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52517639 No.52517639 [Reply] [Original]

A guy posted yesterday saying he made a consistently profitable crypto trading bot with 5% profit per day and he's been testing it for over an year. So this thread is dedicated to crypto trading bot discussion.

>> No.52517652
File: 25 KB, 923x713, B6BAC227-C516-428F-B4E0-85D22FE3D637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been grid trading the 15k-25k BTC range on Binance for a month with a ton of grids, it's been a comfy crab market to say the least.

>> No.52517940

Have you made any profit? How much?

>> No.52517967

1% a day, I think that's pretty decent.
I'll stop it when the crab market ends and the bullrun starts.

>> No.52517996

Anything worthwhile in the previous thread?

>> No.52518012
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First Rule of Bot Club is...you don't talk about Bot Club.
Was it me? how many days ago was this?
How do i know you are a real Kekkin' Pee Pee and not a AI FrogBot PooPoo?

Post tits with timestamp.

honesty, i like it.
SnibSnib market rules for 'bots.

>> No.52518031

Why are low IQ people allowed to post here. 5% a day lol better tell everyone about my infinite money glitch.

>op remember to buy his course when he sells it!

>> No.52518045
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I have 2 leveraged bots on ETH 1150 - 1300
As long as eth doesn't go down to 1000 I am golden

>> No.52518069

I've been developing bots for the past 2 years. I've tested thousands of strategy combinations. Nothing is profitable long term. It's killed my mental health and I'm finally giving up

>> No.52518081
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Here's alpha for you: install BBWP indicator in tradingview, everytime it goes from high to low value, turn on your grid trading bot because the price will crab only at that time.
Turn of when it moves up

>> No.52518090

oya I forgot, watch that indicator on daily timeframe only.

>> No.52518120

Yeah it didn't make any sense. Why wouldn't he deploy a bot for each coin type with $1K in each and just become a multimillionaire quickly?
You were the faggot that replied in that thread and said that the original dude didn't actually program anything.

>> No.52518187

No shit, anyone with a brain knows it isn't possible before it even starts since it ends up in a infinite money glitch if you're successful (you'll become a billionaire practically but very unlikely) or impossible because if the average percentage you aim for daily is low enough, or a random walk, your exposure to the market due to owning stocks can change what you make, defeating the purpose of trading in the first place.

This like arbitrage bots and less liquid stocks and things like that work for a short term, but eventually you can't scale your account.

The proper way seems to me you find one of these periods of the random walk where you can make money in this less liquid environments, or find a new idea, make money and invest in the market long term. Say you can make a fixed 50-100k $ trading penny stocks, you invest it and can reach millions but trading liquid things is another game

>> No.52518201

Couldn't a bot that uses ML/AI work though?

>> No.52518254

Tried ml also. It performs even worse. It will require a lot of specific tuning. Maybe pattern recognition with ml would work better

>> No.52518350

Did you try the strat the guy in the last thread used? I'll summarize in the green text below:
>Moving average to determine the current trend based on linear regression and probability calculations.
>High School level arithmetic, no ML/AI.
>To run testing have a program pull crypto ticker every second, state the ask/bid prices and time of price.
>Aim to predict price only 3 seconds out. Focus on 1. Moving averages 2. Slope of Linear Regression 3. Probability based on buy/sell last five minutes.

>> No.52518373

ML isn’t magic. All your doing is confusing yourself with a black box algorithm.

>> No.52518392

Maybe we can make it work. Msg me on element @foreverduke:matrix.org

>> No.52518415

I run an algo bot on SPY options. Have been doing it for about 3 years. It works on options because your downside is limited, unlike stock or something like bitcoin. Will probably work with bitcoin derivatives though. It's just a basic mean reversion algo. It will bleed money very slowly when markets are calm but last month I made $25k with a $140k account.

>> No.52518421

Basically yes. This will work during a good trend. Crab and reversals will eat your gains quickly. I know, Ive lost optimism

>> No.52518436

It's been profitable every month? Do you consider option price or just execute market based on your signal

>> No.52518437

Bots can't read news, even if it's profitable in crabbing market, news can increase or drop BTC price by 10-30% instantly, wrecking your bots.

>> No.52518454

and how much do you lose if it does?

get gud with money management.
you cant lose what you don't put

>> No.52518767

It's not profitable every month, but the wins are extreme because of the nature of options. It's been profitable every year for 3 years. People that think they can 100% successfully model non-linear systems driven by psychology will fail, it's simply not possible. The best you can do is capture a specific portion of market movements and limit your drawdowns. I've noticed that a lot of people overengineer how they trade because of their ego because they think they can perfectly capture every market movement. Even the most advanced computer models fail to perfectly predict hurricane systems in the Atlantic.

