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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52499492 No.52499492 [Reply] [Original]

Boeing is going to interview me soon, how do I not fuck up so I can get some money? Only have a degree and no real experience btw

>> No.52499510

Just do well in the interview bro. What a dumbass question.

>> No.52499526

Don't worry too much, they're gonna email you later they want someone with more experience. I don't really understand why they even do the interview if it's already a foregone conclusion but it is what it is.

>> No.52499530

if youre diverse you should get hired. boeing only hires diverse people now

>> No.52499552

Yeah but how
>entry level
>needs experience
society is so fucking gay
white str8 male

>> No.52499570

judge you interviewer based on age and gender.
Male and over 45? bring up sports.
Male and millennial? bring up video games or mma (if he looks athletic)
male and zoomer? bring up tik tok and the gym

Females? older female: talk about the bachelor and bravo entertainment, tell her your gf watches it so she doesn't think you are gay.
millenial female? talk about social media and parties
zoomer female? talk about tik tok and parties.

>> No.52499582

actually, don't talk to the younger women about parties, that's too personal for a first conversation, just talk about celebrities appropriate to their age group.

>> No.52499596

Don't forget to ask them questions, like if you were actually interested by the company and the job. Like your interviewer's ass as much as possible.

>> No.52499608

this is good, also remember to breath and lightly chuckle when they tell a joke.

>> No.52499616

Tell them you’re from /biz/ and you have an IQ of 260.

>> No.52499626

Well you can forget all /pol/tard cope stuff for starters.

>> No.52499629

My good friend works there and says they have mandatory annual diversity training telling you that white people are evil. So enjoy that if you do get in.
>how do I not fuck up
What kind of position are you applying for? If it's for some kind of engineering then don't even worry about looking autistic because they fully expect that and won't hold it against you as long as you don't start denying the holocaust in front of them. If its for some roastie HR or marketing shit then just try to seem approachable and extroverted. Tell them you're a "people person." If you even have to ask I'm guessing that's not the case.

>> No.52499633

tell them it's 216 in case they are secretly luciferians running a cult.

>> No.52499647

If you're an engineer, Lockheed Martin or Raytheon or Northrop Grumman are much better companies to work for. Boeing doesn't seem to be winning any big defense contracts lately and defense is where all the money and growth is. Interview with them by all means because it's good experience but keep your options open.

>> No.52499654

ask the interviewer if he's jewish and tell him you only code in base69. also tell him you refuse to use the bathroom with trannies.

>> No.52499676
File: 11 KB, 182x276, EFC407ED-7E84-44EC-BEC0-C86ABE0295D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them know you own HBAR.

>> No.52499694

>and defense is where all the money and growth is.
Yeah and all those bastards are doing is working on building the most efficient and powerful AI slaughter machine to kill off all the humans.
Everyone working in defense is a CU CK because the meta of warfare right now is to create "autonomous networked killing machines".
You CU CKS are building the fucking skynet terminators that are gonna fucking kill you and everyone else.
I could understand transhumanism and cyborg super soldiers because at least you're making you're OWN DAMN SPECIES stronger, but you are LITERALLY creating a NEW FORM OF LIFE DESIGNED TO BE SUPERIOR TO YOURSELF IN EVERY WAY.


>> No.52499697

>What kind of position are you applying for?
Entry level industrial engineer
>don't even worry about looking autistic because they fully expect that and won't hold it against you as long as you don't start denying the holocaust in front of them
fuck bros I'm not making it

Boeing is close to home, though. I want to make some money without being a rentoid if possible

Why would an HBAR holder be looking for employment?

>> No.52499737

>Boeing is close to home, though
That's cool. Take the job, get the experience and then start looking for greener pastures if need be. Once you get a few years experience under your belt finding a new and better job is much easier. Boeing seems to have much shakier financials than the other big defense contractors so you want to have a backup plan in case of layoffs.

>> No.52499758

Money is all I care about. If somebody is going to be paid for developing Skynet it might as well be me.

>> No.52499760

>you want to have a backup plan in case of layoffs.

The back up plan is to take the experience and fuck off if they don't want to keep me, then apply for a better job since I have exp under my belt.

>> No.52499771

>Boeing is going to interview me soon, how do I not fuck up so I can get some money? Only have a degree and no real experience btw

emphasize whatever team projects you had in school and how you helped the team dynamics

t. retired engineer

>> No.52499773

can i buy this as a motivational poster? i've love to replace those stupid ones we have around the office, especially the golf one in the conference room

>> No.52499774

The sheer stupidity of that statement is as profound as it is impressive.

>> No.52499776

i have literally never worked a single day in my life

>> No.52499836

That's smart anon. Good luck.

>> No.52499933

Don’t listen to this advice OP. Just be calm cool and collected and demonstrate/showcase skills when applicable.

>> No.52500206

Never put all your hopes in one company, that's a recipe for depression, you should have 100s of applications out in the ether right now.
>Boeing is close to home, though. I want to make some money without being a rentoid if possible
Sure it would be nice but you'll probably have to move eventually anyways if you want to advance in your career.

>> No.52500349

if they hire you get ready for a shit show. I quit after working there for over a decade. Decent pay but nothing else is going for them, they will be wiped out commercially by their own failed policies, but their defense contracts could be bailed out indefinitely.

>> No.52500374

All you defense industry engineers should fucking boycott working on AI autonomous weapon systems. If you have any fucking survival instinct that extends beyond finding where your next meal comes from.

Israel already deployed slaughter bots in combat. Fuck me, we're only a few years away.

>> No.52500530

This is unironically good advice. I've only been in two interviews in my life but passed both, because I brought up subjects that me and the interviewer both were interested in (I didn't do this deliberately, though) and talked my way into the job.

Thing is, people are not rational. If you happen to have a mutual interest, the interviewer will feel that you're a part of them. If you manage to soften them, you have a good shot.

Also, advice number 2: be on a lookout for power dynamics. Don't act like a wagie who's looking for a saviour. Talk with the interviewer like equals, turn the tables and make slight pressures on the interviewer. Don't confuse this with arrogance, though.

>> No.52500553

Tell them you're gay

>> No.52501024

You definitely have to tailor your interview responses. Most big corp interviews these days are multi-level, not just the hiring manager. Typically you have to interview with:
1) hr person
2) manager and possibly his manager
3) team lead
4) tech lead (sometimes same as team lead but not always)
5) senior coworkers
After the interviews are done they get together and decide if the person is a good fit or not. Sometimes you have come back for another round of interviews if they're undecided.