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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52507306 No.52507306 [Reply] [Original]

who's ready to own 10 new shitcoins for free

>> No.52507407
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BASED i cant wait

>> No.52507435

>Cask Protocol

Isn't that the one that jeets are shilling here all the time, along with other garbage like Spool and Ore?

>> No.52507543

is this only for early access stakers or the general access stakers that comes a little later in Dec?
i'm sure i'll miss both anyway

>> No.52507889

Don't forget to pay your taxes on those airdrops!

>> No.52507965

there will be zero general access stakers
you realize that right

>> No.52508019

You had me at free

>> No.52508030
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that little homage to OGs

>> No.52508050
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>> No.52508073

can i stake my stinkers from the chinknance shart chain or do i need to move them to efferium

>> No.52508075

how fast are the initial stacked link gonna fill up? its only like 25 mil link?

>> No.52508084

These will be drip fed over the course of several decades, you’re cushty

>> No.52508171
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>> No.52508182

You're basically shut out of staking until sometime next year if you didn't have them in your own wallet, sorry swingy.

>> No.52508204

two options. the pool fills in minutes or it takes days. in the second case, chainlink is dead and the blood bath is going to be one to be remembered. from 53 to 0

>> No.52508212

Do you think all stakers will get equal shitcoins or will it be based on how much we stake?

>> No.52508238

They limited it to 7000 per wallet. Some whales have many wallets. I'd say the average OG Linker has 5 eligible wallets. It's going to fill up very fast. I would say within 2 hours. If they announce the time ahead of time it will be 5 mins

>> No.52508242

This. Make sure you wait a few hours after staking is initially available so that you can see the rate at which the pool fills up. You wouldn't want to stake your link immediately and then not be able to withdraw them if it turns out to be a bust.

>> No.52508265

You are being deceptive. Piss off

>> No.52508304

But how many linkies have 10k or 7k wallets. I know I didn't. Many linkies are not going to use much of their stack when you are bi-walletlet or tri-walletlet.
>tfw bi-walletlet

>> No.52508307
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>> No.52508322

Build airdrops is trap to troll the shit out of burgers and their cucked tax laws.

>> No.52508334

not only drip fed the shitcoin will be worth nothing. it will be a fuckload of supply or the air drop will be so little you could have just bought it

>> No.52508358

Holy shit, learn some English you fucking shaved monkeys.

>> No.52508384

tell me exactly how as LINK holders are y'all justifying gatekeeping the public (i.e. regular folks) from staking? Doesn't make any sense if you ask me.

>> No.52508483

naw, im good. i don't care enough to type slowly and fix my shit up. Especially when its on an anon image board that's thread will be pruned in thirty minutes

>> No.52508491

WTF does truflation need a token for?

>> No.52508519

Its a token to match the inflation of inflation.

>> No.52508534

they need to cash out on their meme work. im going on a limb here and assuming that they are not getting alot of sales for a service that no official authority wants to use because they cant fudge the numbers any more

>> No.52508561

Space and time is going to moon to the heavens. Everyone in link should be doing Arbitrum Odyssey. Between staking and Odyssey we will get all of the best drops for free. Incredible.

>> No.52508622

Arent they just some third party that tries again to leech of ipfs?

>> No.52508642

Every real linkie will dump these shitcoins as soon as they touch their wallet. This is going to be a bloodbath the BUILD program will be known as a death sentence for these projects and no good project will want to be part of it.

>> No.52508704
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Stare into my eyes and hear my words linkies.

Let's get one thing straight. You WILL hold those shitcoin bags. You WILL be happy with a 3% pump. That much I can tell you. A guard will come by your pod three times a day to administer the mood detection test. Should it read "insufficiently grateful," there will be an appropriate response. So, let me say it real clear. You're going to live without the pumps. You're going to share your profits with the state. Yes, it will mostly dump, and you're going to regret it.

>> No.52508715


People have no idea lol

>> No.52508746

> Every real linkie will dump these shitcoins as soon as they touch their wallet
Why would they? Makes no sense.

>> No.52508778

A Chainlink thread again? The token isn’t and will never be needed. When will you all understand this?

