin bitcoin cash

>> No.5253111

>Price dipped 30%
>They will literally NOT sell.

>> No.5253163

BTC is controlled by Core. Decentralization is a meme.

>> No.5253180

But I sold all my BTC for fiat yesterday.

>> No.5254396

1mb blocksize, 21millions supply, forever.
Get fucked kike.

1mb blocksize, 21millions supply, forever.
Get fucked kike.

>> No.5254491

Maybe if you repeat it enough it will become a real argument

>> No.5254554

do you realize blocksize used to be a lot smaller than 1MB you fucking nucoiner newfag retard?

blocksize was cointinously increased as needed until the blockstream kikes hijacked the project

>> No.5254650

Probably very salty, which is the taste they will be left with once Ver takes off with their BTC while having passed them his bcash bagz

>> No.5254746

And I bought it up again

>> No.5255113

>Bitcoin is not worth more than 1k
>An important figure just jumped ship
>LN will never be deployed, NEVER
>Bitfinex scandal hasn't exploded yet

Why some people refuse to see how drastically things have changed is beyond my comprehension, really.

>> No.5255147

I'm not interested in debating, only truth and facts.
Your pilpul don't work here, kike.

1mb blocksize, 21 millions supply, forever.
Get fucked kike.

>> No.5255246

>1mb blocksize, 21 millions supply, forever.
but thats factually wrong you fucking mongoloid

blocksize used to be 0.5MB and before that 0.25MB and before that it was even smaller

you are literally a subhuman sub 60-iq braindead pajeet

>> No.5256262

1mb blocksize, 21 millions supply, forever.
Get fucked kike.

>> No.5256363

subhuman retard

>> No.5256440

he a big brew

>> No.5256656
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>bccuck calling anyone a subhuman retard

>> No.5256799

I've been iron handing since $300 through everything. I worry I've become too desensitized to crashes. They all feel like the boy who cried wolf. The wolf will probably come one day and eat me.

>> No.5256829

Me too, until I sold everything yesterday. I want to get out of the forest before the wolf arrives.

>> No.5256955

So a site called coindesk calls bitcoin antifragile, how is that a shocker to anyone