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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52506313 No.52506313 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody wants to be on their phones anymore - let along wear a fucking screen outside like an asshole.

Is this the new bluetooth headset, which was the old bluetooth headset?

>> No.52506345
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>He hasn't played HL:Alyx
Poorfags still coping

>> No.52506682

AR is the necessary step before VR ya dumb zoomer.

>> No.52506778

Holy fuck I would pay a lot of money for decent working and normal looking AR glasses, my back is fucked from lying in hotel beds and staring at the phone screen for hours.

>> No.52506818

I'm poor yes but even if someone gave me 20k a vr headset and bought the game I still wouldn't play it.
>t. average age of /nu/biz/ posters is 15
Nobody here plays games unless they are literal babies.

>> No.52506844

The same reason that companies invested in mobile phones when they were impractical to carry around.

>> No.52506846

Like all VR games Alyx is a massive gimmick. It’s fun for an hour tops. Wake me up when they solve that horrendous teleport movement

>> No.52506864

I'd rather have a gigachad PC than struggle to play shitty VR games.

Neither are ever going to happen. Technology and tech are dead.

>> No.52506923

I hear this cope a lot but mobile phones provided a service people needed - basic communication. It was mostly adopted by businessmen and then when the raw materials were cheap enough people saw the market.

VR/AR offers no core service other than wanking off to shitty video games.

Nobody is ever going to use META or buy into some shit VR reality when they are already sick of technology... not to mention the coming global economic crashes/wars/famines.

It's not going to happpen.

>> No.52507200

They've gotten too used to pushing their shitty products as tools to change society and extract ever more profit. It's been working great and they've been winning bigly, but this is an expression of the euphoria phase leading up to a blow-off top. This is the Dogecoin of social engineering.

>> No.52507252
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, Ab2e5758fde434380ad14c115d6fa972fF.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this company is going in the right track with the tech.

AR is valuable. It would enable people to use the internet without engaging directly with their mobile device.

>> No.52507254

I agree. I just don't think there is anymore space in the economy for any life changing gadgets. We already spend too much time on laptops and phones. You either eat into that time or you don't sell your product and VR doesn't offer anything beyond a novel and boring experience.

>> No.52507308

That's bullshit. You still need to carry a little joystick thingie around to do anything, so why not just carry a phone?

People are tired of phone screens, why would they want one on their face for hours at a time?

>> No.52507310

Just plug me into full-dive and kill my physical body so I can be with my anime catgirl waifus already. I have 0 interest in the real world.

>> No.52507344

you still need a screen to display information. and the goal for AR hardware isn't a screen. it's to have important data readouts in a convenient form factor.

>> No.52507377

why if you can't interact with it?
They want to try brain chips but that's not going to work.

Phones are convenient enough.

>> No.52507384

The problem is the companies making them have no interest in the tech outside of being able to slap virtual billboards Overtop of reality and have data harvesting strapped to faces.

I could see it being good for niche things like real estate. You could walk through a neighborhood and up would pop prices and info on the houses you are looking at. Pull up real time graphics showing where exactly the bodies fell in diversity enriched areas. Maybe even bee good for people with dementia/short term memory, giving them a checklist overlay of shit like meds to take and it would automatically check them off. But you really need to get the tech to somehow fit comfortably in reading glasses. Or even project a hot woman overtop of OP's mom when I have to fuck her.

>> No.52507392

They have pretty much the same symbol as Alameda research
Why do people need these data readouts?

>> No.52507440

>which was the old bluetooth headset?

>> No.52507474

holy shit you are a special kind of retard - and a nigger on top - aren't you?



>> No.52507517

>Why do people need these data readouts?
isn't that obvious. people still want to be plugged in. there's nothing to it. if i'm on a train or walking home, i'd have more ability to optimize my commute or catch up with messages. or get reports as you would see from a Waze type platform.

>being able to slap virtual billboards Overtop of reality and have data harvesting strapped to faces.
that's ultimately where the money is going to be coming from. marketers and advertisers. but i do believe that privacy and open source enthusiasts can reverse engineer these things and use them to block invasive software as well. who is to say a software can't also be used to add a layer of privacy. fight fire with fire kind of thing. i know that's a bit out there.

>I could see it being good for niche things
yeah that's where my mind is at. i'm getting older. 30s. but i have a few health issues coming up already. neurological disabilities. i might be debilitated in 5-10 years. who knows.

you'd likely still use your phone. or a positioning wand that is anchored to a point in FoV space. im not the innovator here. also this isn't meant to replace phones. it's another layer of convenience. and as the other anon who brought up billboards. this would be attractive to advertisers.