>> No.52508786 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop losing ur cash anon, just check Bspin

>Safe, secure Casino with a wide variety of provably fair BTCs games
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool.
>Transparency And Provably Fair.

>> No.52508799

arbitrum has a jew running it. All of the crypto projects that have been hacked have had kikes involved. I took my shit off and am not looking back

>> No.52508838

can i get a rundown?

>> No.52508841

That's cool I hate top performers and free money too

>> No.52508855

Why would any project give up 5% of their supply for pretty much nothing in return

>> No.52508863
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You will lose your soul .
You will Accumulate the karmic debt
You will remain forever a fudder even after link reaches 81k you will remain here fudding .

>> No.52508902

Sold everything 11 months ago and haven’t been on /biz/ since, give me a QRD on the current state of LINK?

>> No.52508924

as I thought. please stop going to try to sell those "partnerships" as something special, even the nft crowd knows that tech companies "partner" with every run off the mill blockchain condev and throw them away like trash if nothing comes out.
so instead of doing the twitter jeet shill tell me what they do and if you dont I guess I am right, filecoin 2.0, not needed

>> No.52509092

Was Sodomite coin created by reddit?

>> No.52509123

Are those another 10 shitcoins?

>> No.52509230

Pumped for Space and Time and Mycelium, looked into most of the others and wasn't blown away. Truflation is a great project but I don't see why it needs a token. Galaxis could be cool as a simple way to launch and manage NFT collections.
Interest protocol advertised "bringing fractional reserve to crypto" so, uh, fuck them haha.

>> No.52509302

ah this is an excellent time to open up truflation again
US graph looking nice and downtrending, fed fud is overrated no runaway inflation to see
switich to UK
>sweet mother of god
as if living in bongland with shebongs wasnt punishment enough already

>> No.52509357
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holy shit its mooning, go long boys

>> No.52509405

the sales for the service are for algos trading the crypto prices based on inflation data as an additional marker
count on it being used a lot by top tier traders even if it doesnt equal .gov statistics even tho the trendline is accurate
remember fren its all about bringing shit onchain so smart contracts and api's can run on pure code rather than some old guy reading the report like with regular cpi data

>> No.52509422

>Why would they? Makes no sense.
They will swap them for more link and then complain when the shitcoin inevitably moons an order of magnitude harder than they Link they sold it for

>> No.52509426

Etherscan lists the top 1000 Link wallets. Does anyone know where we can see the ones after 1000? It might be useful to get an idea of how many wallets hold at least 7000 Link. Of course, not all the highest wallets will qualify, but I suspect most will.

>> No.52509440

>US graph looking nice and downtrending
Why is this? Didn't the US government print trillions during the pandemic alone?

>> No.52509450

Day 1.

>> No.52509455

im with you and i want this too. I had heard from the horses mouth that no one wants to use their stuff because its pure data.

>> No.52509514

First 10min max.

>> No.52509536


>> No.52509543

I have 3950 LINK and 2 eligible wallets. Do I stake them all?

>> No.52509573

>get an idea of how many wallets hold at least 7000 Link
There is a site that lists later wallet rankings. Don't recall what it was called but last I checked the 7k range extended to about 5-6k wallets

>> No.52509606

inflation isnt just money printing its also velocity of money, most of the shit we have seen is supply chain issues rather than monetary issues
you dont need to believe me in 1-2 years when the narrative flipped again and all the boomers are made to be behind the curve your favorite msm mouthpiece will validate it for you

ethplorer does a complete scan on chainlink, unfortunately its down a lot lately, i am assuming due to heavy usage
however i track several statistics out of it manually to see my own spot relative to the rest and gauge how much accumulation at the top is going on
so i never knew 7k exactly was a significant number and i only tracked 7.5k
but as of last week there were 4196 addresses with at least 7.5k link in them
which is down from 4244 in early summer right before the announcement

or does anyone know a reliable alternative to ethplorer?

>> No.52509666

interested in this

>> No.52509728

Go keep your shitty coin in your rekt ass as GSD keeps fucking me hard when Staking USD yield is gold manages funds through the highest yield aggregators available, the yield is then paid out in Gold AUX.