>> No.52519023

I use to do a lot of that copy trading on forex and there were so many bots that would do 10-40% monthly for 3 to maybe 8 months. Then in a span of 2 to 3 weeks, it would crash the entire account to 0.

>> No.52519206

Do you use a set risk level or depends on the oi or price and signal? Thanks for sharing too. You've got my wheels turning. The asymmetry of options...

Yep. Does anyone remember fap turbo? I wonder if it's still a thing.

>> No.52519362

If you have giant computers and many PhDs like the Renaissance fund, yes. Otherwise it's unlikely, not that it can't be done, just that it would be way faster if you'd use your skills in anything else you'd make money faster due to high computational costs and intelligence/originality needed

>> No.52519382

>tl;dr he is at -115K

>> No.52519467
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there is no 5%.
but there is a %%
it's call BASIC MATH nigga.

yep. and...
Anon understood the dev joke...
and produced to show he wasn't a larp.
Learn to Code 101: there is no original code. all code is based on the code before it.
that's why Poojeets do so good at Stack Overflow.

and here is my Copypasta you double nigga:

There is no TA , just as there is no Spoon...
there is only the beauty of math.
The Infinite Progression of the Sine Wave ( candle go up, candle go down)
The ebb and flow.
The water.
You are literally Surfing the Internet.

Don't strive to be a whale, be the water.

I do agree with triggers for MA though.

>> No.52519526

You seem to know what you're talking about. I'm in the process of making a bot now. Any more advice for me?

>> No.52519923

i don't know what variable you are using so try to smell what I am stepping in here.
Buy low sell high.
bid spread: 0.05%
ask spread: 0.09%
That spread is only working for me because of no trading fees.trading fees will kill you.

Maximum order age: 2 hrs ( no action - cancel and redo based on current market conditions.)

Order refresh time 15 minutes ( i find any less can cause a greater loss if Mr. Snib goes 'Flying off the Reservation' in either direction)

You make your Reservation through setting Price Ceiling and Price Floor
for BTC I take market mid-price and calculate about $1000 or 1% in each direction.

4 orders each side, incremental with its own spread
and amount of coin/cash proportionate.
i.e. 1st order 0.3 BTC, 2nd order: 0.6 , third : 0.9 , 4th : 1.2
Start bot with no cash and total of 3 BTC.. couple 100 after a few days no problem.
It only works for me in a Crab market. I do not have access or skills to incorporate SOME basic and necessary Financial Algro's in it.

Think about it - look how many CEX have free swaps on Blue Chips right know. They know.
Bot trading on our level will dry up, they will blame The Autistic.
And it will be true:
faggogos who are running 1 minute Candle bots, making 1000 API calls a second.

I am a rhemora, not a whale.

>> No.52520001

This is completely non actionable

>> No.52520085

whatever the fuck that means.Sam.

>> No.52520213
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he means these actions cannot be banned or hammered down in his opinion

So the next question is
Why and how will it dry up for you?
and are smaller start values (much less than 3 BTC) possible to kick it off?

>> No.52520261
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moving rocks. will check in later to answer your question

>> No.52520271
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will check back later for it
thank you anon

>> No.52521649

Thanks for the help anon.

>> No.52522412
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Drying up...
They (CEX, SEC,IRS) are going to figure out how to:
"Nickel and Dime us to Death"
Technically our Crypto to Fiat to Crypto trades would be, if they were stonks, considered wash sales.
Which you don't want to do.

amounts can be smaller. gains will be smaller. compensate by tweaking other factors like frequency, inventory skew , the possibilities are endless... even without TA.

Surfin the Web.

>> No.52522661

Big hedge funds have entire teams dedicated to hunting small-time traders / algo bots, learning their behaviour, and taking all their money. That's why most day traders and non-hedgie bots lose their money.

>> No.52522688

I am a security researcher by trade but I have been scraping alternative data for trading various stocks/coins for the past 4-5 years, successfully. I wouldn't focus on automation in the trading part imo, you won't find success there. Instead focus on automating other parts of your edge. Happy to answer any questions.

>> No.52522931

Do you mean just to automate your execution so you just push buy or sell and it sets your SL and TP and trailing stop? What else

>> No.52523089

im a manual trader but i enter via a command line/binance API. I'm saying it's hard to automate a consistently winning strategy, especially in crypto. Plus a lot of people are botting the news and doing automated grid trading. Try looking for 'higher edge'.

>> No.52523260

You're moi automating anything. You're just using the API

>> No.52523350


That would mean he would have 5,421,184,157 dollars after a single year if he started out with just 100 dollars

>> No.52523532
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Stop Loss and Take Profit
would not be the same for me.
SL candle go down.
I'm Price Floor.I i am BUYING all the way down.
TP. candle go up,...
I'm Price Ceiling...I am selling all the way up.

API + PY + EXE = trading bot.

>> No.52524689

what about some good signals groups? i've been doing good trading crypto but i want to do more