>> No.52507550

Most people aren't the kinds of tech-slaves that need to "optimize their commute" on the train
As for walking home.. you.. don't do much walking, do you?

>> No.52507591

>As for walking home.. you.. don't do much walking, do you?
I work in NYC. I walk EVERYDAY. I also take the train home to NJ. There is plenty of potential in this active/passive block of time. Look if you just want to use the phone, that option will be there. I'm saying there is a market here.

>Most people aren't the kinds of tech-slaves
I already strongly disagree with that. Look at boomers and zoomers on Facebook, tiktok, and twitter. You're gonna tell me there's no addiction from people being chronically online?

>> No.52507620
File: 134 KB, 1242x1228, 39E434C9-87E9-4A62-8AE0-09BBE3EA5D9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real problem with VR is that all the designs take a very Gen-X-centric approach.
It’s all immersive worlds based on our own with small improvements.
Zoomers don’t want that. They want to watch 15s clips of cute girls dancing or other zoomers making silly wide eyed faces with silly captions.
In short, VR is an expensive problem to solve and most of their target audience is happier spending their time on tiktok

>> No.52507961



>> No.52508166

The problem is AR, VR developers are forced to seek out projects which yield large profits with high demand in graphical performance competing with non VR based games.

This is the wrong approach to a new market of developments.

Basically. The games should focus on simple functionality, performance crunch and user ability.

Same issue happened with the Nintendo wii, great hardware but developers were rushed to develop on something with very little previous developments.

I’m surprised the wii was not upgraded with full motion finger and body sensors.

The Xbox Kinect wasn’t bad either, and with more than one sensor it was very accurate.

>> No.52508749

Besides the option with my mom - none of those are needed by average people.

>> No.52508769
File: 189 KB, 634x949, 1668219111643257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accurately blowing the fuck out of VR that will never ever ever be popular or adapted.
Just like you will never, ever be a woman.

>> No.52508796

Right. SO people are going to walk around with giant glasses with joysticks and watch gadgets AND A a phone.

Get the fuck out.
People want less tech.

>> No.52508834
File: 26 KB, 554x302, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of jargon you're throwing around but the market for tech isn't going to grow any larger than it is right now. Demographics are going to massively crash in the next 10 to 20 years, not so much in the US, but Russia, China, Europe - the whole world will be over 40 soon with no kids to replace them.

Older people dont' want this shit. You have competing markets for shit nobody wants and tech gadgets that are more at home in sharper image than a persons daily life.

Only copium neckbeards care about VR

>> No.52508910


Oh that's much better - keep your hands all tied up and your eyes bound while you're "walking around"

I mean cities are cesspools of crime and violence now but this will make you a walking target. Lovely haha

>> No.52509353

>Right. SO people are going to walk around with giant glasses with joysticks and watch gadgets AND A a phone.
no. obviously not. otherwise we'd already see people using it in public. what will happen however is a successful application of this technology in a primitive form, and a 10 year race toward a sophisticated product. Apple will likely set the gold standard for a good product once again.

>People want less tech.
people already willingly sold their souls to use technology as it is, as clunky as it is.

i think in all this anon. i think you should behave more like "can this be shilled to a stacy or a karen". I feel very strongly about a successful collaboration between rayban and apple.

>> No.52509476

Again, the population of young people will completely bottom out in 10 years. Every major country will be full of old people who just want food and houses.

But even if a generation of new zoomers were coming up - they won't want this much integration or collaboration. People can't buy 900 dollar phones and 1200 dollar glasses every year, plus a 500 dollar hand binding.

People sold a lot to have a mini computer they could carry around to communicate, play games, do work, and have fun.

AR does none of those things well. It's the Jet pack of tech devices.

>> No.52509623

But even if a generation of new zoomers were coming up - they won't want this much integration or collaboration. People can't buy 900 dollar phones and 1200 dollar glasses every year, plus a 500 dollar hand binding.
people already buy dumb shit. it makes no difference if there's ANOTHER device or another fashion piece.

>AR does none of those things well. It's the Jet pack of tech devices.
the jetpack was never logistically going to work as a transportation device. getting someone to buy $300 raybans with glasses that does a few GPS arrows and reads a message, and maybe a netflix window. Isn't the same thing as someone consuming 800$ a week in fuel to travel a distance of one mile. In a 300decibal explosive contraption. To ultimately stall and fall into a school bus full of children during your fatal crash landing.

To say a pair of glasses that are pseudo AR is the same as a jetpack is being a little silly here. Also I recall ipads and the watches as being "stupid" yet people still buy them. I would go as far to say that AR glasses > watches.