>> No.52509790

ethplorer is as good as it gets, and there are only 100K wallets that hold more than 5K dollar in chainlink, the rest is weird to the max. I suspect somebody artificially tries to grow the holder number for whatever reason

>> No.52509815

Assuming that the vast majority of these 7k Link wallets are eligible , that then means that you have roughly a 1 in 4000 chance of getting your 7k staked in early staking. That seems pretty do-able. I can't really see 4000 anons all sitting at computers, poised and ready to submit their Link when the starting pistol is fired. Of course, this assumes a starting pistol WILL be fired. We might wake up one morning to discover it went live 5 minutes after we fell asleep. Seems a bit unfair, though. I think it'll be fine. Nice one frens

>> No.52509854

>velocity of money
Wasn't this low due to the lockdowns? Or am I misinformed? Was all the runaway inflation just a big hype job?

>> No.52509877

the other fella >>52509606 said around 4k
Has someone got a direct link to the table?

>> No.52509924

You faggot you only love it when is juicy, go get some sense,fegs as crypto is the future and GSD will make you feel so horny when it launches it governance token.

>> No.52509947

I was wrong
20K over 6600 dollar

>> No.52509957

page 200

>> No.52509964

fucking suck yoyr tits you bitch bloody basterd i put your moder against a wall

>> No.52510043

how did you get it to work
i have been trying to access ethplorer the past 3 days to update my weekly numbers and it keeps failing, it just keeps saying searching whenever i type in any coin

if the ico is anything to go by dont get your hopes up anon, it will be a chaotic clusterfuck with the trusted partners already railed in before retail can get to start line

>> No.52510045

That's some retard dick anon as GSD will be designed to have a treasury backed by gold for investors looking to diversify and hedge their bag

>> No.52510103

try different browser, maybe try over vpn, I dont know, mine just works

>> No.52510116
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>> No.52510155

working for me
I never had any issues at the ICO
I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.52510208

well thats disappointing, already tried multiple browsers thats not it still keeps failing
has to be geotagged, trying out the vpn route later tonight then

>> No.52510233

I’d just stake 1 bro

>> No.52510250

only 25 mill LINK, i cant believe sergey would betray us like this
theres no way any of us are getting in unless we set gas to like 5000 gwei and get in on the very first block
there has to be institutions and insiders already with hundreds of 7k wallets coordinating with staking pools and MEV niggers to get in immediately

>> No.52510262

>>5250730 not all Shitty coin will make you rich, as qlot have been so retard anon go get some real pussy experience as GSD reintroducing the Gold Standard into the financial system is what the Gold Standard DAO seeks to do.go get some sense anon

>> No.52510281

Someone please explain to a brainlet who owns 10k link in South Dakota…

The whole point of link is that all 1 billion people at least most are staked to solidify the network. So why would it matter if I start staking say in 3 years versus early staking? Why can’t I just fucking stake in 3 months or 15 months or 36 months at my leisure?

>> No.52510321

Very nice

>> No.52510400

Think you meant 1 billion tokens.
It really doesn't matter if you wait, but the sooner you stake, the sooner you earn reward Links, plus benefit from the Build programme. Otherwise the tokens are sitting in your wallet doing nothing.

>> No.52510531

where does it say that stakers get rewards from the build? I know its the usual shill narrative but not a single source was ever posted

>> No.52510594

spotted the filthy kike. Fuck arbitrum, they only mentioned link to use the name for advertising

>> No.52510631

Feels good to be a pooler

>> No.52510661

>you have roughly a 1 in 4000 chance
>That seems pretty do-able

>> No.52510732


>> No.52510767

lol, nice FUD 6/10

>> No.52510796

Chainlink BUILD aims to accelerate the growth of early-stage and established projects within the Chainlink ecosystem by providing enhanced access to Chainlink services and technical support in exchange for commitments of network fees and other incentives to Chainlink service providers, such as stakers.


>> No.52510808

Astaorth is one of the best demons though

>> No.52510821

So I won't be able to stake then?

