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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52499122 No.52499122 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52499164
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>> No.52499202
File: 119 KB, 1080x1449, Screenshot_2021-02-13-16-18-36-208_com.wallet.crypto.trustapp~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down to 20k now kek
I'll make it back, eventually...

>> No.52499207

around 200k now its 20k

>> No.52499215

like 150k

>> No.52499257

300k now $80.50

>> No.52499359

I too was obliterated by GRT lmao. My stack was at one point worth $135k now it's $5k.

>> No.52499366

230k in March of this year. 130k today. Was down to 80k in June.

>> No.52499415

So not only is it a fake balance, but you downloaded someone else's image. Do better OP.

>> No.52499472


>> No.52499515

$1.3 million down to $400k within the span of 12 months. That hurts to write.

>> No.52499601

That’s nothing I’m at $2.8M ATH, now $245k. Thanks Sergey I owe you, in minecraft

>> No.52499671

Dont underestimate the power of love and positive thoughts. LINK will be $1000 in 2023. Kiss kiss

>> No.52499685

If I had reached $2.8 mil a year ago, I very likely would've converted to stables and staked it all on Celsius before they went bankrupt. Be thankful you still have your LINK.

>> No.52499766

I’ve been hearing that shit since 2017

I do feel lucky in that sense

>> No.52499829

>create dog coin
>1,000,000,000,000,000 supply
>add liquidity to uniswap 1:1 USD ratio
>do 1 trade
And viuola, you're now the world's first quadrillionaire

>> No.52499832

now it's 390k

being overweight in energy, and owning no crypto, saved me
i don't think the oil run is over, but i did take some profits, and plan on this being a long term dividend play

>> No.52499895
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2.5 million

Down to 800k.

Started with 50k.

>> No.52499918

Wouldn't it be awesome to do that and make a coin reach #1 on coingecko?
All you need is to own all the supply and waste some money on trades on a dex.

>> No.52499943

Almost the same. Started with exactly 50k. I would have 10x what I have today if I wasn't a retard.

>> No.52500001

Sometimes coins like that have broken coingecko and CMC. Now they seem to have better filters for shitcoins with low liq.

>> No.52500084
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I regret not cashing out 1m to pay off the house and have some cash on hand. But I also know my retarded ass would probably have staked UST for that sweet 8% interest and lose it all.

>> No.52500085
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>> No.52500137

Hindsight is 20/20.
I cashed out just enough to survive through the bear market.
But it looks like I might have underestimated the magnitude and duration of it.

>> No.52500170
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Agree of both of those statements.

Luckily, between my wife and I, we make about 300k. So fingers crossed we'll be alright.

“If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob, But if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it.”

>> No.52500181
File: 195 KB, 1242x902, D83BC6CF-E63B-4D3C-BEBB-245690AE86B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

450k to 140k€ right now. I had sell orders set up that I would end up with exactly 500k. Now I’m miserable and fear falling out of six figures again. I’m accumulating but still feel fucking terrible, my hopium for the future is basically gone.

>> No.52500190
File: 118 KB, 1291x1800, Screenshot_20221115_193835_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you holding?

Mine is pic related

>> No.52500212

You'll be alright, just be frugal.
Nice quote, first time I hear it.

>> No.52500263

Got my first kid on the way, so expenses are about to pop.

Quote is from Dave chappelle from last week's SNL monolog.

>> No.52500273

Roughly 90% btc 10% xmr. I prefer slow and steady, no risky bets, I tend to get burned.

I would have bought some Matic but I only understood its value recently. How long have you been all in? and why?

>> No.52500344

ATH crypto portfolio was around 6mil
Now it’s about 2mil

Total net worth was about 8mil
Now about 4mil

>> No.52500350
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I understand.
I'm the opposite. I've always been a high risk individual.

Got into matic very early on. I saw the value of Eth and when I learned about their scaling issues and saw their transactions fees, I knew that wasn't sustainable. I started looking into later 2 and saw matic had some of the industry giants as backers, figured they had access to information I didn't and it was a good risk to take.

>> No.52500503

Good job on your pick.
I just had a look at Router and it looks like it's also backed by major players and their voyager app is very polished. I'm curious to know what you have in the Others category.

>> No.52500620

ROUTE I think will be a 100x

The others I'm holding is GRT and some shitcoins.

>> No.52501346

if i had anybody's money on crypto (even stables) as the anons here, I'd cash out a good size
survival bias ain't a good badge to carry, this can go south pretty fast and take a loooong time to recover
all the people im seeing who are in buy the dip mode now are 2019 cryplets (who want their gains back) and grifter tier
buy back on the way up DCA is for redards

>> No.52501437


>> No.52501833

~300k around Nov 2021
gone way downhill since that point to around 60-80k (would have to factor out what I mined/bought). still up massively compared to what I invested in terms of USD.

That amount wouldn't have made a significant difference in my life at the time. Only major purchase I want to make is a home soon.tm, and I've been waiting on a market collapse in this area for years now. Don't want to spend $600k on a dilapidated shack just to not live in the ghetto. This would have gotten me more on the way there, but didn't want to liquidate everything and pay assloads in tax. I've taken profits along the way to cover some of the initial cash investments, but now I've slowly been buying the dips in the current market again. Have been hoarding cash during massive inflation (seems stupid financially but don't trust current markets for brokerage shit), waiting to put a downpayment on a home only for it to quickly lose money to inflation. Am also increasingly being priced out of this area despite salary increases/constant savings due to the interest rates increasing on loans and home prices not declining at all. assume something has to give at some point.