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52504171 No.52504171 [Reply] [Original]

I lost my drive in life. I honestly don't see a point in greater ambitions in life. I broke up with my girlfriend after it started to feel like a nuisance, and career goals seem pointless as I really don't value what people think of me. I just want to accumulate enough money to retire and carry out a simple life in the countryside. Carrying out hobbies I like to do, and travel around if I get bored of it.

What makes you anons keep going?

>> No.52504649

Unironically hatred for jews , I try to do everything they don't want me to

>> No.52504677

the reward for mediocrity is poverty

>> No.52504723

Same I just don't see the point of wagecucking. Thankfully I was able to retire thanks to crypto but I still don't have anything I really want to achieve, no goals and no ideas as to find a goal that I'd be passionate about and not feel like a chore. Just living each day as they come and finding enjoyment where I can for now but also going crazy with nothing left to pursue in life

>> No.52504755
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Been there. It's easy to settle for mediocre. Losers lose, winners win. Please aspire for more. I'm so over having old hoopty's and it wrecks you long term. What keeps me going is the desire for a badass Tacoma or 4Runner, and get a house and setup a garden and grow my own shit, build random mini bikes and custom ATV tractors n shit. Or just a dirt bike.

If you stay in the comfort zone you hurt long term.

>> No.52504754
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I "retired" (still work part time to keep busy). And I felt the same. It's all shit, bro. The freedom is really nice but I lost all purpose in life. One thing that helped me was going back and doing what I used to love in high school and college. I used to be a fencer and won a state championship back about 9 years ago. I know I'll never be as fit as my younger self but I recently ordered some new gear and joined up with a local club. Was fun to get back into it.
Maybe you can find something that you used to love? Did you ever play sports or have hobbies? Seriously, anything works but it has to be something that you have a passion for.

>> No.52504768

Unironically go travel

>> No.52504867

what are some good places to travel to as a solo white man? i wanna start travelling

>> No.52504890
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>I honestly don't see a point in greater ambitions in life
Me too anon and its great. Now that I dont want anything and I dont expect anything im happy with the things I have. A few friends, my house, a few hobbies like traveling and nothing more. Thats all.

>> No.52504918

any immigrant/black neighborhood in any major city

>> No.52504931

why do you even bother to post with troll comments like that? get a fucking life

>> No.52504934
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Post corona everything is 2x expensive but one of my best solo travels were vietnam + cambodia. I bought a cheap motorbike in saigon and went to hanoi stopping in rural towns, war places and comfy beach towns . It was awesome but you need at least a month.

>> No.52504946

Thanks, I was looking into motorbike travel through asia, looks like im just gonna do it

>> No.52504964

I travelled to many places in the world. Now when I get bored I just travel around but still makes me feel empty, it doesn't feel like the first time I traveled abroad.

Everyone wants more, realistically speaking the current way I leave is less in many terms compared to the simple alternative I described. I lived in 5 different countries in the last 10 years. I just want to have a place to settle down and just to carpentry or some other stuff, read books go for walks in my garden. Social life is really not awarding for me, and with my personality I would only get satisfaction from it if I were at the top and it's not going to happen.

Sounds good anon. I grew up in a small poor town and all my ambitions were around travelling around to different and better places and make my life interesting. I have achieved those dreams to be fair, and it's not exciting as I thought it would be. I have missed out on more things while trying to find excitement in different places. It has nothing to do with places really, it's all about what you do with your time.

If you don't want tourist treatment, unironically Europe. Simply dress and act like locals and you can get an authentic experience.

>> No.52504969
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Nothing keeps me going the 10k I had and lost within a month was my hope and dreams for my future, I have cancer and I thought I could get to fifty thousand so I could rest easier without worrying about money I've gotta go back to work now and honestly I've felt 5x sicker since losing it all I think my hope and desire to get better died with it.

>> No.52505004

Just fuck it, loanmax as you can and spend the rest of your limited time doing things you like.

>> No.52505015

traveling is gay

>> No.52505028

Stop eating refined carbs and sugar unironically. They make you tired and hopeless.

>> No.52505035

Start small and venture out to a local nearby city. Find out what they're known for, tourist traps, food dishes etc.. Some small towns have festivals every so often which are super fun. It's Christmas time so many towns will be decorating and having some kind of event.