>> No.52510831

that can mean a lot, like being able to reclaim gas after staking with their partner. Nowhere does it says you get a unch of tokens

>> No.52511237

Are they using one? You don't need your own token to operate a node and run a service out of it. You just have to reserve LINK.

>> No.52511549

The smart contract oracle network that powers much of decentralized finance (DeFi) is offering a “Build” program where up-and-coming teams donate 3% to 5% of their native tokens to the network in return for access to Chainlink data.


Try using Google and enter words like 'Chainlink', 'Build program', 'tokens' and so on. You'll then be presented with a list of website 'results' normally arranged in order of relevance. Click on the ones you find interesting and read them. If you need further help using the Google search engine, try www.youtube.com where you can find lots of helpful videos on a wide range of subjects.

>> No.52511655

So if I don’t give a fuck about entering my link to stake until 2026…. I will start earning rewards in 2026 just like stakers will start earning next month. I will earn just as much starting in 2026 with 7k link as someone who starts staking 7k link next month

>> No.52511687

I think it'll take 3-5 hours to fill up

>> No.52511691

it's going to be interesting when the market understands the BUILD program properly
look at CT some of the most popular accounts are airdrop hunting and particularly during the bear
BUILD is ongoing airdrops just for holding LINK and with some really good projects in there, that space and time is no joke for example, 20m raise from microsoft and samsung
the other nice thing will be that the pool starts at a 25m link cap and then scales to 75m, could well see a nice price rise as people try buy more link in anticipation of the cap increases

>> No.52511747

Can someone help. If I have my link in etherdelta how the hell do I stake? Or even check that I’m eligible for staking?

>> No.52511779

>that space and time is no joke for example, 20m raise from microsoft and samsung
Microsoft funds lots of retarded meme shit like NFT platforms. Your entire post reads like an ESL shill post.

>> No.52511809

>if i wait till 2026 will i earn the same
I don't think anyone knows the answer to that right now. I would think in 4 years things may have changed. Perhaps the program will be more lucrative by then, perhaps less. Maybe there will be an initial glut of projects signing up which then tapers off. No one knows. One thing is for sure, the longer you wait the less you will receive overall.
Why would you wait, anyway? Or if you must wait, why not wait until 2035? Or what about never?

>> No.52511831

shut the fuck up we need to fud staking so faggots dont fill the pool in the first block

>> No.52511837

You can't deny it, link will never die

>> No.52512625

When I stake my link will it actually leave my wallet? or will it be locked in some way?

>> No.52512756

It won't be locked, so to speak. The Chainlink team has referred to it in the past as "temporary withdrawal restriction". Now I know what you are thinking.
>But anon, isn't that what FTX was doing before they got exposed?
The answer to that question is that it's not the same. Technically. Well maybe it shares some similarities sure. But Chainlink is highly trusted in the crypto space and they would never do anything like that.

>> No.52512783

Im more concerned with the tax ramifications. If it leaves my wallet does that count as a sell? ect
Ill be staking 100% of my link. If theres an issue with the staking protocol the coins going to 0 anyway so I dont really see as increased risk vs just holding the token.

>> No.52512821

How low iq are you?

hurrr durrrrrrrrrrrr i don't want free money cuz taxes.. dddddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Kill yourself please.

>> No.52512824

You're staking the coins, not selling them anon. It's not your Problem if the tax authorities don't know what that means, it's for them to learn

>> No.52512837


>> No.52512870

I don't think Sergey would roll out staking in such a way that the entire 25M cap will fill within an hour. I'm anticipating there will be at least a 5-7 hour window before it totally fills up. I'm still going to be waiting and try to stake as soon as the pool opens, but I don't think its going to be within an hour. Maybe I'm wrong, and if I am then that's a good thing.

>> No.52512883
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Legally speaking, it will not be considered a sell. However, if you are using a traditional tax prep software, it will automatically assume that any transfers from your wallet to any other address, such as the staking contract, are a selling event. In order to edit the results of the tax prep software, you are going to have to fill out form 3348 to prove that you are the owner of the wallet, and to prove that you are not the owner of the staking address. You can get this form if you send a letter to your local treasury office. After that, you need to send KYC info to any postal office, they will forward it to where it needs to go.

