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File: 62 KB, 640x480, AC4D2981-5C98-4FAA-BAAA-C267BEA2A2DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52504203 No.52504203 [Reply] [Original]

>not here
>not in town

>> No.52504270

holy shit love this game during childhood like you wouldnt believe

>> No.52504300
File: 501 KB, 850x461, 1517858679212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get rugged by Gheed again

>> No.52504508

This game made me a rapist! I raped and killed 22 women because they didn't cover the amazon's ass back then.

>> No.52504694

True story, I got hacked in Diablo II. I was chatting to a guy that told me about a website to get runes, he sent me the link, I clicked it.... It asked for permissions, I accepted and the motherfucker sent me some script that made me go back to Diablo screen, opened inventory, and dropped my fucking Javezon's top tier Lightning rod javelins or whatever, went for my armor and by that time I was already going for the power cable and unplugged the family Windows 2000 straight away

Holy fuck it got my adrenaline going and I'll never forget it.

Other story, an online friend I made on D2, ended up being some 50 year old creep that was asking some personal stuff I'm glad games have better online security now

>> No.52504732

I can hear this picture

>> No.52504736

It would be wrong to do this
You point, I punch

>> No.52504815

I sence a soul in search of answers

>> No.52504817
File: 22 KB, 337x426, 1326032913898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, the true wild west of commerce.

>> No.52504976

Early online games are the closest we’ll get to experience the wild west in our lifetimes. Freedom is dope, but there are consequences for everything, and anything can happen at any time. It’s truly how life should be.

>> No.52506710

Chingchong Schwarzenegger

>> No.52506766
File: 83 KB, 630x507, 9FF18D44-3916-4722-AC1A-52B84347AB67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not enough mana
>I can’t use that yet

>> No.52506792

I could have used this pic better
>wuw for soj?

>> No.52506801

>not staying a while and listening

>> No.52506835

You're a faggot.

>> No.52506836
File: 19 KB, 418x455, 541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>host game trying to trade for runes
>guy joins my game
>show him
>leaves without a word

>> No.52506904

I still play this, I even collect other people playing lod on a discord server and we play together on hamachi. I wanted to get d2r but I refunded my preorder because they didn’t let it work on windows 7 which I still use and enjoy.

>> No.52506907

Say it to my face bitch

>> No.52506925

It doesn't work on w7? Thank god I didn't buy that shit.
Also how do you download D2 classic I can't even find it on blizzard's site anymore

>> No.52506929
File: 838 KB, 1014x876, Leto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a faggot.

>> No.52507019

Torrent it, dont forget to get plugy too, makes it much better

>> No.52507047

It does work on 7 I've got it although it gets some pretty awful lag spikes not sure if that's been fixed.
My GPU is pretty awful though.

>> No.52507079

>lobby named DROP SOJ
>the guy actually drops a real SOJ but picks it back up


>> No.52507182

Dude i fell for the exact same scam and my experience was identical. Good times