>> No.52505037

>traveling is gay
Hello shut-in socially awkward retard. Projecting hard

>> No.52505047

This makes me happy i am fueled by the fact that you lost your life savings of 10k hahahahahahhahahaahhaahah fucking retard

>> No.52505051

My credits shot otherwise I absolutely would, I'm thinking of filing myself as tax exempt and taking sign on bonus jobs to try to get some money back.
The suicidal thoughts have died down a bit now that reality has set in and I'm not gonna magically get my 10k back.

>> No.52505063

how can 10k be someones life savings retard, that's like a couple months working worth of savings

>> No.52505067

I never had any ambitions, nothing speaks to me. I also used to be rich but didn't sell the top. For some reason, I keep going...

>> No.52505077

I know my bag of bit will make me rich soon. I must never falter.

>> No.52505091
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Your basically screaming “I am autism”
You should try asking the man that lost his life savings socially retarded faggot

>> No.52505094

just wanting to exist and be pampered is feminine trait
people who seek "happiness" and think "happiness" is the best thing in the world are unironically unhappy people
traveling without purpose is also a feminine hobby
it seems that deep down you're all trannies kek
real men only find fulfillment in greatness and achievement

>> No.52505123

܂>>suck my cock nigger ill break your jaw

>> No.52505126

Why do people always motorbike through Asia and not drive? Cost?

>> No.52505142

real men only move forward onto one direction that is success, no pun intended

>> No.52505160

This thread pulled in all the schizos didn't it.

>> No.52506451

Jews are not a monolith. Hell, during Hitler's rise to power, there were Jewish organizations that made financial contributions to his party and organized campaigns to promote abandonment of Judaism and complete assimilation into German society. In antiquity and the classical era, there were countless Jews who enthusiastically assimilated into Greek, Roman, and Assyrian culture, abandoning all of Jewish tradition. Today, there are Jews across the entire political spectrum, many of whom are openly conservative, pro-White, and self-hating. If you are trying to do everything that Jews don't want you to do, you might as well kill yourself, because you'll never be able to accomplish your goal.

>> No.52506523

Shlomo please kys

>> No.52509050

Literally me to a T

I broke up with my GF last week after realizing she does nothing for me emotionally or physically, I ghosted my friends this summer after realizing I hate them, I don't talk to my family anymore, I quit my job

Literally nothing in life makes me happy

>> No.52509064

t. white woman

>> No.52509116

there is no such thing as happiness. Life can give no one anything permanent. The best thing anyone can do is make enough money to never have to work and lose themselves in creating their own personal masterpieces.

>> No.52509133

Hope and fear mostly.

>> No.52509205

>there is no such thing as happiness. Life can give no one anything permanent
I'm not asking for anything permanent, I don't enjoy anything

Hot summer day at the pool? Feel like shit. Having sex? Feel like shit. Travelling to a new city? Feel like shit

Makes life unlivable

>> No.52509382

What are you going to do? When you are not content with your life, changing your direction is the correct way to go about it. You seem to be halfway there.

>> No.52509600

your lack of enjoyment is not permanent either. The only thing in this life is the truth. Humans suffer because everything they are given in this society is concepts. Their names, their occupations, their beliefs are all neat concepts used to keep billions civilized. Living in untruth is worse than death it is suffocation. When you see through everything you will cease to feel anything but it can be peaceful at least my friend.

>> No.52509657

Oh fuck off to pol kanye

>> No.52509669
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I lost 10k and feel nothing. It could've bought me a slightly better lifestyle, but 10k is really not worth feeling like you want to KYS over in this clown world economy. I'm not even well off, just don't care

>> No.52509699

Then I'm the Elton John of traveling, i guess

>> No.52509709

Just do what you enjoy bro as long as you are healthy and happy what more could you want

>> No.52509723


It's fun, but also quite dangerous

>> No.52509731

>I don't enjoy anything
Then go do nothing and see how long it takes you to get bored