Tbh its a bit of a hassle and Im just going to sit this one out until staking is more established.

>> No.52512898


>> No.52512912

Holy shit our tax system is so fucked I can't tell if you're joking or not and I'm an Accountant.

Fuck kikes.

>> No.52512918

what country are you in? UK recently declared 'staking' as a taxable event. However, this was using the definition of staking as swapping the real tokens for wrapped tokens, common in other staking models. That is not the case with Link, and so, in the UK at least, I think the tax situation will be that we pay income tax on the reward tokens, but I hope more light will be shed on this before long.

>> No.52512945

I also only have 1100 link so if I really have to jump threw all these >>52512883 hoops I might wait a bit.

>> No.52512984

I think you'll regret doing that.
This guy >>52512883 is blatantly trying to fud people into not staking. Ignore.

>> No.52513102

I remember the day when bancor version 3 came out and nobody here wanted to wait and miss the kind of rewards v2 gave.

>> No.52514152

you need to get proper tax advice as it depends on jurisdiction
currently fighting this with yearn finance deposits
my argument is how is that different from depositing into coinbase earn??

>> No.52514175

meh yorke was involved in the decision so sounds good to me

>> No.52514429

Common sense, the post. Give the tax jew nothing that isn't explicitly understood and legislated for.

>> No.52514556
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10 NEW SHITCOINS????????/

>> No.52515307
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this feels like the same exact moment when chainlink partnered with a rock gravel company. holy fuck im so fucking tired bros

>> No.52515326

I'll call BUILD "10 for free!".

>> No.52515355

desu i'm pretty excited. build token rewards will be like MTG or pokemon booster packs. you don't know what you're getting but you're bound to get a few hyperwave gems.

>> No.52515429

I miss that lil cube like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.52516056

The Build program will yield projects' native tokens as a BONUS to Link stakers. This is over and above standard staking rewards, and was never anticipated. I think it's very beautiful.

>> No.52516102

I'm all in gravelcoin. You're telling me you don't think it's a winner?

>> No.52516554
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>> No.52516575
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iktf anon

>> No.52516801

>there has to be institutions and insiders already with hundreds of 7k wallets coordinating with staking pools and MEV niggers to get in immediately
Really? Do you think institutions care about this peanuts level staking. I don't. Its capped so low so as to not even worth their time.

>> No.52517307
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beautiful indeed anon

>> No.52517727

how is holding through all the fud until staking released is free?

>> No.52518087

1k stack here. am i going to be able to do anything with my little stack?

>> No.52518197

You people are making a deal with dark forces you cannot even begin to comprehend. Stupid fucking goyim.

>> No.52518210

Wow can't wait for having endless amounts of shitcoin dust shitting up my wallrt which is worth less than the transaction cost of dumping it

>> No.52518271

Assuming they’ll have one since build is about giving link stakers tokens from those projects.

>> No.52518282

i woke up to a chainlink dream today
price was around 100$-300$ and i had made it

everything felt so real...
the rush, the surprise of it pumping so suddenly, the euphoria, me going to cmc to see the chart, me going to /biz/ to figure out what the fuck happened, calculating my networth, checking staking apps, etc
it felt so fucking real, when i woke up i instantly checked cmc

i like to think it was a prophetic dream

>> No.52518540

Which one is for assassination contracts? I wish to place one on Sergey.

>> No.52518741

its not just senseless fud anon, in some tax jurisdiction the effect of locked staking can cause you to own more taxes then you can make up for if your link is locked
and thats the exact reason i am not staking until i know when a release is possible, just look at the clownshow that was the eth merge

i know its fun at all to scream never paying taxes here, but if you go down that route carefully consider all risks that this entails
i have no desire to make it and be forced to live in el salvador for the rest of my life

>> No.52518865

This isn't true. As I said in my other post, reward tokens are not staked tokens. They are reward tokens, and you will be free to sell those and pay whatever taxes you're liable for on them. You will not be liable to pay taxes on your 7000 staked tokens as you have not disposed of any asset. By your argument no one should stake as everyone will get fucked for taxes. Explain to us exactly what type of tax you think you will be liable for, then?
No one should listen to anything you are saying as it's nonsense. You're being a cunt and trying to dissuade people from getting into this lucrative early pool. Shame on you.

