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52504151 No.52504151 [Reply] [Original]

having Eric Schmidt as an advisor? This is one of the richest well connected men in the world. Why isnt Sergey on CNBC like yesterday talking about how he has a solution to what just happened. Link POR should be shoved down peoples throats right now.

Bloomberg Tv channel has a dedicated weekly crypto show. Never once have I seen Link even mentioned. They had the guy from freakin DYDX on this week. Their market cap is 280Million and they get more exposure.

Then you look at regular finance shows, they’ll switch over to look at tickers on crypto briefly…BTC, ETH, and…fucking Solana is their third.

Whats the point of having Schmidt if youre not going to use him? And im not talking about a small handful of articles on CL today blog or decrypt, or Sergey making a blogpost of buzz words that maybe 189 people click the like button on. Im talking mainstream exposure.

>> No.52504165


>> No.52504246

I agree so much they need to fire Sergey, demote Adelyn again, then fire her, then fire the rest of the team and get some real marketers to really market the product cause their marketing is so terrible

>> No.52504293

The funny thing is that if you'd had Justin Zhu or Charles Hodkinson or even Richard Heart as CEO of Chainlink itd be sitting at $50bn market cap right now.

Sergey needs to go.

>> No.52504351

Agreed they need to fire Sergey and replace him with Charles Hoskinson. It’s the only way link can truly survive going forward. Then they need to get rid of Ari and replace him with someone more technical, like Richard Heart

>> No.52504398

This is a real concern they’re literally dropping the ball I’m not selling because at this point it would be dumb but get your fucking shit together you fat Russian faggot

>> No.52504427

Realistically we won't see any major price action for LINK until 2035

>> No.52504753

I attended SmartCon. Sergey looks weak, afraid of the world, and reluctant to go down traditional avenues to shill his product. CNBC and Bloomberg are obvious places to talk about Chainlink, but he continually settles for fucking Nasdaq "talks" and Cheddar news and shit. He's the biggest fucking retard, and an unhealthy one at that. Why the fuck is he 300 pounds? He can afford to eat sushi and cold pressed juices and he looks like a goyslop cow because he has no discipline or self control

>> No.52504796
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I remember a time when every developer wanted to work for google and their open source software was of high quality and met every quality metric you could think of. That was the time before Eric came and made a "business" out of the cash cow, suffocating the culture of technical excellence and replacing it with the soulless fight for influence / money present in every other company. I wouldn't want him to come into my favorite project, because he'll ruin it as well.

>> No.52504960
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since you like him so much, schmidt said this is the year to buy. i trust him too because he's a globalist insider giving advice to other globalists in this interview. so this is the year... to buy :)

>> No.52504967
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negative IQ concern trolling niggers get off my board
Without Sergey chainlink would be a shambles. Marketing is not his job btw. Those projects where the CEO spends all his time marketing are scams. But it's true that they need to replace adelyn with a high powered motherfucker who will shove chainlink down everyone's throats

>> No.52505006

imagine unironically trusting and defending an morbidly obese autistic russian grifter for free

>> No.52505029

Chainlink will never make it. Shitty code

>> No.52505050

Token not needed

>> No.52505053

Sergey not needed

>> No.52505054

Literally, literally, literally

>> No.52505143

>Bloomberg Tv channel has a dedicated weekly crypto show. Never once have I seen Link even mentioned. They had the guy from freakin DYDX on this week. Their market cap is 280Million and they get more exposure.

Why do you think they haven't brought in the CEO of the most adopted middleware tech in the industry, hmm anon?

>> No.52505242

>muh hiding strategy

>> No.52505295

Because it was a top 10 worst performer in the bullrun?

>> No.52505344

it would be fine if sergey stopped spewing buzzwords to the same old content, his slides are well known at this point

>> No.52505903

Because the network isn't ready. Simple as. Use this time to accumulate. You don't want a blow off top like ETH with its $1400 - $90, sustainable growth with metrics to back up the valuation. Otherwise you'd have to sell and rebuy and that's gay

>> No.52506101

Sergey is a griter piece of shit who will never talk about the price despite his trash token falling from rank 5 to rank 23

>> No.52506258

>Hmm, it must be that bulgarian conspiracy right?

Pathetic jfc

>> No.52506268

>muh network isn't ready
>says everything will be ready 11 months ago

>> No.52506285

Yet link had a huge blow off top in 2020 august and again in 2021 lmao. Stop fucking coping

>> No.52506619

imagine thinking that your bait posts on 4chinz will get sergey to break securities laws
if I was paying you for these posts I would ask for a refund

>> No.52506655

bro Schmidt is there to learn, his allegiances lie with the money printer. He is not your friend. And also you're a faggot linkie.

>> No.52506716

I dont know, care to enlighten me?

>> No.52506751

Yes I would actually love a blowoff top like that. I think mostly everyone who wants to accumulate has already done so. I dont understand all of this hiding crap. What is the advantage of being under the radar at this point?

>> No.52506787

What? That whole comment was incoherent

>> No.52506998
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hmmm I wonder why

>> No.52507225

Cramer called ChainLink a scam the other day on his show kek and you think they are going to give Sergey airtime?

>> No.52508232
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>Why isn't chainlink doing more to make me rich?
>Why isn't chainlink shilling like x celebrity VC/Project?
>Why isn't chainlink getting the cart ahead of the horse?

>> No.52508683

I can't help that.

>> No.52509719

>have to sell and rebuy and that's gay
we probably have one last predictable pump and dump left with the next btc halving cycle moving the entire market, after that btc should probs not influence the whole market that bigly anymore
so that will be one massive opportunity to 5x your link stack if you play it correctly

there is the joke, the community can do it for him without risking sec intervention but instead biz decide to carpetbomb the fud on everything so now the token is tainted
i guess it was worth it to stop those 5 redditors from buying in

>> No.52509875
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>> No.52509919

>spoon feed me
ya nah cunt you had a long time

also a big mac just flew over my house

>> No.52510916

This is probably bait but...

Chainlink is not for plebs, not for retail. They don't need to do normie advertising

>> No.52510938

Are the jews afraid of based sergs?

Is that they are astroturfing with calls to replace him?

>> No.52511154

>they dont need a twitter account
>they dont need to shill to the next generation
>they dont need any marketing at all
chainlink will never cross the chasm with your attitude fudster kiddo

>> No.52511963

Um Chuddy...
It's about looking like it just sort of generically happened. It's a coin for insiders but.... paradoxically they have to make it public so it can be truly decentralised. No big finance firm is gonna buy some centralised supply shitcoin straight of the bad. I could copy pasta link DON but no one would trust me with the data.

They need years of transparency and transactions and some evidence that they were always there and public

>> No.52512350

I've never felt as bullish as when I first heard the serg and schmidt interview

>> No.52512444

Real organic thread fellas.

Infact it's so bad it can't even be ironic.

>> No.52512619

>year to buy
Yeh that leapt out at me too, when i saw it. He says it really confidently, too. Really knowingly. My spidey senses definitely went up then. I'm certtain he's talking about Chainlink, too. You only need to follow the clues. He emphasised it at Smartcon, too. I think we could be in for a very pleasant end to the year.

>> No.52512629


>> No.52512885

He’s talking about investing in startups, or buying tech stock. He’s not talking about crypto.