>> No.52510443

Anon ive gone through cycles of the same feelings of apathy, and the most recent one (~ 1 year) was the worst ever. I am getting out of it now and things are getting better. it can be very hard to figure out what you might be able to add to your life to find contentment, but's it's pretty easy to think about what you can at least remove from your life to eliminate negativity. at my lowest point, i decided i was fed up with feeling numb to everything, so i took inventory of how i spent my time and cut out anything that wasn't constructive. stopped browsing biz, got all the social media and other mindless browsing apps and shit off my phone, no youtube, everything that wasn't "reality". it's hard, and it didn't fix things immediately, but gradually it absolutely changed how i felt about motivation and what i wanted. you don't know what your purpose is because you spend hours at a time forcing your brain to intake a bunch of bullshit on the internet. your brain needs room to breathe and establish patterns on its own. you will never feel deeply content or motivated when you are locked into a continuous cheap/hollow dopamine reward cycle - you are blanketing your brain with fog that completely smothers any natural creativity, curiosity, or drive. it's not that you don't care, it's that you don't remember what it feels like to. cut the shit out of your life and a lot of things will become clearer. good luck

>> No.52511157

op, try to recreate the most happiest moments of your life, that you think you *might* enjoy this very moment, and im not talking about tier-2 moments, im talking about the top of the top of your happiest moments, in my case it was going to the beach alone for the first time in my 20s, and the other was the first time I took a bus to go to college... it might sound silly but those trivial shit kinda warm my heart and make me feel like a living thing when i recreate them

>> No.52511203

thanks anon

>> No.52511230

I live in a different country and a place than I had those moments. And I travel back to those places now and then. It's true they bring some momentary joys, but surely they can't make you feel satisfied with your life. Even when I was feeling depressed I was worrying myself with the standards set by society. As a matter of fact those were things that were making me feel depressed. I just want to be out of it for the first time for good. I don't want to do it by living in bare minimum conditions either. That's why I try to accumulate enough money to sustain a rather civilized that has limited connection with the society. I think of going offline too.

>> No.52511472

well, the point is to get you out of the hole first, because when you are in the hole nothing makes sense, i know the joy is momentary, but sometimes all you need is a little push to be back into the light again and your mind can start to think clearly

>> No.52512218

OP, nihilism has plagued me since I was able to ask "why?".

The times when my life was at its shittiest, that's when I was the most motivated, for obvious reasons. After labouring on construction sites, I now have an easy work from home job and a comfortable enough life. I could coast forever. But coasting does not make you happy, deep down.

We have conscious thought, and unconscious systems that regulate our happiness. On an intellectual level we know money, women, whatever, won't make us happy. But on a physical level, those things still do something. You can't run from nature.

You need challenge in your life. What you probably want is someone to grab you and instill some purpose in you. The same as the plot of so many films; bored guy gets gifted an adventure. Unfortunately that kind of thing doesn't happen in real life. You have to challenge yourself. For all his flack, Jordan Peterson is right and has studied this for decades and anyone dismissing his central tenet probably needs to clean their room.

>> No.52512226

seems like you need god

>> No.52512554
File: 133 KB, 1653x949, Salvation message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lord Jesus Christ is all that can keep a man going, everyone else is pretending.

>John 4:14 KJV
14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

>1 John 2:17 KJV
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

>> No.52512593

>when europe got a jewish god they went into a ten century long lockdown
yeah definitely what he needs shitskins

>> No.52512800

That was really boring, that movie. I saw it in the cinema.

>> No.52513088

I was similar to you about 10 years ago. Then I got a wife and a newborn son just recently, and I've never had more drive and happiness in my life (especially when I catch up on sleep). If I told my 10-year-ago self what my life is right now, he would tell me to fuck off.

You would be surprised what good things life might have in store for you.

>> No.52514452

Kill yourself. Waste of space with zero humor. Rope please

>> No.52514751

>I've lost my will to live
>Just gonna get a quick 3 mil and retire
>Maybe even travel on the weekends ;)

You sound 19

>> No.52514779

You just described 90% of us here, except the GF part
I’m trying to find meaning in it all too
Good luck anon

>> No.52514787

It was all I had but honestly oh well easy come easy go.

>> No.52514822

To succeed in spite of what I've been through, and to rub it in anyone's face who doubted me. I succeeded. Anything more is cherries on top.
I take what I want and pursue my desires relentlessly. Come hell or high water, if I want it, I'll find a way to get it.