>> No.52518951

>my tax jurisdiction equals all tax jurisdiction
>this makes me qualified to dismiss all anons as fud
i specifically said in some tax jurisdictions anon
the specific act of staking in a locked contract counts as disposal of assets considering you dont have ownership like say a transfer between 2 of your own wallets and the boomers at the tax office have a legit reason to go after you
at this point is it worth it to stake in v0.1 for 5% + build if the risk is losing everything and being a criminal in the eyes of the gov
now normally the penalty would be confiscating somewhere between 80-90% of the assets but since they are locked in the contract and cant be turned over to the tax boomer congrats thats now a hard jailtime offense

i am merely cautioning anons to properly pounder their tax realities and not listen to screeching midwits on biz who either have sub 1k stacks or are completely clueless about their assumed risks

>> No.52519089


>> No.52519176

>the specific act of staking in a locked contract counts as disposal of assets considering you dont have ownership
It's only disposal of assets if you received wrapped tokens back in place of your real tokens. With Link staking you are not swapping one token for another. you still retain ownership of your original Link tokens, and therefore no disposal of asset has taken place. Tell me, if that asset (Link tokens) has been disposed of, what are you suggesting the trade was here? There's no LINK/XYZ pair transaction. Nothing. The definition of asset disposal is exchanging one asset for another, which most certainly will not happen.
>is it worth it to stake in v0.1 for 5% + build if the risk is losing everything and being a criminal
This is utter garbage. You're scaremongering. I'm willing to bet you don't qualify for early staking and you're going at it full tilt so you can get your slimy mitts on something you don't deserve because you were a greedy little puppy who was lending out his tokens and is now paying the price.
>i am merely cautioning anons..
You sound like Uriah Heep, you slimy little man. Get fucked.

>> No.52519281

and the retard doubles down on his knowledge of every tax system in the whole world
it has nothing to do what i think it is what the tax boomers think and they will fuck crypto as hard as possible as none of their cadre owns any, but go ahead keep spreading your stupidity i'll let the lurkers decide what to do
but it can never be perceived to be advise in bad faith to double check your exact tax liabilities before making a move
something which you keep on attacking for some reason

i never get the pro staking v0.1 shilling here, its in your own best interest not to convince others to join in so you can dump all of your link in not just the 7k times how many wallets you had

>> No.52519351

You absolute tool. Make your mind up.
>at this point is it worth it to stake in v0.1 for 5% + build if the risk is losing everything and being a criminal in the eyes of the gov
31 mins later...
>double check your exact tax liabilities before making a move
That's quite a backstep there, Mr Doom. Had you begun your bullshittery with 'Double check your liabilities' ages ago we wouldn't be having this conversation.
No doubt you'll pop up in another thread telling everyone staking Link is punishable by death. I can hardly wait.

>> No.52519435

now you are being full retard, check ids and check my first post in this thread
you are the one who started screeching like an imbecile first

and i am smart enough to make the distinction to advise lurking anons who reside everywhere on the globe to check their specific tax liabilities while stating the known tax liabilities for myself as i in fact absolutely know where i reside and what my tax office says
just how low iq are you not to be able to make that abstraction or that any of my posts indicated that even the majority of lurkers would fall in a restrictive tax regime
i truly hope your government rapes you into roping for screeching so convincingly you know how the whole world works and maybe guide a few anons down a bad path

>> No.52519529

You're a fudding prick. Goodbye.

>> No.52519664

I'm just here to say Jannies are banning people left and Right. I just got banned twice just for stating the obvious. We have been compromised.
>Inb4 we always were

>> No.52519685

KEK. Literally lold when I opened the uk graph. Bongs are unbearably fucked

>> No.52519773

24 hours tops and that's even generous. I would bet my left nut the first hour

>> No.52519893

Didn't read, not staking. goodbye.

>> No.52519916
File: 45 KB, 406x406, 82646855-5EAA-4730-A2C3-8C762A944238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have several early access addresses but all my linkies are locked up as collateral and unless price pumps prior won’t be able to stake at all

>> No.52520035

You get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.52520181

You do realize that they are going to flash crash LINK to less than 1 cent just before staking is out in order to shake out people like you, don't you?
>lending platform cucks= exterminated.
>storing on exchange cucks= exterminated.
>leverage cucks=???????

This is their last opportunity to consolidate their grip on Chainlink and believe me they will take advantage of it.

>> No.52520199
File: 155 KB, 626x527, 9F9D6E80-1EBC-40E8-9428-526F13DDA88B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck your self m8, who are you to assess another’s situation?
>implying I didn’t choose to double down on linkies and add collateral instead of using profits to pay down leverage
>implying I haven’t cashed out multiples of my initial
>Nigger just because you couldn’t figure out defi or yield farming doesn’t mean the rest of us are gorilla retards.
>t. Been here since 2017 and ever stopped accumulating

>> No.52520227

You're using leverage and also lending out linkies to shorters, that makes you a fucking retard gorilla nigger who can't stake. Thanks for leaving a spot open for me! I'll be earning 5% + BUILD airdrops while you get what, 1% minus borrowing rates?

>> No.52520724

I fucking don't understand why you anons would be geering for Shitcoins. Go fucking get yourself some utility token like ALBT and invest in the future. Fuck!

>> No.52521572

5% + airdrops for EACH participating BUILD company on top of the 5% rewarded link? I'm all in

>> No.52521948

Kill yourself, currynigger

>> No.52523011

If the 25M early staking pool is divided by 7000 tokens, that gives 3571 wallets.
If, for example, a Build project had a total supply of 1Bn tokens and 5% of them went to Link stakers on the early staking program, that would give each of us (1Bn x 0.05)/3571 = 14,000 tokens each. That's pretty damn good. A billion is the same as Link's supply so imagine receiving the equivalent ot 14,000 Links from EACH project.
Wow -not bad at all.
Now, who's considering not early staking?

>> No.52523087

So are those who aren't eligible for early access shit outta luck? Started building stack in late 2021.

>> No.52523118

Sign me up buddy

>> No.52523125

Chainlink probably keeps a good chunk of the 5% for themselves to offset some costs

>> No.52523161

You'll still get Build rewards later when you begin staking, though by then it'll likely be watered down more as there'll be more wallets being serviced.
The early thing is sweet though as there's already ten or so projects on there and that should increase.
This is all guesswork, by the way, going on the info we've been given. It could be I'm missing something and it's not as good as I'd hoped, but it's fun trying to figure it out. I'm pretty hyped about the whole thing. Can't believe it's 19th Nov and it all starts next month, wooooohhooooo

>> No.52523186

you know that creating tokens is essentially free, right? that's like getting "paid" with good boy stickers

>> No.52523215

Who cares how they're created? The market decides what price they'll fetch. And these tokens are an unexpected bonus. We're already going to be "paid" in Link from staking.
Trying to spin this to sound shit is pretty hard, huh? kek

>> No.52523295

the minted token amounts will just be increased to offset this tax, the end result being needless complexity in an attempt to keep bagholders from selling, same as staking. the only ones benefiting from this are those with large bags that they need to dump over a long time

>> No.52523324

dribble dribble

>> No.52523328
File: 9 KB, 211x239, proxy-image (1) (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14,000 SHIB coins?!?!?? WHAAAAAT???????Oh god I cant wait!!!! Come to papa little Shibs. Just hop inside my mouth so I can just eat you right up like the dirty little slut you are. OH GOD OH GOD I AM FUCKING COOOOOOOMING.

>> No.52523357

You can download a CSV from Etherscan with more data

>> No.52523505
File: 732 KB, 539x788, 1659627174322952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52523628

Thanks, I didn't know that. The Ethplorer site works for me, too

>> No.52525268

its gonna be lit

>> No.52525333

Dolomite... brought to us by the same scammers that created $DMG